Grants:PEG/WMPL/Ethnography of the Carpathians/Report
- Report accepted
- To read the approved grant submission describing the plan for this project, please visit Grants:PEG/WMPL/Ethnography of the Carpathians.
- You may still comment on this report on its discussion page, or visit the discussion page to read the discussion about this report.
- You are welcome to Email grants at wikimedia dot org at any time if you have questions or concerns about this report.

Project status
edit- Did you comply with the requirements specified by WMF in the grant agreement?
- Is your project completed?
Activities and lessons learned
edit- The National Museum of Ethnography team was responsible for setting up the team schedule. All meetings, recording dates and times were prearranged by the National Museum of Ethnography staff. All these daily activities during the 2 excursions can be categorized into three main areas:
- Meetings at local museums and open-air museums;
- Meetings with local craftsmen;
- Public (or half-public, eg. a local folk workshop for young people) events and social gatherings, festivals, etc.
- Klara Sielicka, National Museum of Ethnography coordinator, posted a preliminary schedule detailing a list of meetings and locations, on the mailing list;
- Team members communicated through the mailing list dedicated to the project, and through email and phone;
- Klara Sielicka and Marta Malina Moraczewska work together as joint coordinators informing everyone;
- We made a list of photo equipment necessary to take good pictures of items and clothing – very modest mobile studio with 2 flash lamps and a folding background;
- We purchased and tested the equipment in advance of trip #1 and took test images;
- Marta (WMPL) and Mariusz (Museum) were also in charge of collecting invoices for fuel, meals and accommodation during the excursions;
- We established the project page, prepared the article tables and Wikimedia Commons templates for images.
Trip 1. Poland
edit- Date: August 14-19, 2016
- Team: Klarqa, Wpedzich, Nowak.michal, Patryk Pawlaczyk, Marta Malina (+ Museum driver)
- The first trip was carried out between August 14-19 as planned – details can be found in the quick report.
- The team visited several locations in 2 regions: Żywiec Beskids and Podhale. In each location the team visited 2 to 3 places, events or people every day. A list of recording and photo locations can be found in the section below.
- Working hours were on average 9AM to 6PM.
Trip 1 locations and museums
edit- Outdoor Mass, Assumption of Mary photographing Beskid folklore groups – photos, film;
- The workshop and dressing room of Jadwiga Jurasz – tailor, maker of garments modeled on Beskid Żywiecki designs – photos, interviews, film;
- The workshop in Juszczyna creating gęśla instruments – film, interview, photos;
- Artisan maker of kierpce shoes in Jaworzynka – photos, film, interview;
- Outdoor museum in Milówka – photos, film;
- The Municipal Museum in Żywiec – photos, book scans, workshop, interviews;
- The Dom Ludowy centre, Bukowina Tatrzańska – regional dress of Podhale Gorals – photos;
- The Tatra Museum in Zakopane – photos, film, interviews, book scans;
- The Korkosz Croft in Czarna Góra – photos, film;
- Podhale jeweler – photos, film, interview.
Work done
edit- The team took over 2000 images; over 600 were selected for upload, over 350 uploaded to Wikimedia Commons;
- Several hours of interviews and videos were recorded as planned, several have been uploaded to Commons;
- The article list has been updated with new articles after visits to the region (see Articles section for details);
- Additional bibliography was scanned at museums;
- Additional images – originating from the archives of the National Museum of Ethnography – depicting elements of regional dress were released by the Museum on CC BY-SA licenses and uploaded to Wikimedia Commons. More relevant Museum uploads will be carried out during the next stages of the project.
- Introducing the project on Wikimedia blog.
XIXth century corset, Podhale
Contemporary costume of Beskid Gorals
Trip 2. Romania
edit- Date: September 11-19, 2016
- Team: Mariusz Raniszewski, Justyna Otwinowska, Aleksander Robotycki, Wiktoria Kraska
- While preparing for the trip, we received enormous help from the Romanian Cultural Institute in Poland .
A Dacian pottery workshop - Structure of work days: We were working till late night hours; the team often split into two groups to record more interviews or take more photos.
