Tamazight Wikimedia User Group/Gestion/Reports/Report 2022/2023

A Collaborative Vision Unfolds: Ahmed Houamel and Aziz Chetara Discuss Future Activities on LinguaLibre and Wikimedia Commons for Tamazight Projects (13 November)


On a crisp November day, Ahmed Houamel and Aziz Chetara, two dedicated members of the Tamazight-speaking community, gathered in a cozy café to discuss the exciting future activities centered around LinguaLibre and Wikimedia Commons. The air was charged with anticipation as they delved into the possibilities that lay ahead for their shared passion for preserving the Tamazight language and culture.

As they sipped on steaming cups of tea, Ahmed and Aziz began mapping out their plans for LinguaLibre, a platform dedicated to recording and collecting spoken words in various languages, including Tamazight. They envisioned a comprehensive repository that not only documented the nuances of the Tamazight language but also provided a resource for learners and researchers interested in its rich linguistic heritage.

The duo's conversation flowed seamlessly from one idea to the next, exploring ways to enhance the user experience on LinguaLibre for contributors from the Tamazight-speaking regions. They discussed the importance of engaging the community in the project, envisioning workshops and outreach initiatives to encourage more locals to contribute their voices to the platform.

The discussion then shifted to Wikimedia Commons, a platform that hosts freely usable media files, including images, sounds, and videos. Ahmed and Aziz were enthusiastic about leveraging Wikimedia Commons to showcase the diverse cultural aspects of Tamazight-speaking communities. They envisioned a collection of high-quality images, audio recordings, and videos that would serve as a visual and auditory testament to the richness of Tamazight heritage.

Ahmed, an advocate for digital accessibility, proposed incorporating subtitles and metadata in Tamazight to enhance the discoverability and inclusivity of the content. Aziz, with his background in cultural preservation, emphasized the need to collaborate with local artists, storytellers, and historians to ensure a holistic representation of Tamazight culture on Wikimedia Commons.

The duo was not just outlining plans; they were laying the groundwork for a transformative collaboration that would empower their community. They discussed timelines, resource allocation, and the possibility of seeking support from like-minded organizations and stakeholders to turn their vision into reality.

As the afternoon sun began to cast a warm glow over the café, Ahmed and Aziz concluded their meeting with a sense of purpose and excitement. They exchanged a firm handshake, knowing that the future activities they had discussed would contribute significantly to the preservation and promotion of Tamazight language and culture on a global scale.

Little did they know that their collaborative vision would serve as a catalyst, inspiring others in the Tamazight-speaking community to join the cause. LinguaLibre and Wikimedia Commons were about to become powerful tools in the hands of passionate individuals like Ahmed and Aziz, driving forward the mission of preserving and celebrating the linguistic and cultural diversity of Tamazight-speaking regions.

Celebrating Wikidata's Birthday: A Vibrant Gathering by the Wikimedians of Tamazight User Group


In a quaint town nestled in the heart of Tamazight-speaking regions, members of the Wikimedians of Tamazight User Group eagerly prepared for a celebration that would mark a significant milestone in the world of open knowledge - the birthday of Wikidata. The air was filled with excitement as volunteers, editors, and enthusiasts from diverse backgrounds gathered to commemorate the invaluable contributions of this collaborative platform.

The venue, adorned with banners and posters highlighting Wikidata's achievements over the years, buzzed with energy. The atmosphere reflected the group's passion for preserving and sharing the rich cultural heritage of Tamazight-speaking communities through the Wikimedia projects. The celebration aimed not only to recognize the importance of Wikidata but also to strengthen the bonds within the community.

As the event kicked off, attendees were greeted by a warm welcome from the organizing committee. The agenda promised a mix of engaging activities, insightful discussions, and of course, a hearty celebration of Wikidata's achievements.

