Prix parlementaire franco-allemand


The French and the German parliament are calling for applications for a french-german parliamentary award for two individuals (1 French citizen, 1 German), "whose work has contributed to a better understanding between those two countries". Organisations are not allowed to apply.

So the main questions are:

  • Do we have a French citizen who has contributed to the French wikipedia on German-related topics?
  • Do we have a German citizen who has contributed to the German Wikipedia on French-related topics?
  • Does this work meet the requirement of an improvement of mutual knowledge of both contries?

The award is 10.000 Euros each.

Requirements of the application:

  • 3 copies of the work which is subject of the application
  • 1 letter of application (1 page maximum)
  • 1 CV (2 pages maximum) and
  • 1 summary of the work which is subject to the application (3 pages maximum)






german applications


Deutsche Bewerber richten ihre Bewerbung bis zum 15. September 2004,12:00 Uhr (Datum des Poststempels) an: Deutscher Bundestag Wissenschaftliche Dienste Referat WD 1 - Geschichte, Zeitgeschichte und Politik - Platz der Republik 1,11011 Berlin. e-mail:

French applications


Les postulants français doivent adresser leur candidature à l’Assemblée nationale avant le 15 septembre 2004 à 12 heures, le cachet de la poste faisant foi.

Assemblée nationale Direction générale des affaires européennes et des relations internationales Secrétariat du prix parlementaire franco-allemand (Bureau 38456) 126, rue de l'Université 75355 Paris cedex 07 SP