Global Group
(list of members)
- Be treated as an automated process (bot)
- Use higher limits in API queries (apihighlimits)
- Not affected by CAPTCHAS (skipcaptcha)
(list of members)
- Quickly rollback the edits of the last user who edited a particular page (rollback)
- Mark rolled-back edits as bot edits (markbotedits)
- Not be affected by rate limits (noratelimit)
- Edit semi-protected pages (autoconfirmed)
- Allows moving a page without automatically creating a redirect (suppressredirect)
- Not affected by CAPTCHAS (skipcaptcha)
- Move pages (move)
(list of members)
- Search deleted pages (browsearchive)
- View deleted history entries, without their associated text (deletedhistory)
- Check user's IP addresses and other information (checkuser)
- View the checkuser log (checkuser-log)
(list of members)
- Use higher limits in API queries (apihighlimits)
- Edit semi-protected pages (autoconfirmed)
- Have one's own edits automatically marked as patrolled (autopatrol)
- Administrate global accounts (centralauth-admin)
- Edit the user interface (editinterface)
- Make global blocks (globalblock)
- Disable global blocks locally (globalblock-whitelist)
- Remove global blocks (globalunblock)
- Add unified users to global groups (globalgroupmembership)
- Change global group permissions (globalgrouppermissions)
- Import pages from other wikis (import)
- Import pages from a file upload (importupload)
- Bypass IP blocks, auto-blocks and range blocks (ipblock-exempt)
- Make users into Administrators or Bureaucrats (makesysop)
- Not be affected by rate limits (noratelimit)
- Override the title blacklist (tboverride)
- Upload files (upload)
- Edit all user rights (userrights)
- View a previously hidden revision (oversight)
- View the checkuser log (checkuser-log)
(list of members)
- Edit semi-protected pages (autoconfirmed)
- Have one's own edits automatically marked as patrolled (autopatrol)
- allows deletion of pages with larger than limit revisions
- Search deleted pages (browsearchive)
- Delete pages (delete)
- Import pages from other wikis (import)
- Import pages from a file upload (importupload)
- Edit the user interface (editinterface)
- Move pages (move)
- Not be affected by rate limits (noratelimit)
- Change protection levels and edit protected pages (protect)
- Purge the site cache for a page without confirmation (purge)
- View a list of unwatched pages (unwatchedpages)
- Upload a file from a URL address (upload_by_url)
- Check user's IP addresses and other information (checkuser)
- View the checkuser log (checkuser-log)
- Review and restore revisions hidden from Administrators (hiderevision)
- View a previously hidden revision (oversight)
- Mass delete pages (nuke)
- Undelete a page (undelete)
- View deleted history entries, without their associated text (deletedhistory)
System administrators
(list of members)
- Edit all user rights (userrights)
- Administrate global accounts (centralauth-admin)
- Change global group permissions (globalgrouppermissions)
- Add unified users to global groups (globalgroupmembership)