새로운 독자/발견/인도
인도 | |
인구: | 13억 |
인터넷 접속 속도: | 29.38% |
위키백과 월간 페이지뷰: | 5억 700만 |
연구 분야: | 첸나이 델리 |
연구 날짜: | 2016년 6월 13-24일 |
심층 조사 결과
패턴은 공유된 특성을 가지고 대화를 나눈 여러 사람들에게서 본 행동입니다. 우리가 본 패턴은 발견 항목으로 롤업되어 6개의 상위 수준 테마에 따라 정렬되었습니다. 일부 발견은 여러 위치에서 관찰되었으며 다른 발견은 언급된 대로 한 위치에서만 관찰되었습니다.
주제: 정보 탐색
발견: 사람들은 뉴스와 실행 가능한 정보를 먼저 찾고, 상황은 그 다음으로 찾습니다.
일상생활에서 사람들은 시사 문제를 파악하거나 즉각적인 업무에 도움을 주기 위해 적극적으로 정보를 찾습니다. 대체로 위키백과가 뛰어난 유형을 포함하여 참조 정보를 검색하는 것은 뉴스 또는 작업 중심 정보 검색의 부산물입니다. 즉, 사람들은 그 자체의 목적이 아니라 시사 문제의 맥락을 파악하거나 즉각적인 업무를 수행하는 데 도움이 되는 참조 정보를 찾습니다.
- (인도와 나이지리아) 이벤트 기반 보도는 1) 아날로그, 인적 네트워크를 통해 더 잘 전달되고 2) 점점 더 많은 사람이 정보를 얻고 있는 디지털 소셜 네트워크를 통해 더 잘 전달됩니다.
- (인도와 나이지리아) 사람들은 정보를 찾을 때 탐색 지향적이기보다는 과제 지향적입니다. 대부분의 경우, 그들은 생각하는 방식을 발전시키는 데 도움이 되는 맥락보다는 행동하는 방법을 결정하는 데 도움이 되는 정보를 원합니다.
- (인도와 나이지리아) 설명적이고 맥락적인 정보는 의사 결정에 유용해지려면 추가 처리가 필요합니다. 그렇게 하려면 정신적, 잠재적으로 재정적 자원이 추가로 필요합니다. 후자는 인터넷 접속이 비싸거나 대역폭에 대한 비용을 지불해야 하는 환경에서 필요합니다.
발견: 뉴스와 정보에 대한 원스톱 숍은 없습니다.
사람들은 뉴스와 정보 소스에서 다양성을 추구합니다. 그들은 다양한 매체의 비교 우위를 인식하고 비지역 및 지역 소스를 찾습니다.
위키백과의 비교 우위는 국제적 출처에 부여된 인식된 품질을 활용하고 콘텐츠의 지역적 관련성과 유용성을 높이는 데서 비롯될 수 있습니다. 예를 들어 특정 시장에서 위키백과는 범죄의 국가적, 역사적 원동력에 대한 콘텐츠를 확장하여 독자가 범죄 핫스팟에 대한 매우 지역적인 주간 업데이트를 해석하는 데 도움을 줄 수 있습니다.
- (인도와 나이지리아) 사람들은 하이퍼로컬 이슈(예: 주간 범죄 핫스팟)에 대한 시기적절하고 세부적인 보고를 위해 지역(커뮤니티 또는 지방) 소스를 찾습니다. 이러한 소스는 사람들의 일상 생활에 더 유용하다고 여겨집니다.
발견: 사람들은 특정 시나리오에서만 국제 정보 출처의 신뢰성을 면밀히 살펴봅니다. (인도와 나이지리아)
국제적인 정보 출처의 경우, 사람들은 정보가 외부 기관에서 평가하는 업무(예: 학교, 직장)를 완료하는 데 사용될 때에만 신뢰성을 평가하는 것으로 보입니다.
