Grants:Programs/Wikimedia Community Fund/General Support Fund/Advancing Wikipedia, wiki projects, and free knowledge in Ukraine, 2024 and beyond
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Applicant information
edit- Organization name or Wikimedia Username for individuals. (required)
- Wikimedia Ukraine (Вікімедіа Україна)
- Do you have any approved General Support Fund requests? (required)
- Yes, I have already applied and received a General Support Fund
- You are applying as a(n). (required)
- Wikimedia Affiliate (chapter, thematic org., or user group)
- Are your group or organization legally registered in your country? (required)
- Yes
- Do you have a fiscal sponsor?
- No
- Fiscal organization name.
- N/A
Main proposal
edit- 1. Please state the title of your proposal. This will also be a title for the Meta-Wiki page. (required)
- Advancing Wikipedia, wiki projects, and free knowledge in Ukraine, 2024 and beyond
- 2. Do you want to apply for the multi-year funding or renewal process? (required)
- Yes, multi-year funding with different programs and budgets every year (a strategic plan is required)
- 2.1. For how many years of multi-year funding are you applying? (required)
- 3 years
- 2.2. Provide a brief overview of Year 2 and Year 3 of the proposed plan and how this relates to the current proposal and your strategic plan? (required)
In Year 2 and Year 3 of the application, we plan to sustain the programs planned for 2024 and iterate on them to achieve several major developments.
Particularly, in addition to supporting and iterating on existing programs, in terms of program development we plan to:
- Scale the Wikipedia Education Program, building on the healthy growth we’ve seen in 2023, to foster long-term institutional partnerships with Ukraine’s Ministry of Education and a number of major universities, as well as develop several mass open online courses based on our experience developing the “Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom” course in 2023. (For more context, see materials from a strategic session held at the conference of Ukrainian wiki educators in July 2023 –; in Ukrainian).
- Develop a sustainable GLAM program that supports large-scale institutional content uploads for Wikimedia projects, particularly by providing support to GLAM institutions around legal and copyright questions, as well as technical assistance in digitizing important material.
- Build a robust program to help fight burnout among community members, as well as offer effective conflict resolution and management mechanisms to Ukrainian Wikipedia volunteers
- Invest more resources in the quality of our article contests and campaigns on Wikipedia, particularly by offering more hands-on support to individual participants and putting even more focus on incentivizing quality of content.
To support this growth institutionally, we plan to:
- Hire a full-time Executive Director. Adding this role, which we had previously planned for 2023 but then had to postpone because of the war, would help develop institutional capacity, particularly around staff management, financial planning and fundraising.
- Develop a working fundraising strategy that would allow us to attract a more significant portion of our income from sources other than grant funding from the Wikimedia Foundation. (We are already doing work in this direction, such as applying for a grant from the Swedish Institute together with Wikimedia Sweden, but having a more robust fundraising strategy would require for the war to end, thus giving us more legitimacy to fundraise within Ukraine, which is hardly possible today with the society’s focus on fundraising for wartime needs; as well as hiring an ED to support the work).
To make this growth possible, we envision a 15% year-over-year budget increase in the year when the bulk of the changes are implemented (preliminary planned for 2025) and a smaller 7% year-over-year adjustment in another year (preliminary planned for 2026).
Please note these plans are highly preliminary as they depend significantly on the situation in Ukraine and the course of the war. We cannot predict how the war will play out over the course of the next three years, and the plans are made under a cautiously optimistic scenario wherein the war will either end or dissipate to an extent that it wouldn’t be a major factor in daily life of community members. Therefore, our plans might change to become more ambitious if the situation becomes significantly better (e.g. the war ends quickly and the post-war recovery period doesn’t present major challenges) or, conversely, we might have to scale back if the situation becomes worse (e.g. the war drags on or even escalates and impacts day-to-day life of our community via problems like Russian rocket attacks or resulting power outages).
