Movement Strategy/Recommendations/Iteration 3/Improve User Experience/fr

This page is a translated version of the page Movement Strategy/Recommendations/Iteration 3/Improve User Experience and the translation is 37% complete.
Améliorer l’expérience utilisateur
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This recommendation proposes the idea of evaluating and making changes to our systems so that they better serve the needs of our stakeholders. These ideas are discussed in the ‘Create Cultural Change for Inclusive Communities’, ‘Promote Sustainability and Resilience’, ‘Provide for Safety and Security’, and ‘Coordinate Across Stakeholders’.

Afin de devenir l'infrastructure essentielle de la connaissance libre, nous devons, en tant que Mouvement, continuellement améliorer l’ergonomie de nos plateformes pour permettre à toute personne — quel que soit son genre, sa culture, sa maîtrise des technologies ou ses capacités physiques et mentales [1] — de profiter d’une expérience fluide, productive et positive au moment de consulter et de contribuer à la connaissance au sein de l’ensemble de l’écosystème Wikimédia.

Notre orientation stratégique stipule également que « quiconque partage notre vision pourra se joindre à nous ». Nous devons donc tendre à créer une réalité où les personnes ne seront pas bridées d’une manière ou d’une autre par des barrières ou des besoins non pris en compte par notre technologie et notre communauté. Nous devons encourager nos communautés à travailler pour façonner les projets de manière à ce qu’ils correspondent aux besoins des personnes qui les utilisent, notamment celles qui consomment l’information, ainsi que celles qui n'ont pas encore sauté le pas de la contribution.


For knowledge consumers, focusing on improving the user experience for any Wikimedia platform is strategic when considering technological changes.[2] To focus on delivering engaging, free knowledge consumption experiences, it is necessary to embrace technological advancements.[3] With the increasing diversity of devices, interfaces, and interactions with all sorts of intelligent virtual assistants, we must pay attention to both the information of knowledge and how it is consumed.[4] For contributors, ensuring that everyone is included and has opportunities to learn and contribute is a matter of equity and knowledge integrity; the risk of exclusion has direct repercussions in shrinking the base of contributors and threatening the future sustainability, accuracy, and relevance of the Movement.[5]

Having a good user experience is part of the cultural change that we desire for this Movement and guarantees the community's participation and diversity.[6] Participation affects not only the quality of our work, but also the continuity of the project, which often relies on communities whose core editors — both in terms of number of edits and the functional role they occupy — are still the same ones as five to ten years ago.[7]

In the current Wikimedia structural reality, content is central with all the processes, tools, platforms, and even communication channels orbiting around it. Though this structure has been successful in achieving popularity and replication across communities, it has also become an obstacle for engaging with other knowledge communities.[8] Having a good user experience requires continually improving on multiple dimensions and taking a more people-centered approach in the way we operate.[9] For example, the first experiences newcomers have and their ability to access learning resources, mentors, or guidance to perform any task is especially crucial for fostering their retention and continued engagement.[10]

Ensuring a space free of conflict, or with mechanisms to mitigate conflict, is fundamental and benefits all contributors.[11] The specific solutions could range from hiring staffing dedicated to conflict resolution, to defining clear processes and follow-up practices, to training.[12] Toxic environments[13] can affect contributors based on their individual characteristics;[14] there should be clear understanding in the communities of the existence of toxicity as well as about how to both prevent it and address it if it arises.[15]


To improve the user experience in both the consultation and contribution to knowledge throughout the Wikimedia ecosystem, we recommend an approach based on several actions. Enhancing the user experience requires following a people-centered, iterative process of research and analysis, proposal and testing of changes, and dissemination of the results among all the stakeholders.

In Wikimedia, this involves both the designers, technical developers, and the communities, ultimately responsible for accepting or discarding the implementation of these changes. For this, communities must be aware of the current state of the situation and take responsibility for the platform, accepting and encouraging the changes which address the barriers and needs that prevent their growth, diversification, and participation throughout the world. To raise awareness, we must visualize the degree of satisfaction of every product and functionality in a transparent and findable way, so that they can be constantly monitored by any stakeholder, and receive suggestions for improvement or query the attention of the development teams.

