Dear Users,

my nickname is based on a former job occupation within the microalgae biotechnology business over several years, where I got insight into to many pros and cons of microalgae cultivation an application issues. After leaving that field of technology I still follow the development and try to give honest value to public information.

Today, I work for an association that can be called "lobby" by a special point of view. Honestly, we promote gas technology, as the public opinion is mainly driven to an all-electric energy supply in the future. But it has proven by several studies (Most important study for Germany: DENA 2018:, that a multivalent energy supply system of the future will be the most cost efficient and sustainable one. Hence, we promote CHPs, co- and trigeneration technologies, gas heat pumps, fuel cells and last but not least the content switch in the gas pipelines from natural gas to green gasses (from biomass and renewable electricity via PtG-Technology).

The association, which I currently work for, is the ASUE [1], which is also the author and owner of the pictures, that I integrate into related articles. Our general copyright policy is that everybody is allowed to copy, share and print the files.