Age fabrication is a common thing in Film & Music Industry. But I am shocked to see people changing the ages of actress & singers. If the actressess, actors or singers or other celebrities wanna fake their own ages then it's alright, but almost everyone can change their ages. Some people are increasing/decreasing the date of their age. I saw a young actress around 20 year old with her age given 30, I mean, can't you figure out that a girl in her early 20's (20-24) & a woman in her early 30's has many differences in their face & skin? Early 20's are young & Early 30's are young too, but 20's are more younger & has many differences, girls & boys in their twenties have younger looking skin compared to people in their thirties. And, Yeah, some actress & actors are overweight & overweight people looks older & underweight people looks younger to some people *eye roll* but can't people figure out by someone's skin & face what is their actual age???????????


I am a gen z (1997-2012) born person btw.


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