Talk:Fundraising 2008/core messages/mt
Latest comment: 16 years ago by Joelemaltais in topic Changes to core messages
Changes to core messages
editWhile thanking chrisportelli for the translation of core messages, all in all a very good first stab, some phrases might not be idiomatic or denote the wrong meaning.
edit2) bla profitt means has no profit which is not what is meant here. As a quick fix I changed to proġett mhux għall-profitt. I guess more idiomatic would be:
- Il-Wikipedija huwa proġett li ma jsirx għall-profitt/qligħ. but I'll leave this open to discussion before changing
3) Il-Wikipedija tiddependi minn fuq id-donazzjonijiet tiegħek: jekk jogħġbok aħsibha illum.
edit40). Il-Fondazzjoni Wikimedia hi appoġġjata minn ħolqa ta' dsatax-il assoċjazzjoni ta' voluntiera madwar id-dinja.
- ħolqa: even metaphorically, ħolqa would not mean Network I'm not really sure about the right word either however.
Thank you page
edit- 115. Għandek podcast jew programm tar-radju online/offline? Niżżel l-avviż awdjo tagħna biex tagħmel is-sapport tiegħek bħala testimonjanza
- Poddata is being uses quite often on the internet - should we adopt it here?