- 3. Proposed start date. (required)
- 2024-01-01
- 4. Proposed end date. (required)
- 2026-12-31
- 5. Does your organization or group have an Affiliate or Organizational Annual Plan that can help us understand your proposal? If yes, please provide it. (required)
- Yes
- 6. Does your affiliate, organization or group have a Strategic Plan that can help us understand your proposal? If yes, please provide it. (required)
- Yes
- 7. Where will this proposal be implemented? (required)
- Ukraine
- 8. What are your programs, approaches, and strategies? What are the challenges that you are trying to address and how will your strategies support you in addressing these challenges? (required)
Per Wikimedia Ukraine’s strategic plan, we have four strategic directions with a number of programs under each of them. Each of the directions corresponds to a strategic challenge our community faces.
Challenge 1 – help enrich content of Wikipedia and its sister projects; do it in a way that aligns with the Movement Strategy recommendation “Identify Topics for Impact”, particularly address specific text and media content gaps, as well as prioritize content quality as compared with mere quantity
Programs, approaches and strategies to resolve it:
To solve the challenge of bridging text content gaps, we plan on organizing content campaigns with external partners and provide support to community-initiated content campaigns. We’ll also support contests promoting local content, continue to organize major content challenges for the community such as WikiGap and CEE Spring, as well as support sister Wikiprojects initiatives.
To help resolve the challenge of boosting content quality, we will hold one or several challenges to improve Wikipedia articles (either directly or indirectly via work like patrolling articles), provide grants for purchasing books to community members, and support other community initiatives in this space, such as improving the problem of low-quality article translations on Ukrainian Wikipedia.
To attract media content, Wikimedia Ukraine will organize two major annual photo contests in Ukraine (Wiki Loves Monuments and Wiki Loves Earth), as well as support Wiki Loves Earth on the international level. We’ll also develop our GLAM partnerships and provide grants for wikiexpeditions (the situation in Ukraine permitting), as well as photogrants.
Challenge 2 – increase the number and diversity of Wikimedia volunteers in Ukraine; do it in a way that aligns with the Movement-wide strategic direction that calls for “anyone who shares our vision [to] be able to join us”, particularly help attract underrepresented groups like women and ethnic minorities.
Programs, approaches and strategies to resolve it:
To attract new editors to Wikimedia projects, we’ll conduct our annual Wikimarathon campaign, support the educational program (including working to develop the community of wiki educators & developing mass open online courses via the Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom program and potentially others), and work with teachers and scientists to attract them to Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons, and other Wikimedia projects
One of the biggest challenges the Ukrainian and international Wikimedia community faces is how to increase the diversity of the community of editors. In this direction we’ll work on sister projects & non-Ukrainian language projects community development, as well as conduct diversity initiatives targeted at underrepresented groups such as women and ethnic minorities (e.g. Crimean Tatars). We’re also looking to set up work attracting senior citizens, following successful examples of the Czech Wikimedian community and others.
Challenge 3 – provide support to the community of Wikimedia volunteers in Ukraine; do it in a way that aligns with Movement Strategy recommendations “Invest in Skills and Leadership Development” and “Provide for Safety and Inclusion”, particularly help increase community resiliency against the backdrop of Russia’s military invasion of Ukraine.
Programs, approaches and strategies to resolve it:
To provide instruction for community members and facilitate experience sharing, we’ll hold training sessions for specific skills, mastering which are challenging for community members, such as fact-checking and fighting against misinformation. We will provide scholarships for external training sessions and international Wikimedia events (like Wikimania and Wikimedia CEE Meetings). Wikimedia Ukraine will organize major events for the community, such as annual Wikiconference and General Meeting for the NGO members (the situation in Ukraine permitting).
To increase the community's resilience, motivation and awareness, we’ll provide support to the community during the war – perhaps the biggest challenge that our community has had to face in its history. We’ll also give out Wikizghushchivka (Condensed milk) [1] to most active editors, provide wikigrants, communicate with communities through newsletters and other means, as well as hold relevant events and surveys.