이런 경우, 대부분의 사람들은 평판이 좋다고 여겨지는 널리 알려진 '가계명' 기관과의 제휴에 따라 신뢰성을 부여합니다. 이는 일반적으로 미디어(예: 알자지라), 학계(예: MIT) 또는 비정부 기구(예: 유니세프)의 기관입니다.
발견: 사람들은 정보 출처를 신뢰할 필요가 없이도 그것이 유용하다고 여깁니다.
사람들은 대체로 즉각적인 목적에 유용한 정보를 찾습니다. 이상적으로는 신뢰할 수 있는 출처에서 얻은 정보이면 좋겠지만, 정보가 유용하려면 출처를 꼭 신뢰할 필요는 없습니다.
사람들은 정보의 유용성이나 신뢰성에 대한 인식된 차이를 해소하는 데 능숙합니다.
- (인도와 나이지리아) 자신의 정확한 필요에 맞지 않는 정보를 찾으면 개인적인 인간 네트워크, 오프라인 소스(예: 교과서, 신문), 디지털 채널 등 다양한 소스를 조사하고 혼합하여 특정 질문에 답합니다.
- (인도와 나이지리아) 신뢰성이 의심스러운 정보를 발견하면 이를 폐기합니다. 특히 검색 비용이 비교적 낮은 환경(예: 온라인)에서는 더욱 그렇습니다. 아니면 여러 출처를 비교하여 검증하려고 합니다.
발견: 성공적인 정보 시스템은 사용자가 현재 있는 위치에서 대응하는 동시에, 사용자의 변화하는 정보 습관에 맞춰 발전합니다.
사람들이 새로운 디지털 정보 소스를 실험함에 따라 인간과 아날로그 소스는 여전히 신뢰할 수 있는 대체 수단으로 남게 되었습니다.
- (인도) 사람들(무제한 인터넷 접속이 가능한 사람들 포함)은 예측 가능한 간격으로 오래된 미디어를 계속 소비합니다. 많은 사람이 아침이나 업무 휴식 시간에 신문을 읽고, 밤에는 TV 뉴스를 시청합니다. 이러한 출처에 대한 친숙성과 이를 둘러싼 확립된 습관이 이를 매력적으로 만듭니다. (참고로, 2015년 인도의 인터넷 보급률은 49%[1] 증가했고 신문 산업은 8%[2] 성장했습니다.)
조사 결과: 시각적 콘텐츠와 디자인은 사용자를 유치하고 설득하는 데 도움이 됩니다.
SMS 및 인터넷과 같은 텍스트 중심 매체의 급속한 성장에도 불구하고 매력적인 시각적 콘텐츠가 사용자를 유치하고 유지하는 데 점점 더 중요한 것으로 인식되고 있습니다. 플랫폼은 강력한 시각적 콘텐츠를 통합하고 제작하여 충성도 높은 신규 사용자를 확보하고 있습니다. 몇몇 응답자들은 간단한 사용자 인터페이스를 기반으로 위키백과 문서를 쉽게 탐색할 수 있다고 생각했지만, 보다 강력한 시각적 콘텐츠가 포함된 문서에 대한 관심과 참여를 향상시킬 수 있는 더 큰 기회가 있을 수 있습니다.
- (인도) 학습을 지원(교육 환경에서)하고 의사소통을 강화(전문 환경에서)하는 시각적 콘텐츠의 가치는 잘 알려져 있습니다. 지지자들은 복잡한 개념을 단순화하고 모든 종류의 학습 및 콘텐츠 처리 스타일에 호소하는 시각적 능력을 높이 평가합니다. 현재 디지털 자기주도 학습의 성장은 청중의 관심을 끌고 참여를 유도하는 데 있어서 시각적 콘텐츠, 특히 비디오의 중요성을 더욱 강조하고 있습니다.
