Personal infos


I am a project manager leading a small startup company building a web-based musical label named Plemi (
I live in Paris and like any ordinary french guy, my english is ugly.



I am running a small private wiki ( devoted to project management, document sharing and collaborative purposes.

My pages




For my personal use, I had to tweak the mediawiki 1.6.3 parser class to allow :

  1. template arguments handling INSIDE extensions.
  2. a better parsing behaviour with nested extensions.

You can find the code (not very elegant but it is working) and the documentation of these small hacks on this page :

Hello, do you planned to port this hack for mediawiki 1.7.1 (a lot of change into strip(), Parser.parse has changed, php5 ...). Thx --Ctof 10:35, 4 August 2006 (UTC)
Yes I planned to port the hack. It shoud be done within a month. RG 12:08, 23 September 2006 (UTC)



Hello Mr.Guilrom, I am running a little wiki in my company and I need to do think which you did on your wiki as I read I have installed mediawiki 1.82 and upgraded it to 1.9 version. I would be really glad to run templates inside the extension tags. I tried to hack my parser as you described but I still get errors when I try to run wiki with hacked parser. I think problem could be that in my parser.php is written that it is parser version 1.6.1 . And you described how to hack parser version 1.6.3...Even if I copy whole parser.php code from disccusion I get errors. Do you really have parser version 1.6.3? What are my options to make my templates run inside extensions ???Is it possible to simply replace the parser.php with another parser or should I first upgrade my parser to 1.6.3 and then hack it or how?Thanks a lot for your help.I really appreciate it. My parser code you can see on this link
Julox 13:47, 18 January 2007 (UTC)



(coming soon)