Grants talk:Programs/Wikimedia Community Fund/Rapid Fund/The Learning Circle for Cultivating Regional Culture with Wikipedia and Wikivoyage

2 questions


Hello @Lady Kagaga, I hope everything is fine. There're 2 points I'd like to ask:

1, The relationship with "Wikimedia's Movement" is not clear though I can understand the aim you wrote is very important. I'd like to confirm that this application is to have editathons.
2, The title is still "legional" Something wrong with the fluxx?
Regards, YShibata (talk) 13:19, 14 April 2023 (UTC)Reply

スペルミスについては、Fluxxで修正し、修正が適用されていることを確認しました。 Lady Kagaga (talk) 11:23, 25 April 2023 (UTC)Reply



This proposal mentions "Wikivoyage" in the title. Does it mean Japanese Wikivoyage? If so, is the instructor or any of the people involved in this project active there? I just wanted to check because it seems like there are not many people who can teach about Wikivoyage in Japan. The number of the active users is ~30 and not all of them contribute content. How much of the lectures will be dedicated to Wikivoyage? whym (talk) 13:19, 17 April 2023 (UTC)Reply

はい、日本のウィキボヤージュです。講師をお願いしている方はウィキボヤージュで活動されており、エディタソンの参加者は講義を受ける予定です。エディタソンの実施前に、まずはその方からスタッフにレクチャーをしてもらい、リハーサルを行った後、エディタソンを開催したいと考えています。 Lady Kagaga (talk) 11:24, 25 April 2023 (UTC)Reply



> Click here for the schedule

I cannot see the content. ("現在、ファイルを開くことができません。") whym (talk) 13:21, 17 April 2023 (UTC)Reply

Date: 2023/7/15
Contents: Wikipedia Town. Research about Daishoji which is castle town area in Kaga.
Place: Kaga city library
Teachers: Yes
Duration: 8 hours

Date: 2023/8/12
Contents: Editors circle. Participations will research and write Wikipedia and Wikivoyage articles.
Place: Kaga city library
Teachers: No
Duration: 4 hours

Date: 2023/8/12
Contents: Lecture. The teachers will join on online meeting apps.
Place: Kaga city library
Teachers: Yes(Online)
Duration: 2 hours

Date: 2023/9/16
Contents: Editors circle. Participations will research and write Wikipedia and Wikivoyage articles.
Place: Kaga city library
Teachers: No
Duration: 4 hours

Date: 2023/9/16
Contents: Lecture. The teachers will join on online meeting apps.
Place: Kaga city library
Teachers: Yes(Online)
Duration: 2 hours

Date: 2023/10/14
Contents: Editors circle. Participations will research and write Wikipedia and Wikivoyage articles.
Place: Kaga city library
Teachers: No
Duration: 4 hours

Date: 2023/10/14
Contents: Presentation what editors wrote. And Comment from teachers and discussion everyone. The teachers will join on online meeting apps.
Place: Kaga city library
Teachers: Yes(Online)
Duration: 4 hours
Lady Kagaga (talk) 11:58, 25 April 2023 (UTC)Reply

Follow-up Questions from Programme Officer


Hello @Lady Kagaga,

Thank you for putting in a grant application. We had a prior conversation on 15 March 2023, as an introduction and also to answer questions you had on the application process. Thank you for taking the time to connect.

General observations

  • I noted there are some questions that are left by a representative of the ESEAP Funds Committee @Yshibata and would encourage you to respond to her questions.
  • I would like to encourage you to set up a wiki user page (if you have not) so that you will be able to receive notifications when wikimedians ping you on wikiprojects. You'll also be able to sign in and respond on the talk pages. You can also reach out to @Araisyohei. I believe he will be able to support you on this.


1) Learning questions and metrics - Here are resources to support you in thinking about your learning questions and metrics. Based on the resources, could you let us know how you would like to revise your responses to questions 15-18?

2) Could you provide an overview of your (and your team's) experience with the Wikimedia Movement (including the use of any wikiprojects) and also past experience in organising similar activities as the one you are proposing in your grant application? We noted that your team includes - @大黒敬一郎, @Kawabata000 and @Hurohukidaikon

3) Could you share more about the process of how you currently record local history and culture and digitisation of analogue images? Also, how do you determine whether the oral history and culture or images are of significance? We briefly discussed this during our conversation and I would also encourage you to capture it here so that more people can understand your context and experiences.

Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you.

Regards, Jacqueline JChen (WMF) (talk) 11:04, 21 April 2023 (UTC)Reply

Answer to 1):
問16. エディタソンの終わりに、参加者全員に「地域についての新しい発見はあったかどうか」、「今後あなたは地域の歴史や文化を継承する為にどのようなことができるか、どう関わりたいか、どういったものや仕組みが必要か」を尋ねる。そしてその回答を収集し分析し、私たちの次のアクションに役立てる。
問17. 各指標の概要を記述しました。また、参加者の数を修正しました。
Answer to 2):
Answer to 3):
  • 加賀市の図書館や地区会館など公的な施設
  • 一般家庭
  1. 図書館や地区会館ではスタッフに保管している資料についてヒヤリングを行う。一般家庭ではチラシなどで資料提供を呼びかける。
  2. 雑然とした状態の資料を見せてもらう。
  3. メディア毎に整理し、管理番号を与える。
  4. 再生可能かどうかのテストを行う。
  5. デジタル化すべき内容かを確認する。ただし、地域の出来事と関係のない内容のものはデジタル化の対象から除外する。除外対象のよくある例として、映画やアニメなどのテレビ番組を録画したものがある。
  6. 所有者に公開可能かどうかを確認する。
  7. 公開が可能な資料や劣化が進んでいる資料を優先してデジタル化する。専門業者に依頼する場合と自分たちで行う場合がある。どちらを選択するかはメディアの状態や予算などによる。
こうした体験は、地域の記録に対してより多くの人々の興味を集める為に有効であり、たとえ何気ない街角の写真であったとしても、意図せず歴史的な資料価値があるものが映り込んでいることもあり、保存する意義があると考えます。 Lady Kagaga (talk) 11:45, 25 April 2023 (UTC)Reply

Your grant application has been approved


Hello @Lady Kagaga

Congratulations, your grant application has been approved. Thank you for taking time to respond to the questions. Let's continue to keep in touch and I'll encourage you to use this talk page to document discussions, progress or use it as a resource page so that we can support you as you progress. Of course, this is if you have the bandwidth and find it useful. =) All the best!

Regards, Jacqueline JChen (WMF) (talk) 15:42, 9 May 2023 (UTC)Reply

Thank you very much! Jacqueline! all the best, Hiroko Lady Kagaga (talk) 05:13, 10 May 2023 (UTC)Reply

Additional Resources


Hello @Lady Kagaga,

I'm starting a thread on resource sharing here. Please feel free to add resources about your project and we'll do the same if we come across any materials that may be useful.

JChen (WMF) (talk) 15:43, 9 May 2023 (UTC)Reply

  Comment ご参考まで。迅速助成金の報告書式・日本語版です。
FYI, the direct link to Rapid Fund/Reporting forms/ja as above. Good luck (= -- Omotecho (talk) 09:27, 25 November 2023 (UTC)Reply

Reallocation of unspent funds - approved


Hello @Lady Kagaga,

Congratulations on the successful implementation of your project. It was a joy to learn about the progress you made contributing content and also seeding the possibility of a more regular group of editors. Thank you for also sharing about the project through SNS, diff blogs and videos that you have put together.

Your request to reallocate unspent funds of JPY 49,049 (referencing financial report) has been approved. Here's the details that you shared in your email:

*Propose to use the unspent funds to prepare a new community archive project in the Noto peninsula , Ishikawa Prefecture.

  • We visited that area two times to record how damaged after the disaster happened on the 1st  Jan. 2024.
  • We also want to collect photos and movies taken by people in Noto and to collect interviews with victims of disasters as well.
  • We plan to go there in March for the third visiting.
  • We will make website using media wiki for this archive project like Kagaga site ( and update wikipedia page of 能登半島震災(2024)能登半島地震_(2024年)
  • We made a playlist on YouTube as the first action:

Thank you.

Regards, Jacqueline JChen (WMF) (talk) 08:21, 14 March 2024 (UTC)Reply

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