- (India) YouTube is widely popular, and usage—especially for self-directed learning—continues to soar. It has over 60 million unique users in India, with users spending more than 48 hours a month viewing content. In 2015 alone, the amount of content uploaded to YouTube in India grew by 90% while watch-time rose by 80%.[3] For many, YouTube is their primary search engine for online content; how-to videos are hugely popular, followed by songs and movies.
주제: 인터넷 접속
조사 결과: 지속적이고 개별적인 인터넷 접속은 모든 사람에게 표준이 아닙니다.
- (인도 및 나이지리아) 가족 및 친구와 기기를 공유하는 것은 두 가지 주요 인구통계에서 일반적입니다:
- 청소년 그리고
- 인터넷 접속이 약한 사람
- (인도 및 나이지리아) 이러한 대여 장치는 공유 액세스를 불편함으로 여기지 않고 단순히 필요한 것을 필요할 때 바로 얻을 수 있는 방법으로 간주합니다.
조사 결과: 온라인 접속은 모바일이 지배적이며 안드로이드가 가장 적합한 플랫폼입니다.
- (인도 및 나이지리아) 피처폰과 저급 안드로이드 스마트폰은 인터넷 연결을 위한 기본 장치이며 모든 사용자 그룹에서 널리 인기가 있습니다. 시리즈 40, 심비안 등이 사용되지만 그 정도는 낮습니다. 부유한 사람들만이 고급(예: 삼성) 안드로이드, iOS 또는 블랙베리를 사용하며, 그럼에도 불구하고 대부분은 비용과 배터리 수명으로 인해 안드로이드를 기본 검색/테더링 장치로 선호합니다.
- (India and Nigeria) Mobiles are preferred for light, day-to-day communication, whereas laptops and desktops are preferred for bandwidth-heavy communication (or memory-intensive applications) such as streaming or downloading video content.
Finding: In India, internet access is more affordable, but cost remains a barrier to widespread internet penetration.
- (India) 35% of Indians are online.[4] Among study respondents in India—which did not include those in rural or remote locations—the cost of internet access was not cited as a barrier to accessing and using the internet.
- (India) Government and private-sector efforts are underway to increase internet connectivity. Many efforts target transport infrastructure—e.g. Google Access is offering free WiFi through 10 major railway stations, Ola and Uber are offering free WiFi to customers in taxis.
Theme: Understanding the internet
Finding: People are learning how to use the internet from others, both loved ones and professional intermediaries.
Most people do not have a formal or knowledgeable source from which they can learn new technologies or the internet. Rather, such learning is typically social experience, happening through friends and families, and sometimes through niche retailers.
- (India and Nigeria) Digital immigrants are learning technology from digital natives. In particular, children are i) buying devices for their parents (mainly smartphones and tablets), ii) installing apps (mostly Skype, Whatsapp, and Facebook), and iii) teaching them how to use digital tools. This is especially common among young adults who are moving out, whose parents are especially motivated to learn new technologies in keep touch with them.
- (India) Sharing and passing down of devices between cohabitating family members spurs digital learning within households.
- (India) Men heavily influence women's technology behaviors. Women of all age groups are influenced by their male family members or colleagues in their access to, choice of, and use of technology.
- (Nigeria) Small and micro "app shops" are a key source of apps for many, especially the price-conscious. They provide easy (and lower-cost) access to the most popular apps. Customers often just ask shop owners to install "whatever you think I'll need".
Theme: Using the internet
Finding: People are using the internet in English, without expecting otherwise.
While most people prefer speaking in local languages, these preferences do not seem to translate to reading or writing online. English is widely accepted as the lingua franca of the internet, even among those for whom English is not their mother tongue or a language of comfort. This is not perceived positively or negatively; rather, it is an unquestioned expectation of being online.
- (India) A person's language of instruction in school influences his or her general level of comfort with online search and reading. English-language instruction leads to higher levels of comfort in navigating the internet; instruction in Hindi or another language creates potential needs for workarounds, e.g. specialized apps, use of Google Translate. The limited availability or use of local language keyboards or other textual input mechanisms also makes English the accepted, default language for internet usage.
