Shared Knowledge/Projects/Edit-a-thons

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Edit-a-thons (Macedonian: Уредувачки маратони) are a project of Shared Knowledge and the Macedonian Wikipedia community that aims to help create new and improve existing content on various general topics that are insufficiently covered the Macedonian Wikipedia. The participants are active editors on the wiki, members of the organisations and any other interested editors. Listed below are certain parameters that are intended to help in the work. The implementation of the project has started in December 2014.

Chronological list of edit-a-tons




Through 2014 one edit-a-ton was held on topic: Земји на Олимписките игри (Countries participants on the Olympic games)

Users writing articles
N Edit-a-ton Users
1. Земји на Олимписките игри Bjankuloski06, Виолетова, Ehrlich91, Инокентиј, Cibrev
Measure Description Edit-a-ton Result
Written articles total number of written articles on Wikipedia Countries participants on the Olympic games 15
Total 15
Inclusion of the community total number of different users included Total 5



Through 2015 two edit-a-tons were held on topic:

  1. Светско првенство во ракомет за мажи 2015 (Word cup in handball for men 2015);
  2. Астероиди (Asteroids).
N Edit-a-ton Users
1. Word cup in handball for men 2015 Ehrlich91, Инокентиј, Bjankuloski06, Kiril Simeonovski, Cibrev
2. Asteroids Bjankuloski06, Ehrlich91, Виолетова, Wikimk, Инокентиј, Kiril Simeonovski, Cibrev
Measure Description Edit-a-ton Result
Written articles total number of written articles on Wikipedia Word cup in handball for men 2015 12
Asteroids 87
Total 99
Improved articles total number of improved existing articles on Wikipedia Word cup in handball for men 2015 2
Asteroids 0
total 2
Inclusion of the community total number of different users included Total 7



Through 2016 four edit-a-tons were held on topic:

  1. Егејска Македонија (Aegean Macedonia).
  2. Архитектура (Architecture).
  3. Медицина (Medicine)
  4. Медицина (Medicine)
N Edit-a-ton Users
1. Aegean Macedonia Македонец, Ehrlich91, Bjankuloski06
2. Architecture Marija.ant, Ljubentrajanoski, MitevskaMonika, Teodora0396, Bdaskalov, Fil marh, PozzitIva, Anagrkovska, Ана Рафаиловска, Jana Brsakoska, PetkovskaD, Wikiarh9, Зерона, Pstamatovska, Dtodorchevska, MatejaNikolikj, Tmihajlovska, Iko Ilievski, Nadica90, Archiamundsens, Kolegula, Инана, Marija Pet, Kiril Simeonovski(М), Ehrlich91 (М), Bjankuloski06 (М), Petrovskyz(Ф)
3. Medicine MarijaTrajkovska, ViktorijaAtanasova, Sapkovm, Aleksandars96, Elena Vlasheva, Kamelija.janevska
4. Medicine MarijaTrajkovska, ViktorijaAtanasova, Sapkovm, Elena Vlasheva,
  • (М) — mentor
  • (Ф) — photographer
Measure Description Edit-a-ton Result
Written articles total number of written articles on Wikipedia Aegean Macedonia 12
Architecture 41
Medicine 8
Medicine 2
Total 63
Improved articles total number of improved existing articles on Wikipedia Aegean Macedonia 6
Architecture 8
Total 14
Inclusion of the community total number of different users included Total 34



Through 2017 four edit-a-tons were held on topic:

  1. Мајка Тереза ( Mother Theresa).
  2. Архитектура (Architecture).
  3. Бразил (Brazil).
  4. Психологија (Psychology).
N Edit-a-ton Users
1. Mother Theresa SnezhanaA, Костикј Драган, Cvetanka123, Andrianaj, Petrovskyz
2. Architecture Ehrlich91, Archiamundsens, Зерона, Bojan.axievski, Lris.t, Ноеми Чаусидис, Vericaslav, Kiril Simeonovski, АнаАцевска, Marija.ant
3. Brazil Иван Живковиќ, Kiril Simeonovski, Sandra 321, Ehrlich91, Македонец
4. Psychology Иван Живковиќ, ɑnnabelʎee, Kinkajlo, Daniela~mkwiki, Македонец, Мекица, Alokins996, IWonderr, Andrea~vlnv
Measure Description Edit-a-ton Result
Written articles total number of written articles on Wikipedia Mother Theresa 7
Architecture 21
Brazil 14
Psychology 13
Total 55
Improved articles total number of improved existing articles on Wikipedia Mother Theresa 3
Architecture 0
Brazil 2
Psychology 0
Total 5
Inclusion of the community total number of different users included Total 25



Through 2018 six edit-a-tons were held on topic:

  1. Велоград (Velocity).
  2. Архитектура (Architecture).
  3. Биологија (Biology).
  4. Деловно работење (Business).
  5. Психологија (Psychology).
  6. Полска (Poland).
N Edit-a-ton Users
1. Velocity Amanito, Sanjalichka, DafeTocak, Sandra 321,, Nikola Andonoski, IskraS, Borisristovski, Невенка С.,Darko Arsovski
2. Architecture Falcone011, Sansonsim, Vitanovska. A, Orhan94, Msteria, Marija.ant, Simona1111, ZfrZfrv, Tammbe, Зерона, Македонец, Ноеми Чаусидис
3. Biology Сузана Диневска, Krusevska, Vetrofix, Рашковска, Rafailovski, Cvetce91, Сара Цветаноска
4. Business Mimozastojanoska, MajaLj, Ivotrajcev, Sanja ani, Dijana90, Sokolovskaana
5. Psychology Andrea~vlnv, Daniela~mkwiki, Afije, Elena Lazareska, Настја, Moana246, VladimirMaksimovikj
6. Poland Natalia lukomska, Catherine2796, Histerykmelancholik, Daniel390023, DaliborStojanovski, Andrej Jovanchevski, Karikjtomi, Ilievski1987, Tomislav bogdanoski, Darebatmen

Measure Description Edit-a-ton Result
Written articles total number of written articles on Wikipedia Velocity 11
Architecture 35
Biology 13
Business 17
Psychology 19
Poland 21
Total 116
Improved articles total number of improved existing articles on Wikipedia Velocity 0
Architecture 12
Biology 1
Business 0
Psyhology 0
Poland 0
Total 13
Inclusion of the community total number of different users included Total 55