Tell us about French Wikipedia

This page belongs to the project Tell us about your Wikipedia.





Other Wikipedias

  • Do you have special contacts with another Wikipedias (maybe in related languages)?
  • Do you translate a lot from other Wikipedias? Which ones?
    Kind of, mostly from the Wikipedia in English language, but also German, Italian, Spanish, and so on and so forth. Totodu74 (talk) 20:02, 22 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Organization and support

  • Is there a Wikimedia chapter in your country? How does your language relate to it?
    Yes : Wikimedia France, Wikimedia CH (not only French language), Wikimedia Canada (not only French language), Wikimedia Belgium (not only French language). There is also Wikimedia TN (User Group). Jules78120 (talk) 18:09, 22 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]
  • Are there work groups in other organizations about Wikipedia?

Your Wikipedia and the linguistic community

  • Is there a language institution for your language, like an Academy, or a club of people interested in your language? Do you have contact with them?
    There are several institution for the French language. France Académie Française, Quebec Office Québécois de la langue française are the main ones (and do not always agree on spelling conventions, word usage, borrowings, etc.) Skimel (talk) 22:18, 24 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]
  • Who (else) supports you?
  • How looks your public outreach for your edition? Do you have flyers, give lectures, trainings etc.?
  • Do you get feedback from readers?
  • What other encyclopedias exist in your language?
    Vikidia (for children), Encyclopedia Universalis, Larousse, Hachette, Encarta... Skimel (talk) 22:18, 24 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]


  • Does your edition concentrates on certain topics, like your region and language, or Latin Wikipedia on Roman history and Christianity?
    The articles cover a vast array of topics and isn't limited to any. However, there are far more geography article on French/Belgian/Swiss/Canadian cities and places than, say, on African ones. Skimel (talk) 22:26, 24 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]
  • Did your edition enjoy text donations, for example from older encyclopedias?



See also