- 10 interviews were filmed: 4 at museums, the remaining interviews – with craftsmen: Dacian ceramics; museum experts (Professor and co-founder of the museum in Syghet), wood carving (gates and other wooden forms), wood sculpture (crosses for the cemetery in Sapanta), embroidery and manufacture of shirts, modern wooden folklore-inspired products (caskets toys, sculptures in bottles); woodworking and modern reinventions.
Trip 2 visited locations and museums
edit- Maramures Ethnographic Museum, Baia Mare – film, interview, photos;
- Maramures Museum, Sighetu Marmatiei – film, interview, photos;
- Sighetu Marmatiei open-air museum – film, interview, photos;
- Dacian pottery workshop at Baia Sprie – film, interview, photos;
- Shoemaking workshop, Bârsana – film, interview;
- Woodworking workshop, Bârsana – film, interview, photos;
- Wood carving workshop, Vadu Izei – film, interview, photos;
- Wood carving workshop, Săpânța – film, interview, photos;
- Merry Cemetery, Săpânța – photos, video;
- Tailor's studio, Surdesti – film, interview, photos.
Work done
edit- We were able to gather a lot of interesting material that will help popularize regional art and traditions of the Maramures region;
- 10 video interviews recorded with local museum experts, ethnographers and artists.
- The recordings will enable the team to prepare at least a dozen short video clips.
- The team selected around 300 images for uploading to Wikimedia Commons, out of which around 100 have been uploaded.
- Additional bibliography was scanned at museums;
- The article list has been updated with new articles after visits to the region.
Dacian pottery workshop, Maramures
Trip 3. Moravian Wallachia, Czech Republic
edit- Date: 12-17.04.2017
- Team: Bratek Robotycki, Daniel Pastusek, Mariusz Raniszewski, Celina Strzelecka; Polimerek; Vikipedie CZ - Jaro Zastoupil; Volunteer Paweł Boruń Jagodziński
- Prior to trip 3, we ran an intense all-day organisation and orientation meetup for the active participants at the Museum of Ethnography – see Meetup at the Museum
- We visted The Library of Wallachian Open Air Museum, documenting articles about Local wooden architecture, Regional Costumes, Rites of Easter, Folk Art and Craft.
- Visited locations and museums and work done
- We met with the management and ethnographers of Wallachian Open Air Museum Rožnov pod Radhoštěm (presentation and discussion about Carpathian Ethnography Project; Wikipedia workshop and presentation: How to work with Wikipedia and Wikimedia and GLAM). • We were filming and taking photos of The Wallachian Village (different parts and during Easter Fair).
- We made interviews with local ethnographers about local wooden architecture and history of Wallachian Open Air Museum and about local folk costumes of Moravian Wallachia, also with local craftsmen and residents.
- We were documenting local Easter ritual called Rapač (rattling), participating in events and recording interviews about history of rite Rapač with local participants and with local ethnographers Hážovice. We were documenting during the night twice (e.g. "Tatar" (Easter whip) in Rožnov pod Radhoštěm and surrounding locations.
- We made interviews in Francova Lhota with local artists such as Jan Brlica (older), Jan Brlica (younger) and Jiří Ptáček. We documented their works in the surrounding villages.
- Interview with folk artist Vladislava Hrubešová about local folk costumes; with folk artist Michaela Bařinová about creating local folk costumes for baby dolls and Easter eggs; with folk artists Bohdanka Pečinová, Svatava Pavlicová about tradition of painting Easter eggs; with folk artist Vít Kašpařík about local folk musical instruments - Wallachian pipes.
- Additional bibliography was scanned at museums;
- Over 500 photographs uploaded to Wikimedia Commons.
