
Configuration for Wikipedia edit

Open a text file. (Notepad.txt is a text file editor)

Save the text file as, in the pywikipedia/families folder, with all of the other .py files.

Add the following lines to

Code Explanation
mylang = 'xx'

xx is the code for the language code you are working on, "en" is English.[1]

usernames['wikipedia']['en'] = u'ExampleBot'[2]

Your file needs to specify the bot's username.

In this example, the user is working on English Wikipedia, and has created a bot account with the username "ExampleBot".


usernames['wikipedia']['de'] = u'BeispielBot'
usernames['wikipedia']['en'] = u'ExampleBot'
usernames['wiktionary']['de'] = u'BeispielBot'


If you are working on more than one wikipedia project, you can also add several other usernames.

Now save again.

Configuration for other MediaWiki wikis edit

Open a text file. (Notepad.txt is a text file editor)

Save the text file as, in the pywikipedia/families folder, with all of the other .py files.

Add the following three required lines to

Code Explanation
mylang = 'xx'

xx is the code for the language code you are working on, "en" is English.[1]

family = 'sitename'

"Sitename" is the name of the site you're working on.

Currently, this can be wiktionary, wikibooks, wikiquote, as well as some non-Wikimedia projects like wikitravel (the full list is found in the pywikipedia/families folder).

usernames['memoryalpha']['en'] = u'ExampleBot'

Your file needs to specify the bot's username.

For example, if you want to work on the English Memory Alpha, and you have created a bot account with username "ExampleBot".

(For Wikimedia Commons only)


(For Wikimedia Commons only)

If you work on Wikimedia Commons, specify commons both as language and as family.

Now save again.

If your wiki is not listed in the families folder, create your own families .py file, see Pywikipedia bot on non-Wikimedia projects.

  1. a b If you want to work with more than one language, choose the most common one, as you can override configured value in command line by -lang parameter.
  2. The 'u' in front of the username stands for Unicode. The 'u' is important if your username contains non-ASCII characters. If you are using ASCII characters only, you can remove the 'u' (if you have troubles loging in with your bot, otherwise you can leave the 'u' as is).