Personas o grupos de 4 individuos como máximo. Consulta otras opciones de financiamiento.
Dispuestos a proporcionar su nombre legal completo y dirección. Consultar más reglas del programa.
Capacidad de completar el proyecto de forma independiente.
Scoped to 6 months, with potential to renew for 6 more if need is shown.
Petición máxima USD 30,000. Ningún mínimo.
Aimed at improving one or more of Wikimedia's existing websites. Creating a new wiki instead?
Technical projects should be completed independently.
Any code or other materials produced must be published and released as free and open-source.
Content-creation is not directly funded.
We select proposals based on the following criteria:
Impact potential - Does it fit with Wikimedia's strategic priorities? Does it have potential for online impact? Can it be sustained, scaled, or adapted elsewhere after the grant ends?
Innovation and learning - Does it take an innovative approach to solving a key problem for the Wikimedia movement? Is the potential impact greater than the risks? Can we measure success?
Ability to execute - Can the scope be accomplished in 6 months? How realistic/efficient is the budget? Do the participants have the necessary skills/experience?
Community engagement - Does it have a specific target community within the Wikimedia movement, and plan to engage it often? Does it have community support? Does it support diversity?
The total amount of funding available - annually approved by the WMF Board.