Challenge 4 – boost awareness about Wikipedia, the Wikimedia movement and free knowledge in Ukraine; do it in a way that aligns with Movement Strategy recommendation “Provide for Safety and Inclusion”, particularly by advocating for freedom of panorama and other regulatory changes in Ukraine.
Programs, approaches and strategies to resolve it:
To provide media support and promotion of Wikipedia and Wikimedia projects and thus resolve the challenge of raising awareness of how Wikipedia works among audiences in Ukraine, we’ll publicize Wikipedia’s anniversary (2024 marks 20 years of Ukrainian-language Wikipedia), continually support our blog and over a dozen social media accounts, and further build relationships with the media by events and other means.
We’ll work with readers and the general public to increase awareness, using events and initiatives (such as introductory sessions for journalists and other professional groups), as well as developing information materials on wikiprojects.
To advocate for free knowledge in Ukraine, we’ll work to advance the adoption of “free panorama” in Ukraine – its lack remains a big challenge for the Ukrainian Wikimedian community and for free knowledge development in Ukraine more broadly. We’ll also advocate for free licensing on the web resources of Ukrainian government agencies and state funded cultural institutions, and other relevant changes.
(For more detail, please read Wikimedia Ukraine’s strategic plan for 2024 [2], as well as a more detailed plan of programs and projects [3]).
References: 1. More information about the Condensed milk program – 2. Wikimedia Ukraine’s strategic plan for 2024 – 3. Wikimedia Ukraine’s detailed plan for 2024 –
- 9. What categories are your main programs and related activities under? Please select all that apply. (required)
Category | Yes/No |
Education | Yes |
Culture, heritage or GLAM | Yes |
Gender and diversity | Yes |
Community support and engagement | Yes |
Participation in campaigns and contests | Yes |
Public policy advocacy | Yes |
Other | Yes |
- 9.1.1. Select all your programs and activities for Education. (required)
- Wiki Camp, Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom or other Reading/Evaluating Wikipedia Training, Editing Wikipedia Training, Translation, Wikidata programs, Wikimedia Commons programs, Other Wikimedia project programs, Other activities
- Other programs and activities if any: Development of the community of Wikimedia educators
- 9.1.2. Select all relevant audience groups for Education. (required)
- Primary school students, Secondary school students, Vocational, tertiary, or higher education, Teachers or professors, Senior citizens
- Other groups if any: N/A
Culture, heritage or GLAM
- 9.2. Select all your programs and activities for Culture, heritage or GLAM. (required)
- Introducing new approaches to underrepresented culture and heritage, e.g. decolonising or reparative work; oral and visual knowledge; outreach to communities of origin, indigenous and first nations self-determination, Supporting institutions to open up their collections, data, metadata, and research, Supporting GLAM professionals to incorporate use of Wikimedia in their work, through documentation, training, or Wikimedian in Residence programs, Partnering with institutions, professional associations, and allied organizations to raise awareness of open culture, ethical sharing, and related issues
- Other programs and activities if any: N/A
Gender and diversity
- 9.3. Select all your programs and activities for Gender and diversity.
- Bringing in women and/or gender diverse participants and editors, Focusing on creating content about women and/or gender diverse groups, including biographies, intersectional topic areas and/or adding images, Focusing on creating content about marginalized (underrepresented) communities and their knowledge, Focusing on knowledge equity by bringing in contributors from underrepresented communities, Sensitize and educate for gender perspective among Wikimedia projects stewards and editors
- Other programs and activities if any: N/A
Community support and engagement
- 9.4. Select all your programs and activities for Community support and engagement.
- On-wiki training of community members, Off-wiki training of community members, Organizing meetups, conferences, and community events, Supporting community members' participation in events and conferences, Offering micro-funding and other financial support to community members , Offering non financial support and services to community members (equipment, space, books, etc.)
- Other programs and activities if any: N/A
Participation in campaigns and contests
- 9.5. Select all campaigns that apply. (required)
- 1Lib1Ref, CEE Spring, Wiki Loves Earth, Wiki Loves Folklore, Wiki Loves Monuments, WikiForHumanRights, WikiGap, Wikipedia Pages Wanting Photos, Wikipedia Birthday or Anniversary
- Other programs and activities if any: N/A
Public policy advocacy
- 9.6.1. What specific laws, or legislative topics, are you targeting with your advocacy plans? Please be as specific as possible. (required)
- 9.6.2. What are the main methods and tactics via which you plan to advocate for this public policy change? Please be as specific as possible. (required)
Our public policy work has traditionally focused most significantly on advocating for freedom of panorama in Ukraine by raising awareness and working with government officials and policymakers. (More information on our most recent work is available in the 2022 annual report: In 2024 and beyond we plan to continue work in this direction.
Advocating for legal changes in the parliament is difficult in wartime, when lawmakers have other urgent priorities, so we also plan to expand our advocacy work to objectives that can be achieved more easily. Particularly, we plan to invest more resources in advocating for government institutions to use free licenses, such as by conducting monitoring of which government agencies publish materials under Creative Commons licenses and communicating with them. We will also explore the possibility of advocating for other changes that benefit the development of free knowledge (like resolving the problem of orphan works in the copyright legislation), as well as work to monitor relevant changes in legislation, especially with regard to European integration.
Recently we’ve cooperated with other Wikimedia organizations like Wikimedia Europe and Wikimedia Germany to do work on educating policymakers about Wikipedia’s model, most notably by co-organizing an event in the European Parliament in late 2022 [1] and speaking at the re:publica 2023 conference in Berlin in mid 2023 [2]. We plan to continue this work in 2024 and beyond.
References: 1. 2.
- 9.6.3. Approximately, how much of the requested budget will you dedicate to public policy advocacy (local currency)?
- 0
Other categories
Communications / raising awareness of Wikipedia and free knowledge
- 10. Please include a link to or upload a timeline (operational calendar) for your programs and activities. (required)
- 11. Describe your team. (required)
Wikimedia Ukraine has a robust team of volunteers and staff members working to advance our mission and develop our activities. We are a volunteer-driven organisation, led by the Board & supported by the Audit Committee. The Board includes seven people:
- Illia Korniiko (user:Ilya), Chair of the Board
- Bohdan Melnychuk (user:Base), First Vice Chair & Secretary
- Mykola Kozlenko (user:NickK), Vice Chair & Treasurer
- Ihor Makovskyi (user:Mcoffsky), responsible for the "Content Enrichment” program
- Nataliia Lastovets (user:EleNte), "Increasing Participation" program
- Anton Obozhyn (user:Tohaomg), "Community Support and Development" program
- Olha Milianovych (user:MeOlya), "Awareness about Wikimedia" & "Advocacy" programs
More information about the Board — The Audit Committee includes three people:
- Serhii Lypko (user:Сергій Липко)
- Maryna Liutynska (u:Марина Лютинська)
- Viacheslav Mamon (u:Venzz)
More information about the Audit Committee — To support our work, we have several full-time staff members:
- Programs Coordinator; 1 FTE; currently Anton Protsiuk / user:AntonProtsiuk (WMUA)
- Communications Manager; 1 FTE; currently Vitalii Petrushko / user:VitaliiPetrushko (WMUA)
- Accountant; 1 FTE; currently Olena Muzychenko / user:OlenaMuzychenko (WMUA)
- Office Manager; 1 FTE; currently Anna Korbut / user:AnnaKorbut (WMUA)
We also have several part-time program-specific contractors:
- “Increasing Participation” project manager; currently Olena Vinsent / user:OlenaVinsent (WMUA)
- international WLE project manager; currently Olesia Lukaniuk / user:OlesiaLukaniuk (WMUA)
- WLM in Ukraine project manager; currently Daryna Vozniuk / user:DarynaVozniuk (WMUA)
More information about staff & contractors — Of course, all of our activities are powered by volunteers; across all our programs Wikimedia Ukraine works with several hundreds of volunteers.
