PhilWiki Community/Board Meeting Minutes/2021/June 25

Minutes of the Board Meeting on June 25, 2021 - 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm Philippine Time

Board Meeting


Present: Ralff Nestor Nacor (President), Irvin Sto. Tomas (Treasurer), Fragata Gomez (Chair), Leah Banastao (Secretary) Absent: Steven Fung

Place: Virtual meeting via Google meet

Time: 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm Philippine Time


  1. Approval of Branch Policy
  2. Officers for a Branch
  3. Expansion of Board and/or Officers
  4. Wiki Editing contest for the members of the User Group



Approval of Branch Policy


Background: Before establishing the pioneer branches of the PhilWiki Community (PH-WC) User Group, a policy must be created, agreed, and approved by the Board Members. A policy containing set of rules, definitions, and requirements for a branch was crafted for a couple of weeks which is led by Irvin. Consultations with the prospective members of the presumptive branches in Metro Manila and the Bicol Region was done prior with the completion of the proposed policy.

Main point(s):

  • Irvin discussed the rationale behind the policy and the comments from the members in which he consulted.
  • Ralff told the board that he is likely to join the Manila branch.
  • Leah is looking to create a branch or a like in CBSUA. Thus, a thematic branch was also discussed aside from the ethno-linguistic side of a branch.
  • The board finally agreed that based on the current form of the policy — the pioneer branches will be that of Metro Manila and the Bicol Region, while the Main Office will be in Naga City.

Conclusion: All of the four (4) present board members voted for the approval of the branch policy.

Officers for a branch


Background: Ralff suggested for a discussion regarding the titles for the officers of a branch e.g. name, number of positions, responsibilities, etc.

Main point(s):

  • Irvin told the board that a local coordinator was already included in the branch policy. A given branch can decide the necessary roles and responsibilities for its own officers. A branch must suggest to the Board on what position they want to be created. Careful deliberations must be made before its approval.

Conclusion: After the establishment of the pioneer branches, consultations involving the Board and the branches will be done regarding this matter.

Expansion of Board and/or Officers


Background: With the increase in the membership of the User group, the Board need to discuss the possible expansion of Board and/or Officers.

Main point(s):

  • Cris suggested that we can increase up to 2-3 board members from the current five (5) board members.
  • Ralff suggested that we should try increasing the number of officers first before trying to increase the number of the board members.
  • Irvin told the Board that increasing the board members need to amend the By-Laws, while increasing the officers only needs the approval of the Board.

Conclusion: The Board finally agreed to increase the number of officers first, while increasing the board members will be discussed in future board meetings whenever necessary.

Wiki Editing contest for the members of the User Group


Background: Irvin proposed a Wiki Editing contest exclusive to the members of the PhilWiki Community to promote editing and camaraderie within the User group. The one with the most edit will be declared the winner.

Main point(s):

  • The mechanics of the internal contest will still be decided e.g. participating Wikimedia projects and the duration of the contest. However, it will most likely be within Philippine local Wikipedia projects and will be held on a monthly basis.
  • Ralff suggested to have Wiki trainings simultaneously with the contest.
  • Cris and Irvin initially discussed the physical form of the prizes.

Conclusion: The mechanics and prizes are still subject to consultation with the members and approval of the Board and Officers.

It was decided to end the meeting as it was already 10:00 pm.

Approved Resolution(s)
