Partnerships & Resource Development/Budget items for an edit-a-thon



During a workshop at the Wikimedia Conference 2016 in Berlin the participants were given two tasks:

  • Task 1: Create a list of opportunities.
  • Task 2: Create a budget for an edit-a-thon.

Around 30 people participated in the workshop.

This document summarize the conclusions around Task 2. For the material connected to Task 1, see here.

What the task looked like


(1) Theory: You will be late with your budget preparations; (2) In practice: Count the cost for typical events to save you time; (3) Task: Create a standard budget for an edit-a-thon; (4) Wrapping up: Present your budget for the group.

The outcome


Based on the suggestions gathered during Task 2 you should include the following items when you create a budget for an edit-a-thon (we suggest that you copy-paste it to your wiki and fill it out based on the costs in your country/region):

Standard budget for an edit-a-thon
Staff work time[1] Venue (including Wi-Fi)[2] Catering Travel & accommodation[3] PR & Merchandise Other[4]

The same type of preliminary budget can be created for other standardized costs as well.


  1. Hourly salary*hours (for preparations, execution and follow-up).
  2. This can often be sponsored by partners, but if you are not sure then include some funding for this just in case.
  3. If you want volunteers from other places to take part.
  4. Do you have an online contest in parallel that you need prices for? Do you need to buy some literature? Do you need buy/rent and bring some form of hardware such as laptops? Etc.