Grants:Programs/Wikimedia Community Fund/Advancing Wikipedia, wiki projects, and free knowledge in Ukraine, 2022 and beyond/Midpoint Report

Report Status: Draft

Due date: 2023-01-15T00:00:00Z

Funding program: Wikimedia Community Fund

Report type: Midpoint


This is an automatically generated Meta-Wiki page. The page was copied from Fluxx, the grantmaking web service of Wikimedia Foundation where the user has submitted their midpoint report. Please do not make any changes to this page because all changes will be removed after the next update. Use the discussion page for your feedback. The page was created by CR-FluxxBot.

General information


This form is for organizations, groups, or individuals receiving Wikimedia Community Funds or Wikimedia Alliances Funds to report on their midpoint results. See the Wikimedia Community Fund application if you want to review the initial proposal.

  • Name of Organization: Wikimedia Ukraine (Вікімедіа Україна)
  • Title of Proposal: Advancing Wikipedia, wiki projects, and free knowledge in Ukraine, 2022 and beyond
  • Amount awarded: 299069.3
  • Amount spent: USD,

Part 1 Understanding your work


1. Briefly describe how your strategies and activities proposed were implemented and if any changes to what was proposed are worth highlighting?

2. Were there any strategies or approaches that you feel are effective in achieving your goals? Please describe these.

3. What challenges or obstacles have you encountered? What will you do differently going forward?

4. Please describe how different Wikimedia communities are being informed about your work. Provide any useful links that illustrate community engagement.

5. Is there anything else you would like to share about how your efforts helped to bring in participants and/or build content, particularly for underrepresented groups?


6. In your application, you outlined your learning priorities for this fund. What are you learning about these areas during this period?

7. What are the next steps and opportunities you’ll be focusing on for the second half of your project?

Part 2: Metrics


8a. In your application, you outlined some core metrics that you would like to measure and the targets for each metric. In the following table please highlight the metrics and describe the qualitative or quantitative results to date, if applicable. You can also provide any comments or analysis regarding these results and mention the tools used.

Core Metrics Summary
Core metrics Description Target Results Comments Methodology
Number of participants Please see the spreadsheet with Wikimedia Ukraine's detailed metrics plan with distribution for each program — 7350
Number of editors Please see the spreadsheet with Wikimedia Ukraine's detailed metrics plan with distribution for each program — 6290
Number of organizers Please see the spreadsheet with Wikimedia Ukraine's detailed metrics plan with distribution for each program — 230
Number of new content contributions per Wikimedia project
Wikimedia Project Description Target Results Comments Methodology
Wikipedia Please see the spreadsheet with Wikimedia Ukraine's detailed metrics plan with distribution for each program — 8050 N/A N/A N/A
Wikidata Please see the spreadsheet with Wikimedia Ukraine's detailed metrics plan with distribution for each program — 440 N/A N/A N/A
Wikimedia Commons Please see the spreadsheet with Wikimedia Ukraine's detailed metrics plan with distribution for each program — 101190 N/A N/A N/A
Wikiquote Please see the spreadsheet with Wikimedia Ukraine's detailed metrics plan with distribution for each program — 500 N/A N/A N/A
Wikisource Please see the spreadsheet with Wikimedia Ukraine's detailed metrics plan with distribution for each program — 420 N/A N/A N/A

8b. In your application, you outlined some additional metrics that you would like to measure and the targets for each metric. In the following table please highlight the metrics and describe the qualitative or quantitative results to date, if applicable. You can also provide any comments or analysis regarding these results and mention the tools used.

Additional Metrics
Additional Metrics Description Target Results Comments Methodology
Number of editors that continue to participate/retained after activities N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Number of organizers that continue to participate/retained after activities N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Number of strategic partnerships that contribute to longer term growth, diversity and sustainability Please see the spreadsheet with Wikimedia Ukraine's detailed metrics plan with distribution for each program — 154 N/A N/A N/A
Feedback from participants on effective strategies for attracting and retaining contributors N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Diversity of participants brought in by grantees N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Number of people reached through social media publications N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Number of activities developed N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Number of volunteer hours N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
N/A The number of original stories for Wikimedia Ukraine's blog and / or social media accounts that focus on Wikipedia, Wikimedia projects, Wikimedia Ukraine's activity, free knowledge 120 N/A N/A N/A

9. Are you having any difficulties collecting data to measure your results?


10. Are you collaborating and sharing learning with Wikimedia affiliates or community members?

10a. Please describe how and what has proved to be most effective.

11. Documentation of your work process, story, and impact.

  • Below there is a section to upload files, videos, sound files, images (photos and infographics, e.g. communications materials, blog posts, compelling quotes, social media posts, etc.).
  • Below is an additional field to type in link URLs. You can include any monitoring tool links (dashboards, etc), surveys, training materials, presentations, and other URLs. We also recommend you share your findings in the form of a learning pattern. Click on this link to find out more. If you create any learning patterns, please link them below.

Part 3: Financial reporting and compliance


12. Please state the total amount spent in your local currency.

13. Local currency type

14. Please report the funds received and spending in the currency of your fund.

  • Upload Documents, Templates, and Files.
  • Report funds received and spent, if template not used.

15. Based on your implementation and learning to date, do you have any plans to make changes to the budget spending?

15a. Please provide an explanation on how you hope to adjust this.


16. We’d love to hear any thoughts you have on how the experience of being a grantee has been so far.