Finding: People are precious about data usage, and low-bandwidth browsers dominate.
Browsers designed for users with limited data bandwidth and/or inconsistent internet connections rule in both Nigeria and India.
- (India) In India, UC Browser has grown through word-of-mouth and is widely believed to be a faster browser. Interestingly, it does load web content faster through data compression (as with Opera Mini); but as data cost is less of a concern in India (compared to Nigeria), it was UC Browser's gains in speed, and not its savings in data, that was cited as its unique selling point.
Finding: Mobile apps have exploded in popularity, with instant messaging and social media at the top.
WhatsApp and Facebook are widely recognized and used. Most mobile data users (even those with limited internet access) use at least one. A 2014 poll found approximately half of surveyed mobile users in both India and Nigeria used WhatsApp.[7] India is Facebook's largest market globally, where it counts 16% of Indians (or 195 million people) as users. Nigeria is its largest market in Africa, where nearly 10% of the population uses it.[8]
These trends are reshaping not just how people socialize online, but how they seek and share information in all aspects of their lives. WhatsApp is used to chat or joke with friends, but also increasingly as a key information stream. Some university students in Nigeria have a WhatsApp study group for every class. Facebook is used to reconnect with friends and play games, but also increasingly as a key source of news.
MNOs' packaging of these apps in reduced- or fixed-fee bundles—where users pay an upfront fee for a suite of popular apps, after which data usage is free—will only help their ballooning popularity.
Finding: Students and educators often have conflicting views on if and how the internet can support formal education.
Students are uninspired to learn from traditional academic materials, as they see the content as outdated and unengaging. As a result, they copy peer notes and memorize information to get through assignments with as little investment as possible. The internet motivates students to learn, but many educators restrict their ability to use it.
- (India) At the secondary level, schools restrict students' access to and use of the internet—and students don't mind. Secondary students feel that teachers and textbooks have complete and correct information. They feel endorsed, offline content is "simple" and easy-to-use, and don't feel the need to supplement it with online information that require further effort to evaluate quality and utility. At the tertiary level, both institutional restrictions and student preferences evolve, and conflicts between them around the utility of the internet for learning become more common.
Theme: Getting information online
Finding: People trust online search (and Google in particular) to get them what they need.
People rely on Google for all of their online search needs. It is perceived as capable of answering any query. (India and Nigeria)
Instances of Google's personification indicate just how popular and beloved it is... "Uncle Google" (India), "Saint Google" (Mexico), "My Big Boss Google" (India), "Google Maharaj" (India), "Google is the solution to the world" (?)
Finding: Search habits are largely basic. Users surface what they need through trial-and-error queries, or by looking for quality indicators in the results.
Appearing in the first page of results in a Google search is key to winning traffic. Although specific search and result-selection behaviors differed between Nigeria and India, users in both countries typically did not venture beyond the first page of search results for most queries.
- (India) Search queries are mostly rudimentary and broad. Research did not observe use of search operators or advanced search tactics, even among internet power users. This places the onus on users to scour through many search results to cobble together what they need from diverse sources. Pulling up all the pages on first-page results, then sifting through them, is the norm.
- (India) People judge the relevance or quality of a search result based on unique indicators that are individual- and case-specific—but that often denote or tie to an offline/institutional marker of quality. Students may look for signs in webpage titles that suggest content is from a textbook (e.g. "Chapter 2: Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs") or meta descriptions that track to something a trusted source has said on the topic (e.g. when searching "causes of Russian revolution", a student believed a result with World War I in the meta description was a strong source because she remembered from a class lecture that the revolution had something to do with WWI).
Finding: In an era of search-led, task-oriented browsing, there is little loyalty to specific web properties—unless they relate to personal passions.