The morning began with a series of informative workshops led by experienced Wikimedians, guiding participants through the intricacies of Wikidata editing. Beginners and seasoned editors alike had the opportunity to enhance their skills, fostering a sense of collaboration and knowledge-sharing among the community members.

A highlight of the celebration was a panel discussion featuring experts in the fields of open data, cultural preservation, and linguistic diversity. The speakers shared their experiences leveraging Wikidata to document and showcase the linguistic and cultural nuances of Tamazight-speaking communities. The discussions inspired attendees to explore new ways of contributing to Wikidata and promoting their unique heritage on a global scale.

No birthday celebration is complete without a cake, and Wikidata's birthday was no exception. A beautifully crafted cake, adorned with Wikidata symbols and Tamazight motifs, took center stage as attendees gathered for a joyful moment of singing and cheering. The cake cutting ceremony symbolized the unity and collective effort that defines the Wikimedians of Tamazight User Group.

Throughout the day, participants were encouraged to contribute to a Wikidata "birthday gift" – a collaborative effort to improve and expand Wikidata entries related to Tamazight culture, history, and language. The group's commitment to enriching the global knowledge base while preserving their cultural identity was evident in the enthusiastic participation of all attendees.

As the sun set on the celebration, participants exchanged stories, laughter, and contact information. The Wikimedians of Tamazight User Group had not only celebrated Wikidata's birthday but had also strengthened their community bonds, laying the foundation for future collaborations and shared achievements.

The celebration concluded with a sense of accomplishment and a commitment to continuing the journey of knowledge dissemination and cultural preservation through Wikidata and other Wikimedia projects. The Wikimedians of Tamazight User Group had indeed made the Wikidata birthday a memorable and impactful event, leaving a lasting impression on the global Wikimedia community.

Bridging Gaps: Online Workshop Registration Sparks Excitement in the Tamazight Community


In the digital realm of Tamazight enthusiasts, a pivotal date, January 27, 2023, marked the initiation of a series of online activities aimed at fostering knowledge and engagement within the community. The focal point of the day was the announcement of an upcoming online workshop on the subject of training for the Wikimedia project, specifically focusing on the topic of the Gender Gap (GAP).

The Tamazight community organizers, passionate about closing the knowledge divide and enhancing representation on Wikimedia, strategically chose Facebook and Twitter as their platforms for spreading the word. As the clock struck midnight, a post on the community's Facebook page and a flurry of tweets on their Twitter handle echoed the call to action, inviting enthusiasts to register for the workshop.

The posts, adorned with vibrant Tamazight motifs and engaging visuals, detailed the significance of addressing the Gender Gap within the Wikimedia project. The organizers emphasized the importance of diverse voices contributing to the platform and the need to bridge the existing gaps in content related to gender on Wikimedia.

The heart of the announcement was an invitation for interested participants to register for the online workshop. The registration process was designed to be inclusive, accommodating individuals with varied levels of experience with Wikimedia projects. Interested participants were encouraged to express their intent by sending an email to the provided address, signaling the beginning of a journey toward a more inclusive and representative Wikimedia community.

As the announcement gained traction on social media, the Tamazight community witnessed a surge in engagement. Enthusiasts shared the posts, tagging friends, fellow editors, and community leaders, creating a ripple effect that extended the reach far beyond initial expectations.

The response was heartening; the email inbox dedicated to workshop registrations buzzed with activity. Emails poured in from individuals across Tamazight-speaking regions, each expressing a desire to contribute to Wikimedia projects and eager to partake in the upcoming training.

The organizers, thrilled by the community's enthusiastic response, began the process of curating a diverse participant list. The workshop, scheduled for the upcoming weeks, promised to be a dynamic space for learning, collaboration, and the collective effort to address the Gender Gap on Wikimedia.

As the digital landscape of the Tamazight community buzzed with anticipation, the organizers recognized that this online workshop had the potential to be a catalyst for positive change. The digital space, once fragmented, was now united in purpose, with individuals from diverse backgrounds converging to learn, share, and contribute to a more inclusive Wikimedia experience. The journey had just begun, and the Tamazight community eagerly awaited the transformative impact the workshop would bring.

