This user plays the movies with VLC
This user organises the agenda around Thunderbird
This user encrypts electronic communications with a GPG key
This user browses the web with Firefox
This user keeps data on the cloud with Nextcloud
This user chats using Pidgin
This user manage the library with Calibre
This user prefers LibreOffice as office suit
Prefered filetypes
This user listen to music in FLAC format
This user reads books in EPUB format
This user share files through BitTorrent
This user reads blog entries through a RSS feed
This user prefers Open Document Format for Office Applications
This user prefers SVG files for the graphics he makes
This user take pictures in JPEG format
This user trusts the mirrorless lenses
This user is not ashamed by taking pictures with a Smartphone
This user took and upload pictures taken with a Redmi Note device
This user took and upload pictures taken with a Yuphoria device
This user took and upload pictures taken with a Sensation XE device
This user took and upload pictures taken with an Arc_S device
This user uploads pictures using digiKam
This user enjoys ImageMagic on the command line
This user runs Ubuntu on the personal computer
This user enjoys a GNOME desktop environement
This user runs LineageOS on mobile
This user runs OpenWrt on the router
This user runs Rockbox on his portable media player
This user runs Kodi on the home theater
This user boots Tails when privacy is needed
This user boots Kali to perform test and audits
This user expects to find a firmware like Magic Lantern for the Lumix device
Loved Projects
This user only trusts the F-Droid free open source app repository
This user contributes with OpenStreetMap
This user contributes with MusicBrainz
This user contributes with OpenLibrary

This user has a page on Wikimedia Commons.

This user has a page on the English Wikipedia.

This user has a page on the English Wiktionary.

This user has a page on the English Wikivoyage.

This user has a page on the English Wikiquote.

This user HODL on a Bitcoin wallet
This user knows those are to many Userboxes

Territories visited:



Underground / Metropolitan / Subway trains used to commute:



Railways networks rode:
