Grants:Project/Rapid/UG GLAM Macedonia/Wiki conference for teachers/Report

Report accepted
This report for a Rapid Grant approved in FY 2016-17 has been reviewed and accepted by the Wikimedia Foundation.



Did you meet your goals? Are you happy with how the project went?

Yes. There was a big interest for this conference. On the conference, we managed to get an agreement for collaboration with several schools in Skopje. Some of them were interested to start education program in September, but some of them wanted to start in the course of the very next week. The event was announced on FB page, in media, and our volunteers visited many schools in Skopje. The survey of meeting participants was held after the event, and the results are placed in the section "Anything else".

Project page on



Please report on your original project targets.

Target outcome Achieved outcome Explanation
Number of total participants maximum 70 65 participants We were told that in the venue there are only 60 (chairs) sits and the rest of the participants will have to sit on a bench. So, the Board decided to reduce he number of participants on 60. Still, we have 5 plus participants.
4 speakers and several Wikipedians volunteers 4 speakers and 10 Wikipedians volunteers This target is reached



Projects do not always go according to plan. Sharing what you learned can help you and others plan similar projects in the future. Help the movement learn from your experience by answering the following questions:

  • What worked well?

There were a lot of interested teachers to participate. After the conference was announced, the teachers called to reserved their sits. We were unable to accept all interested teacher, because how we approach to the upcoming date for the conference, the phone was ringing almost all the time.

  • What did not work so well?

We had to reduce the number of several groups of interested participants, who called to reserve the sits the last week before the event, because the list was full. The group of 15 teachers who called several days before the event, we had to reduce to 4 participants, the group of 30 (unbelievable number!) teachers who called the very last day before the event when the number on the list was already 63, we had to reduce them to 2 participants.

The costs for the booklet "Instructor Basics, How to use Wikipedia as a teaching tool" were not count well at the time we asked our grant request. For some reason, by mistake we count (70 x 0.514 = 36€), which is the cost for black and white printing. At the end, we decided to use unseen costs of 50 euros to cover additional costs for printing the booklets, with only first ans last page in color.

  • What would you do differently next time?

We will add hands-on session.


One of the speakers and the banner of GLAM Macedonia
Cover page of the booklet, color
Inside pages of the booklet, black and white

Grant funds spent


Please describe how much grant money you spent for approved expenses, and tell us what you spent it on.

  • Printed materials (including booklet How to use Wikipedia as a teaching tool, program sheets, certificates, stickers, notebooks, name tags, etc.) - 185€ [booklets How to use Wikipedia as a teaching tool, black and white only (70 x 0.514 = 36€), program sheets (70 x 0.314 = 22€), certificates for participants and for the speakers (75 x 0.25 = 19€), stickers with logo (100 x 0.45 = 45€), set of notebook and pen (70 x 0.71 = 50€), name tags (10 x 0.5 = 5€), one pack of transparent files (100 x 0.08 = 8€)].
  • Roll up banner for GLAM Macedonia - 85€
  • Hall rent (with discount) - 100€
  • Coffee breaks (four coffee breaks, including refreshments and one break with mini bar lunch) - 250€
  • Transportation (for volunteers and materials) - 20€
  • Office supplies (paper clips, papers, pens, etc) - 6€
  • Unseen costs - 50€ - Used to cover additional expenses for booklets: preparing for print and color for the first and the last page only. There was no enough money for all color printing.

As for in-kind donations, we managed to get the conference hall with a great discount, including using of video beam, microphones, projector, lap top, internet, etc. We managed to have a professional photographer for free, and also, there were no honorarium for the speakers and time of the volunteers.

Remaining funds


Do you have any remaining grant funds?


Anything else


Anything else you want to share about your project?

The survey was carry out at the end of the event. The results of the survey are as this (65 participants in total):

Q. What was your knowledge level about Wikipedia before the event?
  • 47% had a little knowledge about Wikipedia before the event
  • 37% know most of the themes
  • 16% - didn't answer this question.
Q. What do you want to hear on this kind of event in the future?
  • 21 participants (32%) - more practice on the conference
  • 2 participants - two days event
  • 2 participants - session on how to activate people with disabilities
  • 1 participant - session on Wikipedia and the school libraries
  • 39 - didn't answer this question.
Q. Will you use in the classroom what you learned about?
  • 47% - Yes
  • 38% - maybe
  • 15% - didn't answer this question.
Q. Do you feel like you will need a help in order to implement the Wikipedia in the classroom?
  • 62% maybe
  • 15% - Yes
  • 11% - No
  • 12% - didn't answer this question.
Q. Do you think that the booklet is useful for you?
  • 52 participants (80%) – Yes
  • 1 participant – No
  • 4 participants – I don't know yet
  • 8 - didn't answer this question.
Q. Please leave your comment
  • 20 participants - Great conference, prepared speakers, useful information
  • 6 participants - Next time let's have a hands-on workshop
  • 5 participants - Let's start collaboration between GLAM Macedonia and our school
  • 4 participants - Let's have more often this kind of conference, so more teachers will be able to attend
  • 30 participants didn't leave the comment
In media
All photos from the event in this category