- 12. Will you be working with any internal (Wikimedia) or external partners? Describe the characteristics of these partnerships and bring a few examples of the most significant partnerships. (required)
Wikimedia Ukraine leverages dozens of partnerships to support and advance our activities across our various programs.
Different categories of partners we work with now and plan to work with in the future include:
- Other Wikimedia Movement organizations (such as Wikimedia Sweden, which we plan a joint project around nature and cultural heritage with, or CEE Hub, which we will both help build and receive support from)
- Other Ukrainian NGOs (such as nature & culture heritage protection organizations that support Wiki Loves Earth and Wiki Loves Monuments)
- Educational and GLAM institutions (such as universities or university departments where the Wikipedia Education Program is implemented)
- International organizations (such as the United Nations Population Fund’s office in Ukraine and the National Democratic Institute, which support WikiGap in Ukraine)
- Ukrainian government agencies (such as the Ukrainian Institute and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which support Ukraine’s Culture Diplomacy Month)
The primary characteristic of the partnerships is that they should be synergetic and leverage unique advantages of each partner – such as Wikimedia Ukraine’s unique expertise in how Wikipedia works and how the Wikimedia community is organized along with a partner organization’s access to their unique target audience. By working with partners over the years we’ve found that it’s important to set expectations right from the start (unless we discuss it beforehand, some partners might expect from us something we cannot deliver like the ability to directly manage content of Wikipedia articles), as well as to maintain continuous time investment in supporting collaboration.
More resources on Wikimedia Ukraine’s approach to working with partners:
- Our past grant report program story (in English) —
- Slides from a presentation by Wikimedia Ukraine’s programs coordinator (in Ukrainian, pdf) —
- 13. In what ways do you think your proposal most contributes to the Movement Strategy 2030 recommendations. Select all that apply. (required)
- Provide for Safety and Inclusion, Ensure Equity in Decision-making, Invest in Skills and Leadership Development, Manage Internal Knowledge, Identify Topics for Impact, Evaluate, Iterate, and Adapt
editWikimedia Metrics
edit- 14. Please select and fill out Wikimedia Metrics for your proposal. (recommended)
- 14.1. Number of participants, editors, and organizers.
All metrics provided are optional, please fill them out if they are aligned with your programs and activities.
Metrics name | Target | Description |
Number of all participants | 20688 | The number is based on a 2024 projection, plus projected 10% growth year-over-year in 2025 and 2026.
Please see a more detailed distribution of our metrics across all programs for 2024 in the spreadsheet: |
Number of all editors | 17378 | The numbers are based on a 2024 projection, plus projected 10% growth year-over-year in 2025 and 2026.
Please see a more detailed distribution of our metrics across all programs for 2024 in the spreadsheet: |
Number of new editors | 11949 | |
Number of retained editors | N/A | |
Number of all organizers | 761 | The number is based on a 2024 projection, plus projected 10% growth year-over-year in 2025 and 2026.
Please see a more detailed distribution of our metrics across all programs for 2024 in the spreadsheet: |
Number of new organizers | N/A |
- 14.2. Number of new content contributions to Wikimedia projects. (recommended)
Wikimedia project | Created | Edited or improved |
Wikipedia | 23911 | 5979 |
Wikimedia Commons | 223608 | 11768 |
Wikidata | 343 | 3099 |
Wiktionary | ||
Wikisource | 1113 | 277 |
Wikimedia Incubator | ||
Translatewiki | ||
MediaWiki | ||
Wikiquote | 1270 | 319 |
Wikivoyage | 60 | 39 |
Wikibooks | ||
Wikiversity | ||
Wikinews | ||
Wikispecies | ||
Wikifunctions / Abstract Wikipedia |
- Description for Wikimedia projects contributions metrics. (optional)
The numbers are based on a 2024 projection, plus projected 10% growth year-over-year in 2025 and 2026.