Activity Training online Wikipedia

Collaborative Synergy: Tamazight Community Unites for Wikimedia Projects (Les Sans PagEs)

See Mois de la Francophonie-Tamazight 2023, Autrices tamazight

On January 29, 2023, a virtual meeting unfolded on Messenger, bringing together three passionate individuals from the Tamazight community: Ahmed Houamel, Aziz Chetara, and Ahmed Yahoui. The agenda was clear – to discuss and formulate an activity agreement that would pave the way for the development of author's articles on Wikipedia, Wikidata, and other Wikimedia projects in collaboration with "Les Sans PagEs," a dedicated group working to address gender gaps on Wikimedia.

As the virtual meeting commenced, Ahmed Houamel, known for his advocacy in digital accessibility, Aziz Chetara, a cultural preservation enthusiast, and Ahmed Yahoui, a committed Wikimedia contributor, gathered in the virtual space with a shared sense of purpose.

The trio delved into a robust discussion, outlining their vision for creating and expanding articles authored by Tamazight-speaking individuals. Their goal was not only to amplify representation on Wikimedia platforms but also to address the gender gaps by collaborating with "Les Sans PagEs," a group with a proven track record of advocating for gender equality in Wikimedia content.

The meeting kicked off with a review of potential themes and topics that could be explored in the articles. They identified key areas of focus, ranging from historical figures and cultural practices to contemporary contributions of Tamazight-speaking women. Each participant brought unique insights, ensuring a holistic and diverse representation of the community.

Collaboration was a central theme of the meeting. The trio discussed strategies for engaging with "Les Sans PagEs" members, exchanging ideas, and coordinating efforts to create a supportive and inclusive environment for contributors. Ahmed Yahoui proposed the idea of organizing joint online editing sessions, fostering real-time collaboration between Tamazight community members and "Les Sans PagEs."

As the meeting progressed, the participants outlined the logistics of their collaboration, including a timeline for article creation, a communication plan to keep the community informed, and strategies for overcoming potential challenges. They emphasized the importance of creating a sustainable model that could serve as a template for future collaborative endeavors.

By the end of the meeting, the trio had successfully drafted an activity agreement that outlined their shared vision, roles, and responsibilities. The agreement served as a formal commitment to embark on a journey of collaboration, content creation, and knowledge dissemination that would benefit both the Tamazight community and the broader Wikimedia ecosystem.

As the virtual meeting concluded, Ahmed Houamel, Aziz Chetara, and Ahmed Yahoui left with a renewed sense of purpose. The agreement they forged marked the beginning of a collaborative effort that held the potential to enrich Wikimedia projects with diverse, culturally significant content while addressing the gender gaps that persisted. The Tamazight community was now poised to make a meaningful impact on the global Wikimedia stage, thanks to the collaborative synergy ignited during this virtual meeting.

GLAM Tamazight Projects - "Save Languages, Words, and Cultures at Risk of Extinction


The GLAM Tamazight projects were initiated with the overarching goal of preserving endangered languages, words, and cultures within the Tamazight-speaking communities. This report outlines the inception, progress, and impact of the "Save Languages and Words Tamazight" project.

Project Initiation

The project commenced with a comprehensive assessment of endangered languages and cultures within the Tamazight-speaking regions. The team identified linguistic and cultural elements facing the risk of extinction, laying the groundwork for targeted preservation efforts.

  • Documentation of Endangered Words: The primary objective was to create a repository documenting endangered words and phrases within the Tamazight language, ensuring their digital preservation for future generations.
  • Cultural Heritage Conservation: Beyond language, the project aimed to document and safeguard cultural practices, traditions, and artifacts unique to Tamazight-speaking communities.
  • Engagement with GLAM Institutions: Collaborative efforts with Galleries, Libraries, Archives, and *Museums (GLAM) were initiated to leverage their resources, expertise, and infrastructure for more effective preservation.

