Roles of Wikimedia trustees

See the Wikimedia Board Manual for an updated discussion of the Board and different roles.

Please note that this is a draft and may not reflect the roles of the current trustees, nor the opinions of the trustees on what those roles should be.

Our wikimedia:bylaws mention a board composed of 5 members, with 4 specific jobs

What are the responsibilities of all individual trustees?


A text was written during the elections of 2007, to clarify the role of the board and the responsabilities of each trustee.

What is the job description of a board chair?


This description has not been approved by the board, but seems to fit the role. See bylaws for the official role of the chair.

  • Oversee board meetings
  • Work in partnership with the Executive Director to make sure board resolutions are carried out
  • Call special meetings if necessary
  • Work with the ED in preparing agenda for board meetings
  • Work with the ED in conducting new trustee orientation
  • Oversee searches for a new ED
  • Assist the Audit Committee
  • Coordinate ED's annual performance evaluation
  • Work with the board to recruit new trustees
  • Act as an alternate spokesperson for the organization
  • Periodically consult with trustees on their roles and help them assess their performance
  • Perform all duties as from time to time may be assigned by the board
  • Ensure trustees are informed of corporation activities

What is the job description of a board vice chair?

  • Understand the responsibilities of the board chair and be able to perform these duties in the chair's absence or unable to perform his duties
  • Carry out special assignments as requested by the board chair

What is the job description of a board secretary?

  • Maintain all board records and ensure their accuracy and safety
  • Review board minutes (which implies assisting to all board meeting)
  • Assume responsibilities of the chair in the absence of the board chair and vice chair
  • Ensure that all notices are duly given in accordance with the provisions of these Bylaws or as required by law;
  • Perform all duties of the office of the Executive Secretary and such other duties as may be assigned by the Chair or the Board of Trustees.

What is the job description of a board treasurer?


updated in May 2008'

Required duties include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Manage the Board's review of and action related to its financial responsibilities;
  • Work with the Executive Director to ensure appropriate financial controls and processes are in place;
  • Work with the Executive Director to ensure that appropriate financial reports are prepared and made available to the Board. Regularly review reports to board on key financial events, trends, concerns, and assessment of fiscal health;
  • Serve as Board liaison to the Chief Financial Officer; may work directly with other staff to develop and implement financial procedures and systems;
  • Review the annual budget that is presented to the balance of the Board for approval;
  • Review the annual audit and answer Trustees' questions about the audit;
  • Provide financial and operational advice and guidance to the Bard as required.
  • May serve on or chair the Audit Committee

See also Description of the Executive Director job