In our Movement,[16] the research and analysis of the user experience requires observing the interactions within and outside our platforms to evaluate the impact of a diverse range of both technological and human aspects that affect it, such as the platform technological characteristics,[17] social conflicts,[18] lack of access to suitable learning resources,[19] among others. In addition, it must take into account a diverse range of advanced user roles requiring highly specialized workflows, technical contributors[20] (such as template maintainers or Cloud Services tool developers), as well as those of newcomers and emerging communities.

Any changes proposed must be tested to ensure usability and accessibility while safeguarding the privacy and security of users.[21] Feedback from newcomers is particularly valuable for evaluating best practices, as experienced contributors may have already developed workarounds for system limitations.[22] In general, having a wide pool of users who test technology will guarantee good usability, which is especially key for newcomers[23] and is essential to guarantee our growth and diversity.[24]

Based on current reported feedback and results, the user experience would improve by including, welcoming, and appreciating newcomers,[25] with easy-to-find and easy-to-access resources, active outreach, and support programs. Mentorship programs, in order to facilitate learning processes, have previously been effective.[26] For all users, transparency of the platform’s functionalities, availability of learning resources and training, and clear reporting channels to escalate access, human, or technological concerns with appropriate urgency (e.g., fix the platform for the visually impaired) are needed. Policies for conflict management must provide methods to deal with issues before, during, and after.[27]

The development of solutions to these identified needs and problems must be prioritized with urgency and receive constant attention by developers and designers to ensure the goal of including future communities. To advance the development of new interfaces and other more speculative features, following new technological trends and those on the horizon, we encourage the creation of a new communication space to continue developing the software in coordination with Third-party developers.[28]