People trust Google to curate the right content for them on case-by-case basis. Unless it is a well-known local media brand or personality, people typically do not pay attention to the domain or source of the content. (India and Nigeria)
A webpage's perceived relevance or quality comes more from being on the first page of Google results, than from the name or reputation of its source. For some users, the only exceptions to this norm are the most well-known international universities (e.g. Harvard, MIT). People only memorize the names of websites—and go directly to them, instead of via search—that relate to their personal interests (e.g. Goal.com for football fans, Cricbuzz.com for cricket fans, IEEE.org for electronics enthusiasts, and TED.com for those who enjoy TED talks).
In these environments, it is difficult for international content brands to build brand awareness, let alone brand affinity or loyalty.
Finding: People are increasingly getting information online, then consuming or sharing it offline.
Users are frequently moving what's online to offline for repeated viewing, printing, or sharing. These behaviors are growing along with the tools that make them possible.
- (India) Offline modes of retaining and exchanging information are gaining popularity. Most commonly cited exchange apps are Xender, SHAREit, and ShareApp. Downloading to print information is another form of offline transfer.
- (India) Downloading online content, including videos and songs to watch or listen to later, and school assignment materials to print for use or submission, is a widespread behavior. However, saving Wikipedia articles for later was not observed beyond one instance.
Theme: Using Wikipedia
Finding: As a brand, Wikipedia is not widely recognized or understood. People are Wikipedia readers without realizing it.
- Brand: Few respondents recognized the Wikipedia visual brand (the name was more widely known), or could accurately describe what Wikipedia was.
- Mission: Other than expert respondents, virtually no one seemed aware of Wikipedia's mission or that the larger Wikimedia movement.
- Content: Only a few respondents understood how content creation and editing worked. Most either had never considered the topic, or thought that editing was done by those paid or otherwise assigned to do so (e.g. Wikipedia staff or foreign students working on assignments).
- (India and Nigeria) Many casual Wikipedia readers had no knowledge that they had ever used the platform. As Wikipedia articles often feature in first-page search results, many people have used it without realizing it.
- (India and Nigeria) Students are the exception to the above (that many casual Wikipedia readers had no idea they had ever used the platform). Even students with limited to moderate internet access generally knew what Wikipedia was and how it could be useful for them.
Finding: People confuse Wikipedia with a search engine or social media platform. This can create unrealistic expectations of its functionality. (India and Nigeria)
As the most widely known internet brands (e.g. Facebook, Twitter) are social media platforms or search engines (e.g. Google), many other international internet brands are also lumped in these two categories. Mislabeled brands include Skype, YouTube, and Wikipedia.
At times, this can lead to unrealistic expectations around Wikipedia's features—for example, those that think it is a search engine believe it should have more robust search functionality. False expectations, in turn, lead to poor assessments of Wikipedia's design or performance.
Finding: Wikipedia readers are generally task-oriented, not exploration-oriented. Wikipedia is seen as a utilitarian starting point that sometimes surfaces through search, and not a destination in itself.
Readers believe Wikipedia's greatest value is providing strong overviews of any topic, particularly of people, places, or events. They land on Wikipedia articles when they are among top search results, and use them as a starting point for further learning.
- (India) Several users (typically those with unlimited internet access) accurately referred to Wikipedia as an "encyclopedia" or a "database of knowledge" because they see it as a platform to learn from.
- (India) Readers use Wikipedia for work tasks and related learning. Professional researchers (e.g. journalists, graduate students) find article references valuable, and use them as a jumping-off point for further research.
Finding: Wikipedia's content model can arouse suspicion. Despite this, there was no observed relationship between trust in and reading of Wikipedia. (India and Nigeria)
Trust in Wikipedia is shaken when people find out anyone can edit pages.* Especially in Nigeria, where the media is captured by political and commercial interests, there is skepticism that contributors could be neutral, and that the content they produce could be unbiased.