Please see a more detailed distribution of our metrics across all programs for 2024 in the spreadsheet:
Other Metrics
edit- 15. Do you have other quantitative and qualitative targets for your project (other metrics)? (required)
- Yes
Other Metrics | Description | Target |
Partnerships | Number of partnerships that contribute to long-term growth, diversity and sustainability of Wikimedia Ukraine's work.
The number is based on a 2024 projection, plus a projected 10% growth year-over-year in 2025 and 2026. Please see a more detailed distribution of our metrics across all programs for 2024 in the spreadsheet: |
443 |
Sharings with the international community | Number of pieces of content (newsletter articles, Diff posts, conference presentations) that share the useful learnings and experience from Wikimedia Ukraine's work with the international community.
The number includes 15 sharings annually = 45 for three years. |
45 |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
edit- 16. Will you have any other revenue sources when implementing this proposal (e.g. other funding, membership contributions, donations)? (required)
- Yes
- 16.1. List other revenue sources. (required)
- Donations and contributions
- Membership fees
- Grants from funders other than the Wikimedia Foundation like the Swedish Institute (to be confirmed)
- 16.2. Approximately how much revenue will you have from other sources in your local currency? (required)
- 20000
- 17. Your local currency. (required)
- 18. What is the total requested amount in your local currency? (required)
- 506587 USD
Year | Amount (local currency) |
Year 1 | 149856 USD |
Year 2 | 172334 USD |
Year 3 | 184397 USD |
- 19. Does this proposal include compensation for staff or contractors? (required)
- Yes
- 19.1. How many paid staff members do you plan to have? (required)
Include the number of staff and contractors during the proposal period. If you have short-term contractors or staff, please include them separately and mention their terms.
- For 2024: 7
In 2025/2026 the number might go up to 8 or 9 based on the ability to hire a fulltime Executive Director and the programmatic growth that might potentially require hiring an additional program manager.
- 19.2. How many FTEs (full-time equivalents) in total? (required)
Include the total FTE of staff and contractors during the proposal period. If you have short-term contractors or staff, please include their FTEs with the terms separately.
- For 2024: 5.8 FTE (4 full-time managers, two part-time managers at 0.75 FTE, one part-time manager at 0.3 FTE)
In 2025/2026 the number might go up to 6.8 FTE or over 7 FTE based on the ability to hire a fulltime Executive Director and the programmatic growth that might potentially require hiring an additional program manager.
- 19.3. Describe any staff or contractor changes compared to the current year / ongoing General Support Fund if any. (required only for returning grantees)
- N/A
- 20. Please provide an overview of your overall budget categories in your local currency. The budget breakdown should include only the amount requested with this General Support Fund (required).
Budget category | Amount in local currency |
Staff and contractor costs | 59056 USD |
Operational costs | 21600 USD |
Programmatic costs | 91285 USD |
- 21. Please upload your budget for this proposal or indicate the link to it. (required)
Additional information
edit- 22. In this optional space you can add any other additional information about your proposal or organization that you think can help us when reviewing your proposal. (optional)
Clarification to question 21, per our conversation with our Program Officer
editWikimedia Ukraine works with several program-specific contractors whose compensation is listed in our budget documents under expenses for specific programs (as opposed to staff that supports our work across all programs whose compensation is listed in the “Administrative costs” section).
Therefore, compensation of program-specific contractors is included both in question 21.1 and in question 21.3. Total operational costs in 21.2 do not include costs for staff and contractors.
Clarification to questions 20.1 and 20.2
editCompared to our budget for 2023 and before, we re-classified expenses for an advocacy contractor as expenses for consultancy services and thus do not count their providers as staff or contractors. This reflects our changed approach to advocacy work discussed in question 9.6 (e.g. more sense to cover a wider array of issues). We do not have active contractors or consultants focused on advocacy at the moment of submitting this application, but we plan to engage consultancy services throughout 2024 and beyond.
By submitting your proposal/funding request you agree that you are in agreement with the Application Privacy Statement, WMF Friendly Space Policy and the Universal Code of Conduct.
We/I have read the Application Privacy Statement, WMF Friendly Space Policy and Universal Code of Conduct.