Mesures escomptées
  • Impliquer des personnes représentatives de tous les types de parties prenantes dans un processus itératif d’analyse de l’expérience utilisateur, sur nos plateformes et en dehors, afin de proposer, tester et mettre en œuvre des changements adaptés.
  • Apporter des améliorations technologiques faciles à utiliser ayant été testées avec un vaste échantillon représentatif des parties prenantes actuelles et potentielles[29].
  • Fournir des interfaces conçues pour une large gamme d’appareils, tels que les smartphones et les ordinateurs, afin que les personnes qui les utilisent puissent contribuer dans différents contextes[30].
  • Offrir aux novices des ressources faciles à trouver et à comprendre, telles que des tutoriels d’accueil et des guides qui les aident à naviguer et à trouver ce qu’ils et elles cherchent de façon autonome[31].
  • Fournir aux utilisateurs et utilisatrices des moyens facilement accessibles de signaler des incidents, qu’ils soient techniques ou humains, et faire en sorte que ces signalements soient traités efficacement, en temps utile, quels que soient la langue ou le pays d'origine, tout en respectant la vie privée[32].
  • Fournir de nouveaux mécanismes permettant d’entrer en relation avec des pairs ayant des centres d’intérêt communs, ou des rôles et objectifs spécifiques, ainsi que des canaux de communication pour interagir et collaborer.
  • Fournir des mécanismes permettant aux personnes qui utilisent nos plateformes d’indiquer leur degré de satisfaction vis-à-vis de chaque plateforme et de chaque fonctionnalité, et faire en sorte que ces données recueilliées soient facilement accessibles.
  • S’assurer que nos plateformes respectent les standards d’accessibilité les plus avancés (WCAG pour le Web, bonnes pratiques du Web mobile W3C, etc.), ainsi que différentes tailles de police pour les personnes malvoyantes ou les sous-titres de vidéo pour les personnes malentendantes. [33].
  • Faciliter la proposition et la création de nouveaux wikis (notamment de nouvelles versions linguistiques) ainsi que la réutilisation sur ces wikis des fonctionnalités logicielles développées par la communauté[34].
  • Investir dans des outils de développement efficaces et pratiques pour permettre aux contributeurs et contributrices techniques de créer des outils et de les maintenir facilement[35].
  • Créer un espace de communication pour les développeurs tiers afin d’encourager l’amélioration de nos logiciels, notamment pour les transposer sur de nouvelles interfaces innovantes telles que les navigateurs en réalité augmentée ou les lunettes connectées qui améliorent nos expériences utilisateur.
  • Dispenser des formations sur la prévention des conflits, les processus de médiation et la résolution des conflits lorsqu’ils se produisent, et sur les bonnes pratiques de suivi à appliquer après le conflit afin d’éviter qu’il ne se reproduise[36].
  • Offrir un environnement accueillant par le biais de programmes de mentorat afin d'accueillir activement les nouvelles personnes qui nous rejoignent, et ce en s'appuyant sur des bonnes pratiques, à la fois au sein du Mouvement et en-dehors, pour les aider et les guider dans leurs contributions[37].
Les références
Les références
  1. Community Health R12: Investing in equity-centered technologies, Community Survey Analysis: Diversity, Q4, “helping with more reliable internet access, for example by mobile, including improving the mobile interface”.
  2. DRC strategy salon, September 2019, Advocacy thematic area.
  3. WM Austria, June 2019, Diversity thematic area, Hindi community conversations, June 2019, Product & Technology thematic area.
  4. Considering 2030: Future technology trends that will impact the Wikimedia Movement.
  5. French Community, July 2019, Diversity thematic area, Igbo Youth Salon, August 2019, Diversity thematic area.
  6. Levant Strategy Salon, August 2019, capacity building thematic area.
  7. AB Cycle 2 Insights summary.
  8. Diversity R1: Introducing people-centered principles within the Wikimedia Movement.
  9. Diversity R1: Introducing people-centered principles within the Wikimedia Movement, Diversity R4: Planned community diversification.
  10. Community Health R6: Newcomers are a key indicator to the success of the Movement, Diversity R1: Introducing people-centered principles within the Wikimedia Movement, ESEAP Strategy Summit: Community Health notes, Wikipedia:Community health initiative on English Wikipedia/Research about Administrators' Noticeboard Incidents.
  11. “Help/train affiliates about conflict resolution and management skills” Arabic Speaking Community - June 2019, Community Health R4: Structure for handling conflicts- before, during and after.
  12. Community Health R4: Structure for handling conflicts- before, during and after, Roles & Responsibilities: Scenario (Hybrid).
  13. Research:Detox/Resources, Cycle 2 Final summary.
  14. Ranging from gender, sexual orientation or ethnicity to topical or project interests. Women and Wikimedia Survey 2011: How do respondents feel they are treated?, WikiDivCon plenary - Gender Diversity Mapping, New Voices Synthesis report (July 2017).
  15. Community Health R7: “Democratizing” participation.
  16. In addition to current users, we need to estimate for potential user base. Diversity R3: Redesigning the platforms for more diversity of people and content experiences.
  17. Community Health R12: Investing in equity-centered technologies, Product & Technology R6B: Modernize Technical Contributor Tooling.
  18. Community Health R4: Structure for handling conflicts- before, during and after.
  19. Advocacy R4: Knowledge management.
  20. Product & Technology R6B: Modernize Technical Contributor Tooling.
  21. Community Health R8: Privacy and security for everyone.
  22. Diversity R3: Redesigning the platforms for more diversity of people and content experiences.
  23. Diversity R3: Redesigning the platforms for more diversity of people and content experiences.
  24. Diversity R1: Introducing people-centered principles within the Wikimedia Movement, Diversity R3: Redesigning the platforms for more diversity of people and content experiences.
  25. Community Survey Analysis: Diversity, Q2, “mentoring newcomers and improving community”, Cycle 2 report.
  26. Community Health R6: Newcomers are a key indicator to the success of the Movement, Cycle 1 Report.
  27. Community Health R4: Structure for handling conflicts- before, during and after.
  28. Product & Technology R7: Realize the Potential of the Third-Party Ecosystem.
  29. Diversity R3: Redesigning the platforms for more diversity of people and content experiences
  30. .Community Survey Analysis: Diversity, Q4, “helping with more reliable internet access, for example by mobile, including improving the mobile interface”. Diversity R3: Redesigning the platforms for more diversity of people and content experiences
  31. Community Health R6: Newcomers are a key indicator to the success of the Movement
  32. Community Health R4: Structure for handling conflicts- before, during and after; Community Health R8: Privacy and security for everyone
  33. Diversity R3: Redesigning the platforms for more diversity of people and content experiences; Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) Overview
  34. Diversity R3: Redesigning the platforms for more diversity of people and content experiences
  35. Product & Technology R6B: Modernize Technical Contributor Tooling
  36. Community Health R4: Structure for handling conflicts- before, during and after
  37. Community Health R6: Newcomers are a key indicator to the success of the Movement, Community Survey Analysis: Advocacy, Q2