LSS/foundation-l-archives/2006 12 10-16

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This is part of LSS, a mailing list summary service. It is a summary of foundation-l. Most posts whose authors are named have links to the full e-mail in the archive. However not every post is archived and the archive itself is so unstable that the urls will periodically be reassigned breaking the links in this summary. While edits to correct inaccuracies are welcome, changes to style or focus should first be discussed on the talk page. Decisions on whether to refer to people by their Wikipedia handle or their email name is arbitrary and may not be completely internally consistent. Some genders may be accidentally incorrect.Incorrect or not, this standard is used all around the net, for business or projects.

This issue covers (roughly) 2006 December 10-16


  • [1][2]Anthere announced that the Board had adopted a resolution clarifying the relationship between local chapters of the Wikimedia Foundation and the Foundation, noting that some work remains to be done in specific areas.
  • [3]Erik Möller noted that the revised Foundation bylaws were now online.
  • [4]Jeff Merkey, as a followup to last month's endorsement of Wikipedia projects by the head of the Cherokee nation, noted that the Creek nation endorsed translation efforts as a way of preserving their culture.
  • [5]Gregory Maxwell noted a new technical feature of Mediawiki implementing blocking of users on dynamic IPs by giving their browser a block cookie.
  • [6]Erik Möller gave a report on his experiences as a new WMF board member
  • [7]Erik Möller invited people to an IRC chat on the relationship between the Foundation and the Open Access Movement in scientific publishing.
  • [8][9]Yann Forget noted that the Foundation could be more helpful to projects under its umbrella in legal affairs and bootstrapping new projects. Discussion followed on these points.
  • [10]Pat Gunn reported that the International Mozart Foundation had published Mozart's complete works on a website, and asked about duplication of effort/storage with other open-content projects such as Project Gutenberg. It was noted that IMF's content was not open, and Birgette gave some thoughts on reuse.
  • [11]Anthere noted that fundraising would begin the next day, and asked for last-minute help in translating the donation notices.
  • [12]Michael Bimmler noted that had an unusual notice on hosting and disclaimer, asking for further comment. Walter Vermeir noted that that domain is not owned by the Foundation, and that it's probably a positive step to have a link present. It was clarified to be a live mirror, not a link, and was problematic from perspective of copyright. Another more problematic example was brought up with google advertising, and remedies were discussed.
  • [13][14][15][16][17][18]Brad Patrick announced the opening of the latest fundraising. Some discussion followed on the appropriateness of some large anonymous donations. [19]Danny, noting that Paypal is the most expensive for the Foundation and the most complex for people in some countries, asked that its link be removed from the site notice. Anthere agreed and removed it.
  • [20]Sam Wilson posted a link to a proposal for a WMF project for reviews of cafés. A few existing projects were linked, on Wikia and other sites.
  • [21]Anthere noted that Steward elections have completed, and asked the community's patience in announcement of the results.
  • [22]Jeff Merkey posted a clarification on the relation between the Foundation and his company that does translations for Amerindian tribes.
  • [23]Jan-Bart, an incoming WMF Board Member, posted necessary statements on conflict-of-interest to the mailing list.