This page is a translated version of the page Movement Charter/Ratification/April 2023 and the translation is 31% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

運動憲章批准の要件として4つの異なる投票グループを招集します : 個人、ウィキメディアの各プロジェクト、ウィキメディア提携団体、ウィキメディア財団理事会(Board of Trustees)の四者です。個人は投票プラットフォーム上(セキュアポル SecurePoll 又はその他のツール)で投票し、その結果は、個人全員および各プロジェクトの投票集計に用いられます。提携団体はそれぞれ1票を持ち、その総数を連携団体票として扱います。ウィキメディア財団理事会は、他の3つの投票グループがすべて批准投票を済ませたのちに、最後に批准投票を行います。





  • 個人の貢献者
  • ウィキメディア・プロジェクト (inclusive of language projects outside the incubator like de-wiki and fr-wiktionary, and non-language projects like Wikidata and Wikimedia Commons; several non-content groups will also be included, such as WMF staff and MediaWiki developers; additions can be added at the discretion of the Charter Electoral Committee and the Movement Charter Drafting Committee; test projects are excluded)
  • Affiliates
  • Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees



  • Individual contributors: individual eligibility will be assessed in the same way as election vote for the WMF Board of Trustees
  • Wikimedia projects: the majority of individual voters are associated with a project, and individual voters will select their preferred project to vote with (from a list of projects they are eligible to vote with)
  • Affiliates: affiliates are composed of chapters, thematic organizations and user groups. All affiliates that are recognized by the Affiliations Committee and are up to date with the Affiliations Committee’s requirements as of 3 months prior to the ratification vote are eligible to cast one vote on behalf of their affiliates. The overview of affiliate reporting data can be found here, to help assess active status.
    • Note: pilot hubs are excluded from the affiliate voting group to reduce duplicate representation
  • WMF Board of Trustees: members of the Board may cast a vote

How does each voting group vote?

  • Individual contributors: eligible individuals will vote through the voting platform.
  • Wikimedia projects: when individuals vote, they will be offered a list of projects they are eligible to vote with and be asked to select one project that their vote will count towards. The total votes at the end will determine whether a certain project votes in favor or against ratification.
  • 提携団体MCDCはコミュニティのご意見を歓迎し提携団体のタイプ別に投票方法を変えるべきかどうか聞き取ります
  • WMF理事会:理事会(BoT)は通常の手順に従い、理事会の定款に従います

What is the threshold in favor of ratification?

The Movement Charter will be ratified or declined as a whole, rather than voting on individual chapters of the Charter. The ratification will not use consensus-based decision-making; it will use supermajority or majority voting within each voting group.

  • Individual contributors: the MCDC welcomes community input on what percentage of individual voters is needed for ratification of the Charter
  • Wikimedia projects: a vote in favor of ratification needs to have 50%+1 support
  • Affiliates: a vote in favor of ratification needs to have 50%+1 support
  • WMF Board of Trustees: a vote in favor of ratification needs to have 50%+1 support
Who are the Voting Groups? Who is eligible? How do each Voting Group vote? What is the threshold in favor of ratification?
Individual contributors Individual eligibility will be assessed in the same way as election vote for the WMF Board of Trustees Individuals will vote through the standard Securepoll/votewiki platform, or equivalent platform. community input
Wikimedia projects The majority of individual voters are associated with a project, and individual voters will select their preferred project to vote with (from a list of projects they are eligible to vote with) When individuals vote, they will be offered a list of projects they are eligible to vote with and be asked to select one project that their vote will count towards. The total votes at the end will determine whether a certain project votes in favor or against ratification. 50% +1
Affiliates Affiliates are composed of chapters, thematic organizations and user groups. All affiliates that are recognized by the Affiliations Committee and are up to date with the Affiliations Committee’s requirements as of 3 months prior to the ratification vote are eligible to cast one vote on behalf of their organization. The overview of affiliate reporting data can be found here, to help assess active status.

