Joined 1 March 2014
Anjali Sharma
B.Tech Undergraduate, Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad - India
while(true) { Eat; Sleep; Conquer; };}
About me
I am an Information Technology undergraduate and creativity is my niche. Thus creating a perfect amalgam of creativity with technology is my aim. As a Wikidata contributor, I strive to enrich its documentation and social media presence to be more interesting and user-friendly for the existing contributors as well as to attract newbies to render their quality contribution to the project.
My work
I am an OPW aspirant and Wikidata Contributor. 'WIKIDATA OUTREACH' is my project for the Round 8 of the Outreach Program for Women under the mentorship of Lydia Pintscher.
Contact me
You can contact me at