Grants talk:TPS/Mompati Dikunwane/Orange Letlhafula festival 2017

Request not funded


Dear Mompati Dikunwane,

It sounds like your participation in this event will be largely focused on content creation, which is outside the intent of TPS. In this program, we typically fund people to give talks about Wikimedia projects at conference primarily attended by people who don't already know about Wikimedia.

I encourage you to review the information provided under our Rapid Grants program about photowalks, which I think may be a better fit for what you have in mind. Your proposal will be strongest if you can say something about a content gap in the area of Botswana culture, traditional dance, andindigenous foods--which you would be helping to fill.

If you have any questions about Rapid Grants, you can email rapidgrants   wikimedia  · org.

Let me know if you need any further support.

Warm regards,


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