Note: pilot hubs are excluded from the affiliate voting group to reduce duplicate representation

[community input] 50% +1
ウィキメディア財団理事会(BoT) Members of the Board may cast a vote BoTによる批准投票は、理事会の通常の手続きに従います。 50% +1


Below are examples of how votes would be counted and what the results are.

Voting groups: Individual contributors & Wikimedia projects

In favor of ratification Opposed to ratification Results: no ratification for these VGs
180 individuals 300 individuals 37.5% voted in favor (x)
20 projects 15 projects 57.1% voted in favor
In favor of ratification Opposed to ratification Results: no ratification for these VGs
300 individuals 180 individuals 62.5% voted in favor
15 projects 20 projects 42.9% voted in favor (x)
In favor of ratification Opposed to ratification Results: ratification for these VGs
300 individuals 180 individuals 62.5% voted in favor
20 projects 15 projects 57.1% voted in favor

Voting group: Affiliates

In favor of ratification Opposed to ratification Results: ratification for this VG
70 affiliates 50 affiliates 58.3% voted in favor

Voting group: WMF Board of Trustees

In favor of ratification Opposed to ratification Results: ratification for this VG
8 理事 4 理事 66.7% 賛成票


Individual, Wikimedia projects and Affiliates voting groups will vote at the same time. Outcomes should not be published openly (especially on-wiki) until all outcomes can be published at the same time, to avoid influencing votes.

If all three voting groups choose to ratify the Movement Charter, the WMF Board of Trustees will then vote within 4 weeks.


The voting platform for the individual and project vote will utilize a built-in feedback option. Additional feedback options will be made available on Meta and other forums, as desired.

WMF will dedicate staff and support to provide a full, anonymized provision of all feedback comments. They can strike harmful or clearly inappropriate aspects of the comments (in part or in full) before sharing.

If the first ratification vote fails, the feedback collected will become the basis to improve the Movement Charter by the Movement Charter Drafting Committee (MCDC). After implementing the changes from the feedback, the MCDC will decide whether another ratification vote should be attempted. Considerations for the decision to conduct a second ratification vote includes the difference in support and oppose votes, and the level of improvement from the feedback. Any future ratification efforts within 12 months must use equivalent voting groups and thresholds. The new proposal may amend other parts, as deemed beneficial.

運動憲章起草委員会は解散、その後継組織は前任委員会が集めた運動憲章に関するフィードバックを活用します。この組織はまた、批准投票をもう一度実施するかどうか決定の責任を負います。もし後継組織がない場合は、ウィキメディア財団理事会(BoT)がコミュニティと協議の上、そのフィードバックに従って運動憲章の更新を担当する組織を指名できるものとします。BoT はまた再度、批准投票を行う必要があるか決定する責任を負います。

The Movement Charter Drafting Committee specifically notes that multiple failed ratification attempts (especially by significant margins) may indicate that the Movement Charter lacks consensus, even as a concept.


運動憲章は批准されたものの、その施行に明確に影響を与えるフィードバックがあった場合には、再度の改訂が必要な場合があります。運動憲章起草委員会(MCDC)の定足の三分の2ならびにウィキメディア財団理事会(BoT)の過半数が賛成した場合は、改訂手順に取り掛かってフィードバックによって顕在化した要素を改善することとします(※:MCDC=Movement Charter Drafting Committee)。もし MCDC がまだ解散前であるなら、改訂を担当することができます。解散後であるなら、その後継組織が担当します。後継組織が存在しない場合は、BoT がコミュニティと協議の上、フィードバックに従って運動憲章を改訂する組織を指名することができます。

After the revisions to the Movement Charter have been made, a ratification vote will take place to ratify the revisions only. The ratification vote will follow this same ratification proposal, not the one in the Movement Charter for ratifying amendments to the Charter. The Movement Charter will include a chapter on Implementation and Amendments that could also provide guidance on addressing points not originally included in the Charter.



