Tech-uutiset on yhteenveto viimeaikaisista teknisistä muutoksista, jotka todennäköisesti koskettavat sinua ja muita wiki-käyttäjiä. Tilaa, osallistu ja anna palautetta.
edellinen | 2016, viikko 10 (maanantai 07 maaliskuu 2016) | seuraava |
Wikimedia-yhteisön uusimmat tech-uutiset. Toivomme sinun jakavan tietoa näistä muutoksista yhteisössäsi. Uutiset on käännetty toisille kielille.
Tuoreet muutokset
- Files on Wikimedia Commons can now be 2 GB big. The old limit was 1 GB. [1]
- Welcome notifications now have a different symbol. English Wikipedia already had this one. [2]
- The Wikimedia memory cache servers in the Eqiad cluster have now been upgraded to Debian 8 (Jessie). Some users might have had to log in again because of this. [3]
- It is now easier to categorize images uploaded to Wikimedia Commons in the Commons Android app. [4]
Bare attributes in tags now parse according to the HTML5 specifications.
<pages from= to= section=1>
will parse as<pages from="to=" section="1">
instead of<pages from="" to="" section="1">
as it used to. Please use<pages from="" to="" section=1>
or<pages section=1>
instead. This is mostly likely to affect pages on Wikisource projects. [5]
- Phabricator has been a bit unstable lately. This should be fixed now. [6]
- The PageView API shows wrong data between 23 February and 29 February for pages with special characters in their title. [7]
- The parsing change mentioned above caused a large number of pages to break, especially on Wikisource. [8]
- You may see falsely formatted edit links on both mobile and desktop devices. Mobile devices can also show incorrect formatted table of contents. This should be fixed soon. [9]
- Templates using TemplateData that were edited with the visual editor might have some problems in wikitext mode. This can be fixed by editing and saving the page by using the visual editor without making any changes. [10]
Muutokset tällä viikolla
- Cross-wiki notifications will be enabled as a beta feature on all wikis on 10 March. You will be able to get notifications when something happens on another Wikimedia wiki. [11]
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 8 March. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 9 March. It will be on all wikis from 10 March (calendar).
- Wikivoyages will get the Kartographer extension. Kartographer will allow
tags in an article to insert an interactive map and overlay it with different markers. You can add ideas and suggestions to the Maps talk page. If you find any bugs, you can report them in Phabricator. [12]
Voit osallistua seuraavaan tapaamiseen VisualEditor-tiimin kanssa. Tapaamisten aikana voit kertoa kehittäjille tärkeistä ongelmista. Tapaaminen on 8. maaliskuuta klo 20.00 (UTC). Katso miten voit liittyä.
Tulevia muutoksia
- The buttons in interfaces will be simplified. Instead of white, red, green and blue buttons, in future there will only be white, red and blue ones. [13]
- The Wikimedia technical operations team plans to do some server work on 22 March. This could cause some problems, for example make it possible to read but not edit the Wikimedia wikis for a short period of time. The date for this might change. [14]
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