The project was executed in phases, with a focus on inclusivity and community engagement.

  1. Community Workshops: Workshops were organized to educate community members about the importance of preserving their linguistic and cultural heritage. Participants were trained on documentation techniques and the use of digital tools for effective preservation.
  2. Collaboration with GLAM Institutions: Partnerships were established with local GLAM institutions, allowing for access to archival resources, expertise in conservation, and avenues for broader dissemination of preserved materials.
  3. Creation of Digital Archives: A digital platform was developed to serve as a repository for linguistic and cultural materials. This platform allowed for easy access, searchability, and contribution by community members.

Challenges and Future Steps:

  1. Technological Accessibility: Addressing the digital divide within the community remains a challenge. Future steps involve implementing strategies to ensure equitable access to digital preservation tools and resources.
  2. Sustainability: Long-term sustainability is crucial. Efforts are being made to establish partnerships with educational institutions and governmental bodies to secure ongoing support for the project.
  3. Expansion of GLAM Collaborations: Strengthening collaborations with GLAM institutions will be a continued focus to maximize the impact of preservation efforts.

WikiForHumanRight2023 Campaign Tamazight




The WikiForHumanRights2023 Campaign Tamazight was a collaborative effort aimed at enhancing awareness and documentation of human rights-related content within the Tamazight-speaking communities. This report provides an overview of the campaign, its participants, and contributions.

Campaign Overview


The WikiForHumanRights2023 Campaign Tamazight was conducted in tandem with the Maghreb Environment campaign, fostering a comprehensive approach to addressing human rights issues specific to the Tamazight-speaking regions, including Tachlehit, Shawiya, Kabyle, Derja, among others.

Campaign Duration


The campaign took place over a period of four weeks, from February 15, 2023, to March 15, 2023.


  • Content Creation:** The primary goal was to create and improve articles related to human rights in the Tamazight language, highlighting local perspectives and issues.
  • Community Participation:** Encourage active participation from the Tamazight-speaking community, fostering a sense of ownership in the documentation of human rights topics.
  • Integration with WikiMaghrebEnvironment:** Align campaign efforts with the broader Maghreb Environment campaign for synergistic impact.

Participation and Contributions

  • Active Editors:** The campaign witnessed active participation from a diverse group of editors proficient in Tamazight, including Tachlehit, Shawiya, Kabyle, Derja, and others.
  • Article Creation and Expansion:** Contributors engaged in the creation of new articles addressing human rights topics specific to the Tamazight-speaking regions. Existing articles were also expanded and improved for greater depth and coverage.
  • Multilingual Collaboration:** Editors collaborated across various Tamazight dialects, showcasing the linguistic diversity within the campaign.

Integration with WikiMaghrebEnvironment


Participation in the WikiForHumanRights2023 Campaign Tamazight was seamlessly integrated with the overarching Maghreb Environment campaign. The collaborative effort ensured that human rights issues were woven into the broader environmental context, creating a more holistic representation of regional challenges and initiatives.

Achievements and Impact

  • Enriched Content:** A significant number of articles related to human rights in Tamazight were created or improved, contributing to a more comprehensive understanding of local perspectives on human rights issues.
  • Community Engagement:** The campaign successfully engaged Tamazight-speaking editors and community members, fostering a sense of collaboration and shared responsibility in addressing human rights topics.
  • Cross-Dialect Collaboration:** Collaboration across various Tamazight dialects strengthened the campaign's impact, reflecting the diverse linguistic landscape of the Tamazight-speaking regions.



The WikiForHumanRights2023 Campaign Tamazight, as part of the broader Maghreb Environment campaign, has made substantial strides in documenting and promoting human rights issues within Tamazight-speaking communities. The collaborative efforts of the participants have contributed to a more nuanced and localized representation of human rights on Wikimedia platforms.

