Our latest iteration of #1Lib1Ref runs 15 May to 5 June. Building on the lessons from the January edition, several global communities have committed to participate in this microcontribution campaign to add just one citation to Wikimedia projects. We are also undertaking work to improve the Hashtags tool to better support initiatives like this. The Dashboard is open once again for tracking of contributions, with the addition of an organizer's how-to guide on the use of the tool.
- Merrilee (共同委員長)
- Orlysi (書記)
- Fredericknoronha (SNS/広報)
- Sic19 (共同委員長)
- Clifford Anderson (提携委員会の連絡員)
- Kaizenify (SNS/広報)
- Windblown29
- Csisc
- Aliaretiree (書記)
ウィキペディア図書館チームより、立候補された皆さんに選挙期間中のご対応に感謝申し上げます。また新運営委員会の発足を心より歓迎します。委員会はすでに2回 – 4月と5月に各1回ずつ – 招集され開催しました。現在、前職から引き継いだ戦略目標について行動計画の策定中です。
- The call for submissions has been opened for Wikimania 2019 in Sweden. This year there will be a Libraries space at Wikimania and you are invited to submit a session for the space. Some examples of what you could submit on are:
- How Wikimedia projects can be used as a tool in teaching about information and media literacy.
- How Wikidata may serve as part of the bibliographic infrastructure.
- How Wikimedia Commons is used in conjunction with digital collections.
- Using Wikidata to support scholarly communications.
- The importance and role of WikiCite in library networks.
- Strategies to transfer knowledge of working with libraries between various Wikimedia communities and vice-versa.
- Resource Exchange page was set up at the Indic Wikimedia Portal. It was created as a result of discussions held at The Wikipedia Library Conference (TWLCon), a Wikipedia Library-related mini-conference held to convene librarians and Wikimedians to discuss the way forward on connecting the two worlds. It's obvious that Libraries and Wikipedia have a shared purpose, which is to point people to accurate and reliable information.
- The 1lib1ref 2019 January report was published a couple of weeks back. It attempts to describe the level of work that ensued from the campaign and highlights some activities and lessons that stood out during the campaign. Did we miss any lessons? There is still a chance to collect information about what you learnt from your community via this feedback form.
Bytes まとめ
- (英語) How Wikimedia is using machine learning to spot missing citations
- (英語) ARL White Paper on Wikidata
- (英語) Beyond the battle for open access
- (フランス語) Créer des archives communes pour Notre-Dame de Paris sur Wikimedia
- (英語) A Wild Plan to Crowdsource the Fight Against Misinformation
- (英語) The Most Influential Medical Journals According to Wikipedia