上個 | 2018年第19個禮拜(2018年5月7號禮拜一) | 下個 |
- The Wikimedia Commons mobile app has a new version. It is now easier to find nearby places that need pictures. It helps you with direct uploads and title and category suggestions. The app only works on Android phones. [1]
The abuse filters had a problem with blocks where you had changed how long they last. It used the default length everywhere. This was in late April. Abuse filter users should make sure the right block length is used and change them if needed. This is only for filters where how long blocks last had been changed. [2]
- The advanced search function beta feature will be available on all Wikimedia wikis. It makes it easier to use some of the special search functions that most editors don't know exist. [3]
你可以參加下一個同編輯組一齊嘅會議。會議入面,你可以話畀開發人員有咩臭蟲你覺得最緊要。會議會喺5月8號 18:30 (UTC)搞。請睇點樣參加。
你可以透過IRC參加技術建議會議。會議入面,自願幫手嘅開發人員可以請求技術相關嘅建議。會議會喺5月9號 15:00 (UTC)搞。請睇點樣參加。
All wikis with fewer than 100 high-priority linter errors in the main namespace will switch to use the Remex parsing library. This is to replace Tidy. It will happen on 16 May. Other wikis will switch soon when they have fixed the errors that must be fixed. Tidy will be removed on all wikis before July 2018. [4][5]