Stewards/Elections 2024/Statements/Melos


The 2024 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted.

This candidate signed the confidentiality agreement for nonpublic information.
Please note that the full page with votes can be found at Stewards/Elections 2024/Votes/Melos.
  • Languages: it, en-3, scn-4, es-1, la-1
  • Personal info: (English)
    Hi everyone! A couple of years ago I decided to serve the community as a steward until 2022 when I chose to resign due to RL. Having solved my real life problems I resumed my global activity gradually and finally, as a global sysop, following crosswiki and LTA vandals. My enthusiasm is the same as it always was and I hope the community will support me as a steward. Melos (talk)
  • Questions: See Stewards/Elections 2024/Questions#Melos