Grants:TPS/Christian Cariño/InternetGovernanceForum

This Wikimedia Participation Support request was not funded. Reasons have been communicated with the request submitter on the Discussion page.

statusnot funded
summaryParticipate and enrich the IGF discussions from the perspective of knowledge and free internet
event locationJalisco, Mexico
event date(s)december 6-9
amount requested$5583 mxn
home countryMexico
submitted on23:34, 1 November 2016 (UTC)

Proposed participation


The IGF has as a main goal a multistakeholder discussion model, this means that organizations of all kinds could be involved in the discussion of issues about internet governance. That is why WMMX has been involved in these topics. Wikimedia Mexico has been participating in previous discussions about IGF in issues that incumb the chapter, as access to knowledge and advocacy for a freer Internet. Recently, the chapter was invited by organizations of civil society to participate in relevant discussions of the event and fortunately I had the chance to be part of them representing WMMX.

Goal and expected impact

  • Participate and enrich the IGF discussions from the perspective of knowledge and free internet
  • Increase the network of contacts with organizations, institutions and persons associated with Internet governance for the chapter
  • The expected impact is that through these dialogues, debates and exchange of ideas, WMMX would have a prominent role within the international community that works and defends directly freedom and internet governance.

Budget breakdown

  • Travel: Roundtrip airfare from Mexico City to Guadalajara: 3803 MXN
  • Accommodation: Airbnb from december 5th to 10th, 1780 MXN

Other instructions


I will appreciate the advance disbursement.