- Yes
Year 2 Plan
Annual Plan for Year 2
1.1. Please upload or indicate a link for Year 2 Annual Plan. (required)
1.2. Please describe any major changes in your Annual Plan. If there are changes that require a budget change, please specify. (required)
Our annual plan for 2025 is consistent with our activity in the previous year and the overall plans detailed in the grant application. Our budget is in line in what’s been approved for Year 2.
To offer more context, over the past several months we conducted a wide strategic process involving Wikimedia NGO members and the wider Ukrainian community. The process, which was supported by external facilitators and attracted dozens of participants, included internal analysis, surveys, several offline and online events, and a public onwiki discussion. Strategy conversations helped clarify our goals for the next two years, resulting in the 2025-2026 strategic plan –
Strategy conversations reaffirmed that Wikimedia Ukraine is on the right track and gave approval to continue the work we’re doing. They also helped defined a few areas that deserve more focus in 2025 and beyond:
- developing and implementing a comprehensive strategy for cooperation with institutions and specialists to attract thematic media content within the GLAM program;
- attracting underrepresented groups of editors (women, senior citizens, neurodiverse people etc.), as well as building on our initial success advancing Crimean Tatar Wikipedia to make its development sustainable;
- developing and implementing a system of support for experienced volunteers of Ukrainian Wikipedia (administrators and patrollers);
- catching up with communication trends by investing more resources in video creation;
- developing a comprehensive advocacy strategy that would offer a sober assessment of what Wikimedia Ukraine can and cannot achieve under current conditions;
- improving training, onboarding and offboarding practices of key volunteers, improving the process of transferring institutional memory.
Our full annual plan is available in English on Wikimedia Ukraine’s website:
Budget for Year 2
2.1. Do you request an increase or decrease from what has been approved for Year 2? (required)
- No, my budget request for Year 2 has not changed
2.2. Please upload a detailed budget file or indicate a link to it for the Year 2 proposal. The revised budget should show your anticipated yearly budget from the beginning of Year 2 through the end date of the grant. (required)
Metrics for Year 2
3.1. Main open metrics (required)
Metrics Name | Description | Target |
Partnerships | Number of partnerships that contribute to long-term growth, diversity and sustainability of Wikimedia Ukraine's work.
Please see a more detailed distribution of our metrics across all programs for 2025 in the spreadsheet: |
134 |
Sharings with the international community | Number of pieces of content (newsletter articles, Diff posts, conference presentations) that share the useful learnings and experience from Wikimedia Ukraine's work with the international community. | 15 |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
3.2. Core metrics (required)
Core metrics | Description | Target |
Number of participants | Please see a more detailed distribution of our metrics across all programs for 2025 in the spreadsheet: | 5790 |
Number of editors | Please see a more detailed distribution of our metrics across all programs for 2025 in the spreadsheet: | 4820 |
Number of organizers | Please see a more detailed distribution of our metrics across all programs for 2025 in the spreadsheet: | 220 |
Wikimedia Project | Description | Target |
Wikipedia | Please see a more detailed distribution of our metrics across all programs for 2025 in the spreadsheet: | 8780 |
Wikidata | Please see a more detailed distribution of our metrics across all programs for 2025 in the spreadsheet: | 540 |
Wikimedia Commons | Please see a more detailed distribution of our metrics across all programs for 2025 in the spreadsheet: | 101110 |
Wikiquote | Please see a more detailed distribution of our metrics across all programs for 2025 in the spreadsheet: | 480 |
Wikisource | Please see a more detailed distribution of our metrics across all programs for 2025 in the spreadsheet: | 4820 |
3.4. If you are introducing new metrics related to a major change in your budget or programmatic plans, please describe them below. (optional)
Additional information for Year 2
4.2. If there are additional links, files, or information you would like to share related to Year 2 planning, please add them here. (optional)
More about the process of strategic planning (in Ukrainian):
edit- Please add any feedback to the grant discussion page only. Any feedback added here will be removed.