September 2023 - around April 2024
Goals of ESEAP Preparatory Council (EPC) & Gaps, and possible timeline
- Tasks and Timeline brainstorming by EPC:
- A- Need to review and refine the Theory of Change document. Also needs Community consultation and feedback.
- B- Need some time to discuss the draft plan, and whether we should put forward either a plan for 1 year (then review), or a longer-term plan.
- C- Review prior outcomes of the IHC before it was dissolved, to determine what else we should decide on, or identify gaps to work on.
- D- Need some days to ask local communities to organize consensus meetings.
- E- Clearly define our ESEAP Hub position (i.e. who we are) in relation with WMF and ESEAP affiliates/communities (e.g. workflow; authority level; intermediary function, etc.)
- F- Taking care (nurture) of the non/under-represented ESEAP communities (especially those without affiliation).
- G- Synchronize local outreach events (especially ESEAP Summit 2024) with ESEAP Hub, so that both sides are always in coordination.
- H- Define the full role of the future ESEAP Hub Committee (in which most of the roles should already be run by the ESEAP Preparatory Committee by now - on a "trial" basis).
- I- Clearly define the criteria of Wikimedia Community (non-affiliate), so that dispute during the Wikimania 2023 (ESEAP Summit) election shall never happen again.
- J- Decide where (and how) to have an ESEAP Hub office in any ESEAP Hub country (e.g. can co-share office space if the office is in a country which has a chapter, e.g. WMID (Indonesia) office in Jakarta or WMTW (Taiwan) office in Taipei)
- K- To be the Center of role model for affiliates and communities within ESEAP region (e.g. center of rules/regulation pertaining WMF outreach movement, be the role model, be the center for help to ESEAP affiliates & community, be the nurturing/incubator center for ESEAP affiliates and community to grow (e.g. community to user group, user group to chapter, cross-country/affiliate/community collaboration)
- L- Create different EPC working committees for the outstanding tasks as an easier way to finish things.
- M- Define what a Community or [c]ommunity is: a recognized Wikimedia project; an organized geography-based community of contributors, or any organized Wikimedia group without duplication.
- N- Clarify the limitations of ESEAP Hub in terms of engagement with the stakeholders (Affiliates, c/Communities and individuals).
- O- Conduct a visioning process for ESEAP on what it aims to achieve by 2030
- P- Research data or documents of other hubs as references for decision-making
- Q- Consolidate our bargaining position: between our ESEAP stakeholders and WMF. (Do we have a differentiating purpose for being, or are we just functioning as a facilitator and communications hub for affiliates and organized communities to work with each other?)
- R- We also need to decide to prioritise language translation, for use in our communication channel other than in the English language, especially for non-bilingual countries.
- S- A visual representation of R&R (draft)
- T- Trial period for the final draft
- U- Define our ESEAP Hub persona (i.e. who we are, what we do, to whom we do this for, why we do it, how we do it, where to find us.)
- Working Groups
- G1- Identity working group (Document review & ESEAP history/past challenges): Robert, Belinda
- A- Need to review and refine the Theory of Change document. Also needs Community consultation and feedback.
- C- Review prior outcomes of the IHC before it was dissolved, to determine what else we should decide on, or identify gaps to work on.
- M- Define what a Community or [c]ommunity is: a recognized Wikimedia project; an organized geography-based community of contributors, or any organized Wikimedia group without duplication.
- U- Define our ESEAP Hub persona (i.e. who we are, what we do, to whom we do this for, why we do it, how we do it, where to find us.)
- G2- Stakeholder Mapping working group: Vanj, Athikhun, Johnny
- I- Clearly define the criteria of Wikimedia Community (non-affiliate), so that dispute during the Wikimania 2023 (ESEAP Summit) election shall never happen again.
- J- Decide where (and how) to have an ESEAP Hub office in any ESEAP Hub country (e.g. can co-share office space if the office is in a country which has a chapter, e.g. WMID (Indonesia) office in Jakarta or WMTW (Taiwan) office in Taipei)
- N- Clarify the limitations of ESEAP Hub in terms of engagement with the stakeholders (Affiliates, c/Communities and individuals).
- O- Conduct a visioning process for ESEAP on what it aims to achieve by 2030
- Q- Consolidate our bargaining position: between our ESEAP stakeholders and WMF. (Do we have a differentiating purpose for being, or are we just functioning as a facilitator and communications hub for affiliates and organized communities to work with each other?)
- G3- Research on regional hub & collaboration cases working group: Irvin, Reke
- D- Need some days to ask local communities to organize consensus meetings.
- E- Clearly define our ESEAP Hub position (i.e. who we are) in relation with WMF and ESEAP affiliates/communities (e.g. workflow; authority level; intermediary function, etc.)
- F- Taking care (nurture) of the non/under-represented ESEAP communities (especially those without affiliation).
- G- Synchronize local outreach events (especially ESEAP Summit 2024) with ESEAP Hub, so that both sides are always in coordination.
- H- Define the full role of the future ESEAP Hub Committee (in which most of the roles should already be run by the ESEAP Preparatory Committee by now - on a "trial" basis).
- K- To be the Center of role model for affiliates and communities within ESEAP region (e.g. center of rules/regulation pertaining WMF outreach movement, be the role model, be the center for help to ESEAP affiliates & community, be the nurturing/incubator center for ESEAP affiliates and community to grow (e.g. community to user group, user group to chapter, cross-country/affiliate/community collaboration)
- P- Research data or documents of other hubs as references for decision-making
- G4- Support group to the 2024 ESEAP Conference host: Dody, Agus, Robert
- B- Need some time to discuss the draft plan, and whether we should put forward either a plan for 1 year (then review), or a longer-term plan.
- L- Create different EPC working committees for the outstanding tasks as an easier way to finish things.
- R- We also need to decide to prioritise language translation, for use in our communication channel other than in the English language, especially for non-bilingual countries.
- S- A visual representation of R&R (draft)