
This had been a submission to the Wikimedia Participation Support process, but was withdrawn or otherwise cancelled (not denied).

Amsterdam Hackathon 2014
summaryPolishing the Wikimaps Atlas release, communicating about it, looking for support for automatic upload to commons.
event locationAmsterdam, Netherland
event date(s)2014/11/14-16
amount requested~445€, aka ~560$.
home countryParis, France
submitted on16:28, 30 October 2014 (UTC)

Proposed participation


I would need a travel grant as a IEG grantee attached to the IEG WikiAtlas project. In recent months, I've been pushing to port best Wikipedia cartographic practices into a simple to run online webapp. This continue my 10 years long leadership within the Wikipedia Graphic Workshop, where I've been largely collecting and consolidating tutorials and graphic guidelines. I plan to collaborate with other hackers on 1) wikiatlas d3js improvement, 2) looking for auto-upload to commons skills & outsourcing, 3) demoing a beta and announcing the project nearby online publication, and 4) providing install-party supports for other hackers interested to get their hands on the code.

Goal and expected impact


Attending this conference will allow me to connect with peer wikimedia developers, aka the best people worlwide in the field of Wikimedia tools development. I'am especially interested to connect with d3js enthusiasts, experienced tool labs users, and automatic-file upload to commons. I wish to share and increase awareness around our WikiAtlas project for use, and to get feedbacks or contributing modules on this WM map making project.

Budget breakdown

  • Train : ~220€ (checked today)
  • Conference fees : 0€
  • Hotel: 40€ per night x 3 nights = 120€
  • Meal/Drink: 30€ * 3 days = 90€
  • City transport: ~15€
  • Buffer: I rounded the numbers about +10% to account for possible price increases.

Sum: ~445€.

Note: Train price expected to increase about 20%

Other instructions


Train booking : I can do it as soon as the grant is confirmed.



Siko Bouterse, from WM-IEG program, encouraged me to apply.