Template:Fundraising 2010
Fundraising 2010 | ||
Message, Testing & Strategy | ||
Get Involved | ||
Communications & Announcements | ||
| ||
Navbox for the Wikimedia Fundraising 2010. Can be left aligned with {{Fundraising 2010|left}}
or {{Fundraising 2010|align=left}}
- To translate
- Copy the following and paste it at "Template:Fundraising 2010/code", then translate the words to the right of “
”, with the exception of “lang = qqq
” (replaceqqq
with language code).
{{Fundraising 2010
|lang = qqq
|title = Fundraising 2010
|intro = Introduction
|testing = Message, Testing & Strategy
|updates = Updates
|testbanner = Banner testing
|bannerstats = Live Banner Stats
|getinvolved = Get Involved
|appeal = Write an Appeal
|graphic = Design Graphic Banners
|messages = Suggest & discuss proposed Banners
|socialmedia = Social Media
|committee-join = Join the Committees
|data-informed = Data informed conclusions
|landingpages = Donation Landing pages
|research = Research
|announce = Communications & Announcements
|blog = Blog posts
|emails = Emails
|staff = Community Giving Staff
|fc-meetings = Meeting logs
|admin = Admin & Operations
|techtest = Checklists
|testsced = Test schedule
|openissues = Open technical issues
|stat = Raw statistics
|survey = Survey of Donors (August 2010)
|wmf-comments = Donor comments feed
|wmf-fundstat = FundraiserStatistics
|wmf-contribstat = ContributionStatistics
|wmf-contribtrackstat = ContributionTrackingStatistics
<!-- currently unused -->
|GoogleFaceBook = Google and Facebook ad plan
|mailinglist = Mailing list
|committee = Fundraising committee
|tech = Tech and Operations
|wmf-wiki = Live donation pages (WMFwiki)
|wmf-support = Main donation landing page (en)
|testimonials = Select Donor Quotes
<!-- links; only change if the source exists -->
|intro-url = Fundraising_2010
|sofar-url = Fundraising_2010/What_we've_learned_so_far
|testbanner-url = Fundraising 2010/Banner testing
|GoogleFaceBook-url = Fundraising 2010/Google and Facebook ad plan
|socialmedia-url = Fundraising 2010/Social Media
|research-url = Fundraising 2010/Research
|messages-url = Fundraising 2010/Messages
|sofar-url = Fundraising 2010/What we've learned so far
|data-informed-url = Fundraising_2010/Data_driven_conclusions
|landingpages-url = Fundraising 2010/Landing pages
|testimonials-url = Fundraising 2010/Messages/Testimonials from donation log (edited)
|committee-url = Fundraising 2010/Committee
|fc-meetings-url = Fundraising 2010/Committee/Meetings
|mailinglist-url = Mailing lists/Fundraising
|survey-url = Fundraising 2010/Survey
|techtest-url = Fundraising 2010/Tech testing
|testsced-url = Fundraising 2010/Test schedule
|openissues-url = Fundraising 2010/Open issues
|wmf-support-url = wmf:Support Wikipedia/en
|wmf-comments-url = wmf:Special:ContributionHistory/en
|wmf-fundstat-url = wmf:Special:FundraiserStatistics
|wmf-contribstat-url = wmf:Special:ContributionStatistics
|wmf-contribtrackstat-url = wmf:Special:ContributionTrackingStatistics
<!-- if you want to localise your template -->
|thisbox = This box
|view = view
|talk = talk
|edit = edit