Trip 4. Slovakia
edit- Date: June 14-19, 2017
- Team: Slovak Wikipedia - Patrik Kunec (Armin), Polish Wikipedian Krzysztof Blachnicki, the Ethnographic Museum in Warsaw- Amudena Rutkowska, Klara Sielicka Klarqa (talk), Mariusz Raniszewski, Ela Stańczyk (volunteer)
Work done
edit- Several interviews with ethnographers and museum workers in Slovak National Museum (in Martin and in open-air Museum of Slovak Village in Martin) about the museum, collection, folk costumes in Slovakia, open-air museum`s buildings;
- Documentation for Commons of the objects out from SNM`s collection in Martin;
- Participation/documentation in The Feast of Corpus Christi in Vrútky;
- Trip to ČIČMANY village and open-air museum: interview with museum worker about history of this place, documentation of the buildings and of the exhibitions inside the houses; interview with craftswoman about embroidery;
- Visiting the Folklore Festival in Myjava, interviewing bagpipes` players and makers + bobbin lace makers and other craftsmen;
- Trip to Stara and Nova Lubovla: documentation of open-air museum, recording and interviewing musicians. Interviews about the history of the area, about instruments and traditional costumes. Interview with local craftsman about belt making. Documentation of his workshop.
- Trip to Bardejov: interview with the director of Museum of Icons and documentation of the interior; visiting the open-air museum Bardejov-Kupele, documentation of the buildings and interview with local museum worker.
Myjava Festival
Carpathian Highland belts
Bobbin lace tools
Slovakian bagpipes player
Trip 5. Ukraine
edit- Date: 18.08.2017
- Team: Klara Sielicka, Amudena Rutkowska, Patryk Pawlaczyk, Julia Maria Koszewska, Wikimedia Ukraine: Anton Obozhyn, Taras Rykmas, Mariusz Raniszewski
Visited locations and museums and work done
edit- Preparatory meetings: 28.06.2017, 13.07.2017.
- attending and documenting the Feast of the Transfiguration (known as Holiday of Spas) at Greek Catholic Church in Sopiv, interviews about the Holiday and the history of the place;
- visiting a local museum in Sopiv; going to Nizni Vierbiz to the church of the Birth of the Holy Mother of God one of the few wooden Carpathian churches on UNESCO World cultural heritage list. Pictures of the interior and outside view of the building, filming and making an interview about its history;
- visiting local artisans and their workshops with focus on icon painters and makers of traditional costume/farbrics;
- National Museum of Hultsulschyna and Pokuttya Folk Art: workshop of editing Wikipedia for the museums' employees;
- Pysanka Museum interviews, filming, pictures;
- The Dolyna Regional Museum of Tetyana & Omelan Antonovych: the museum of Boiko culture;
- visiting local artisans and their workshops in the Dolyna area;
- recording local singers (see: White voice);
- recording and documenting traditional embroidery.
Museum of Boyko culture
Roman Kumlyk museum
Pysanka Museum, Ukraine. Modern pysanka from ATO zone
Ukrainian wedding wear, XIXth century
Wikipedia articles
edit- We divided the Carpathian subject range into five main thematic areas (see below) and created extended article tables for each theme.
- Articles from the five thematic categories were written and translated into a wide range of languages. As planned, we ran a side contest – the Carpathians Challenge – during the 2017 CEE Spring competition, which resulted in 28 new article translations submitted by the community of Wikipedians. See results →
- Overall, over 100 new articles were written and over 70 were substantially extended.
The list below features examples of new articles written within the project. It is not a full list.
See the List of new articles and the List of extended articles →
- New articles about regional museums include: The Tatra Museum in Zakopane (English and articles in 7 new languages), Museum of Zakopane Style at Villa Koliba (English and 5 new languages); Wallachian Open Air Museum (English and 6 new languages); Šariš Museum in Bardejov (English and Polish); Zagroda Korkoszów w Czarnej Górze, Zagroda Sołtysów w Jurgowie, Muzeum Etnografii i Sztuki Ludowej w Baia Mare (pl); Сільський музей Мармарощини (uk), Maramurskie Muzeum Wsi (pl); Сільський музей Мармарощини (uk); Muzeum Etnograficzne w Martinie (pl); Museum of the Slovak Village (English extended + 3 new languages), Muzeum Etnografii i Sztuki Ludowej w Baia Mare, Музей Пісанка (uk).
- New articles about regional costume include: Folk costumes of Podhale (English and 4 new languages), Czech traditional clothing (extended English + 3 new languages); Strój górali żywieckich (pl), Rumuński strój ludowy (pl); Strój huculski (pl).
- New articles about regional clothing: Parzenica (English and 7 new languages), Gunia, Kierpce, Trzos (pas), Krywulka (pl); Zgarda.
