User: Mahima Agarwal
Name Mahima Agarwal
Occupation Student, Tech Enthusiast, Outreachy Intern
Education B.Tech in Information Technology and Mathematical Innovations
Institution Cluster Innovation Centre, University of Delhi
Interests AI, Machine Learning, Data Science, Data Visualization
LinkedIn agarwalmahima01
Github mahi01agarwal
Twitter Mahima_Agarwal_
BlogPosts agarwalmahima01

About Me


Hello, I’m Mahima, a curious mind and tech enthusiast currently on my B.Tech journey in Information Technology and Mathematical Innovations at the Cluster Innovation Centre, University of Delhi, India. My passion? Diving deep into the mesmerizing worlds of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Data Science.

What Excites Me


Let me share what truly excites me: I’m deeply passionate about machine learning and deep learning. These fields are where data transforms into intelligent systems and actionable insights. Imagine training a neural network to recognize patterns or diving into advanced algorithms that predict outcomes with impressive accuracy. That’s my kind of adventure!

One concept that recently sparked my interest, thanks to Isaac Johnson, is the tradeoff between Stability and Staleness in Machine Learning models. This delicate balance fascinates me as it underscores the dynamic nature of ML models in adapting to new data while retaining their reliability over time. Understanding and navigating this tradeoff is crucial for developing robust and effective models that can thrive in real-world applications.

Exploring these technologies excites me and keeps me learning and innovating. I’m eager to bring this passion to my Outreachy project!


  • B.Tech in Information Technology and Mathematical Innovations | (2022-2026)
Cluster Innovation Centre, University of Delhi, India

Current Projects

  • Outreachy Internship (Summer 2024)
Working with Wikimedia Foundation to build a data visualization tool for the evolution of Wikipedia articles maintained by WikiProjects.
  • Mentors: Pablo Aragón, Isaac Johnson, and Caroline Myrick


  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Machine Learning
  • Data Science
  • Data Visualization

Blog Posts


Connect with Me


Fun Facts

  • AI Enthusiast: I'm always on the lookout for the latest trends and breakthroughs in AI and ML.
  • Data Detective: I enjoy uncovering hidden patterns and insights in data.

Goals and Aspirations


As I continue my academic and professional journey, my goal is to contribute significantly to the fields of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science. I aspire to leverage my skills and knowledge to solve real-world problems and make a positive impact through technology.