Interestingly, however, trust in and reading of Wikipedia are not highly correlated. Even when trust is low—e.g., when a person has been specifically told that Wikipedia is not credible—reading continues when people perceive the utility of content to be high.[11]
Phone survey findings
Distribution of survey languages chose
Do you use the internet?
Top reasons for using the internet
Non-internet users: Why aren't you use it?
Awareness of Wikipedia
How they learned about Wikipedia
Reasons for using Wikipedia
How interested were the infrequent / non-users
For those users with some interest, what was the biggest barrier
What do you use Wikipedia for?
Smartphones vs Feature phones
Mobile phone Internet access method
App usage
Location (urban or rural)
Methodology and participants
Field research in Nigeria and India was conducted using design research methods—that is, contextual inquiry using primarily ethnographic research methods.
Design research emphasizes immersive observation and in-depth, semi-structured interviews with target respondents to understand the behaviors and rituals of people interacting with each other, with products and services, and with their larger environments.
It stresses interacting with respondents in their natural settings and observing respondents in their day-to-day lives to understand their deeper needs, motivations, and constraints.
To understand underlying motivations and drivers, researchers probe for the why's and how's behind stated and observed behaviours.
Primary methods applied for this research
Ethnographic: Interviews
Semi-structured individual interviews lasting up to 1.5 hours. Conducted in context and in private—e.g., in respondents' homes, workplaces, or other natural locations—allowing researchers to observe and ask about artifacts in the environment that may give greater insight into respondents' experiences.
User Observations & Technology Demos
Guided observations of respondents as they live, work, and use different products or services to identify otherwise unarticulated needs, motivations, habits, and challenges that may be otherwise subconscious. Respondents "think out loud" (articulate their thoughts as they perform different tasks) to provide insight into their thought process and how they react to different environmental stimuli and/or design features.
Key Informant Interviews
Interviews with experts in various fields who have insights into market dynamics, user behavior, and other relevant topics for Wikimedia. Experts were largely drawn from the fields of technology, education, media, and telecommunications.
Staff involved
In India two staff were in the field with Reboot for the research. Abbey Ripstra, Lead Design Research Manager was there for the full time, and Smriti Gupta, Regional Manager, Strategic Partnerships - Asia, was participating in research in both New Delhi and in Chennai.
- ↑ "Even in This Digital Age, Newspaper Industry Is Booming in India". Retrieved 2016-08-10.
- ↑ "Why India's newspaper business is booming". The Economist. ISSN 0013-0613. Retrieved 2016-08-10.
- ↑ Groves, Don. "New Additions To The Ranks Of India's Highest-Revenue YouTube Channels". Retrieved 2016-08-10.
- ↑ "India Internet Users". www.internetlivestats.com. Retrieved 2016-08-10.
- ↑ Widespread is defined as reaching 80% of citizens.
- ↑ Affordability is defined as a 500MB data plan that costs 5% or less of the average monthly income for 80% of citizens.
- ↑ Adika, Oscar (2014-03-05). "49% of Kenyan Mobile Users are on Whatsapp". Techweez. Retrieved 2016-08-10.
- ↑ Kazeem, Yomi. "More people use Facebook in Nigeria than anywhere else in Africa" (in en-US). Retrieved 2016-08-10.
- ↑ "Indian Mobile App Industry: Users have 32 app on Average, Facebook, WhatsApp, UC Browser most popular" (in en-US). 2016-01-07. Retrieved 2016-08-10.
- ↑ It was difficult to get specific figures for the most popular apps, and doing so was not a focus in this research. The ranked lists are provided as context only, based on analysis conducted by national media in Nigeria and India.
- ↑ In the select instances where researchers described how Wikipedia worked to respondents, they did so at the end of research activities. Explanations were brief, and focused on how Wikipedia worked; they did not elaborate on why its model has been successful. A carefully designed communications campaign may yield different reactions and assessments of Wikipedia's trustworthiness.