  • 憲章批准投票委託者(Charter Electoral Commission)は定数を5名とし、出身ホームプロジェクト3件超から選ばれて批准投票を監督します。
  • The Charter Electoral Commission (CEC) will decide on unclear or unexpected circumstances. Along with the rules contained in this document, the remaining rules of the vote will be decided by the MCDC in consultation with the CEC prior to the statement of the ratification. The CEC can override these agreed upon rules only when significant harm would happen otherwise. This decision must also not negatively impact the overall ratification process. Once made, the decisions must be made public alongside the justification.
  • The Charter Electoral Commission candidates must demonstrate experience that would be beneficial in their role on the Commission.
    • The MCDC welcomes community input on what those experiences should be and if there are any formal minimum criteria for eligibility.
  • To avoid potential conflicts of interest, as well as to mitigate against excessive work obligations, neither scrutineers nor commissioners should be selected from the current Elections Committee.


  • There will be 3 scrutineers (who must not also be commissioners), selected from volunteer stewards. The Stewards mailing list will be notified of the request well in advance, and either Stewards will pick 3 amongst themselves, or we will follow a “first come, first serve” selection process.
  • Instructions and purpose of scrutineers will be based on this process from the English Wikipedia Arbitration Committee.


  • 選挙開始の前に、MCDC 内部でその代表1名を多数決で選出し、投票終了後に集計結果を開示する責任者に任命します。
  • ウィキメディア財団(WMF)の技術や法務、その他関連のあるチームは、憲章批准投票委託者ならびにその票の検査者を全面的に支援するものとします。MCDC、WMF、憲章批准投票委託者は、批准投票の少なくとも4か月前までに、批准プロセスの支援に必要となる可能性が最も高いチームを指名するよう努めますが、予期せぬ要求を受ける可能性に留意してください。
  • In particular, during the ratification vote(s), WMF teams must share the names of the responsible staff members available to answer urgent queries and requirements. Teams should ensure that the work schedules of the named staff members permit this prioritization.
  • The Charter Electoral Commission, scrutineers, support teams, and interested voters can engage in a post-election review and lessons-learnt process. Issues (and utilized resolutions) should be documented on an ongoing basis throughout the process.


MCDC より、コミュニティの検討を歓迎する設問のまとめを以下に示します。


  • Question: To ensure a fair and inclusive election for a vote that impacts the whole movement, what methodology should chapters and thematic organizations use to vote on the ratification of the Movement Charter? (Please select one of the following options.)
    • Their entire membership (as of 3 months prior to the vote) cast a vote.
    • The decision-making body of each chapter and thematic organization cast a vote on behalf of their respective entity.
    • Some other way – please share proposals.

利用者グループの投票方法に関して(UG=user groups):

  • User groups, as self-governing bodies, are able to determine their internal governance as they see fit, without requirements being specified from other bodies. In other words, every user group makes decisions differently and there is no agreed-upon process that applies to all user groups.
  • There is also no pre-existing agreed-upon mechanism across all user groups for reaching all members of all user groups (for example, not all user groups have mailing lists) to ensure that all user group members are able to participate in the voting process.
  • Question: To ensure a fair and inclusive election for a vote that impacts the whole movement, what methodology should UGs use to vote on the ratification of the Movement Charter? (Please select one of the following options.)
    • UGs will determine the voting method themselves and report back only on the results of the vote.
    • UGs will submit to the Charter Electoral Commission evidence that their full membership has been consulted when they report back on the results of the vote.
    • The Charter Electoral Commission will specify the voting method to be applied to all UGs.


  • 設問:批准を承認するには、個人の賛成票は何パーセントを獲得する必要がありますか?(以下の選択肢から一つを選ぶ)
    • 50%+1
    • 55%
    • 60%
    • その他 – パーセントを数字で示してください。

憲章批准投票委任者とは(CEC=Charter Electoral Commission):

  • 設問:CECの委員はどのように採用するのですか?
  • 設問:CECの定員は5名とのことですが、要件を満たす候補者からの選定基準は?
  • 設問:憲章批准投票委任者には、どのようなタイプの経験値を期待していますか? 任命の要件として最低の条件は決めないのでしょうか?


