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Hi! This is where you can help build the Wikipedia store at cafepress.com (and the stores for other Wikimedia projects). See also Wikimedia merchandise, and the overview merchandise page in Wikipedia: Wikipedia:Merchandise.

Add your suggestions to the discussion page.

Store Sections


Right now, the store has a few different sections:

Items displaying the Wikipedia logo.

There's a lot of stuff in this section; the most popular item is the Wikipedia Globe Shirt (choice of colors).

Images combined with text from Wikipedia. By those so inclined, the tagline can be thought of as needling Apple.

Cool/tongue-in-cheek designs.

Colorful shirts to give you that mysterious international flair.

Logo gear for Wikinews, Wiktionary, Wikibooks, and Wikimedia itself.

Older Discussion


There are a few ideas at Fundraising ideas/Cafe Press