For more information on the campaign and its outcomes, please visit the Campaing WikiMaghrebEnvironment.

This report serves as a testament to the commitment of the Tamazight-speaking community in advocating for human rights and enriching the Wikimedia ecosystem with culturally relevant content.

Presentation on Tamazight on Wikimedia Projects by Ahmed Houamel at Wikimania 2023 in Singapore


More information Here: Presentation Tamazight on Wikimedia projects

At the Wikimania 2023 conference in Singapore, Ahmed Houamel delivered a compelling presentation focusing on the inclusion and development of Tamazight content within Wikimedia projects. Ahmed, a prominent advocate for digital accessibility and cultural preservation, shared insights into the challenges and successes of integrating Tamazight, a Berber language, into the Wikimedia ecosystem.

The presentation began with an overview of the linguistic and cultural diversity of Tamazight-speaking communities, emphasizing the need for representation on global platforms. Ahmed highlighted the efforts to enrich Wikimedia projects, including Wikipedia and Wikidata, with Tamazight content to ensure a more inclusive and comprehensive representation of the Tamazight language and culture.

He discussed the collaborative initiatives undertaken by the Tamazight community, engaging contributors proficient in various Tamazight dialects. Ahmed emphasized the importance of linguistic diversity and the preservation of endangered languages, illustrating how Wikimedia projects serve as invaluable tools for documenting and sharing this cultural wealth.

The presentation delved into specific projects and strategies employed to bridge the digital divide and encourage active participation within the Tamazight community. Ahmed shared success stories, challenges faced, and outlined future goals for expanding the presence of Tamazight across Wikimedia projects.

Attendees were provided with practical insights into implementing multilingual and multicultural approaches to content creation, demonstrating the transformative impact of these efforts on the global Wikimedia community. Ahmed's presentation served as a catalyst for discussions on the broader theme of linguistic diversity within the Wikimedia movement.

Overall, Ahmed's presentation at Wikimania 2023 was an inspiring call to action, urging the Wikimedia community to embrace and celebrate linguistic diversity, with Tamazight serving as a notable example of how collaboration and advocacy can shape the representation of languages and cultures on a global scale.

Zinou Yahoui's Presentation on Tamazight in Wikimedia Projects on Algerian Television


Zinou Yahoui delivered an enlightening presentation on the integration of Tamazight in Wikimedia projects during an appearance on Algerian television. The presentation, rich with insights, focused on the significance of elevating Tamazight representation within the Wikimedia ecosystem.

Zinou began by highlighting the cultural and linguistic diversity of Tamazight-speaking communities, emphasizing the need for broader recognition on prominent digital platforms. The presentation aimed to shed light on the ongoing efforts to contribute and expand Tamazight content across Wikimedia projects, such as Wikipedia and Wikidata.

The speaker detailed collaborative initiatives and strategies employed to encourage participation within the Tamazight community. Zinou underscored the role of Wikimedia projects in preserving and promoting the Tamazight language, offering a unique glimpse into the community's commitment to digital accessibility and cultural preservation.

Throughout the presentation, practical examples were shared to illustrate the impact of integrating Tamazight into Wikimedia projects. Zinou discussed the challenges faced and the successes achieved, providing viewers with valuable insights into the intricacies of contributing to a global platform while preserving the authenticity of Tamazight language and culture.

The presentation on Algerian television served as a platform to raise awareness about the Tamazight language and its representation within the Wikimedia community. Zinou's articulate delivery and engaging content sparked interest and discussions on the importance of linguistic diversity, cultural heritage, and the role of Wikimedia projects in amplifying underrepresented languages.

In essence, Zinou Yahoui's presentation on Tamazight in Wikimedia projects showcased the ongoing commitment of the Tamazight-speaking community to contribute meaningfully to the global knowledge-sharing landscape, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation for linguistic and cultural diversity.