Green Construction

What is green construction?

First, let us clarify just what it is not. It does not harm our environment. It does not destroy our oceans. It does not drain our supply

of fossil fuels. It does not destroy our ozone layer. It does not cause global warming. It will not melt our

ice caps in the North and South Poles and drown our major costal cities.

It does not create the green house effect. It does not make our summers so hot that we can not live.

Then, there is what it is. It is environmentally freindly. It recycles...water, electricity, plants. It protects our animals.

Green may cost more initially, but in the long run, it saves money.

In the realm of just what is not green...

Coal run plants are not green. The carbon monoxide released from the smoke from these plants destroys our ozone layer and

makes it hard for us and our animal friends to breath.

Gasoline run vehicles are not green...too much carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide released from their tail pipes.

Nor are deisel run vehicles.

Hummers are not green. Nor are SUV's.

All oil based products are not green.

Plastic is not green. It fills up our land fills and is not biodegradeable.

Tar covered flat roofs in our cities are not green. They absorb too much heat from the Sun and ruin their surroundings.

Tar, itself, is certainly not green.

Nuclear plants are not green. They produce an enormous amount of toxic waste which has a half life of hundreds

of thousands of years, and are harmful to all life forms.

Destruction of our rain forests is not green. This includes the making of unrecycled paper and pine for building purposes.

Over fishing in our oceans is not green.

In the realm of what is green...

Wind power is green.

Solar power is green.

Nichola Tesla's research was green.

Rooftop gardens are green.

Aluminum roofing is green.

Recycling is green.

New fuel research for our vehicles' energy is green.

Hydrogen propelled energy is green. (Nuclear energy is uranium based.)

Bio-deisel is half-way green.

Bamboo is green. It is wonderful for construction. It makes a beautiful alternitive to hardwood floors,

and grows like a weed, so there is no danger of destroying it.

Green means a planet on which we, homo sapiens, can live.