- New articles about folk artists, craftsmen and poets: Sabała (English and 6 new languages), Alois Jaroněk, Stan Ioan Pătraș (Slovakian and 5 new languages), Józef Hulka (Polish); Jan Brlica (młodszy) (pl), Jan Brlica starší (cs), Josef Heja (cs), Jan Brlica (starszy) (pl), Joža Ország-Vranecký mladší (cs), Joža Ország-Vranecký starší, Պետրե Իսպիրեսկու (hy), Roman Kumłyk (pl), Нікіфар Крыніцкі (be).
Selected new articles by region
editA more complete list of new – and extended – articles can be found on the project page in the Articles section.
Czech Republic
Ukraine |
Wikimedia Commons: images and films
editUploaded media and their use in Wikimedia projects
During each trip the team took a range of photographs and video recordings depicting regional clothing, individual items of clothing, shoes, jewelry, tools for local crafts, handmade fabrics, folk art, musical instruments, local folklore festivals and celebrations, and local museum and open-air museum exhibits, buildings and interiors. The oldest pieces of regional clothing photographed date from the eighteenth century. The team also took images of contemporary reworkings of traditional craftsmanship and outfits made in accordance with old traditions.
- Photos taken by the team are grouped in the general category Carpathian Ethnography Project;
- Videos are grouped in the Carpathian Ethnography Project video files category.
Participants have uploaded over 2400 media files. Within this number is around 200 images donated by GLAM institutions who contributed specially for the project: the Regional Institute of Culture in Katowice and the National Museum in Warsaw. The media created or gathered within the project were illustrating over 1100 Wiki pages across 35 projects. The monthly view rate of all media from the project was over 800 000 in December (see usage statistics) and over 1.6 million in March 2018.
Video clips
Video clips demonstrate the process of making traditional items of clothing and jewellery, musical instruments, tools, and other artifacts related to the traditional way of life in the Carpathian Highlands culture.
- 30 short video clips presenting local culture and customs were uploaded to Wikimedia Commons.
- The video clips are used in over 70 articles. In December 2017 the videos had over 260 000 views in articles, and in March 2018 over 350 000 views.
- Video file usage statistics
Categorising files
Files have been given appropriate categories in Commons. For new museums without an earlier presence on Wikimedia Commons, or in cases where the employees actively engaged in the documentation process and were interested in further work, we created new Commons categories, see Media contributed by the Tatra Museum in Zakopane and The Korkosz Croft in Czarna Góra for examples. This will be continued.
Digital Humanities conference, Tartu
EthnoWiki workshop at the CEE Meeting 2017
Team members at the CEE Meeting
Spreading the word
edit- The project and its initial results was presented at the 'Open licences, open content, open data: tools for developing digital humanities' conference at the Estonian Literary Museum in Tartu. The talk was titled 'EthnoWiki projects, or how not to lose the human component in digital humanities'.
- It was discussed during the 2017 GLAMWIKI Coordinators Meeting at UNESCO (presentation);
- It was also presented at the Digital Cultures conference at the Copernicus Science Centre, Warsaw, in September 2017;
- At the Wikimedia CEE Meeting, also in September 2017 (see meeting page for details)
- At Polska Konferencja Instrumentologiczna – Musical Instruments Conference – in September 2017
- The project was popularised on Polish Radio: 'Unique ethnographic material openly available for use'
- On Polish Radio in Ukrainian: Етнографія Карпат» - унікальний проект польських вікіпедистів
Lessons learned
edit- What worked well?
- The museum prearranging visits to regional institutions;
- Friendly communication and interest of Wikimedians in local residents' culture and customs; this generates mutual respect, and interest in Wikipedia and awareness that it is possible to fill in the missing information about regional / underrepresented cultures in Wikipedia;
- Good organisation of wikitrips and large amounts of gathered material ;
- Scanning bibliography and sources on location for use while writing articles on return;
- Commitment of the museum staff and participating volunteers from Ukraine, Czech Republic, Slovakia; continued email and Wikipedia communication;
- Considerable amount of sources from Slovakian and Czech museums.
- Involvement of the Polish ethnographic community
- What didn't work?
- Team reported that there was hardly any response from the Romanian wiki community or further involvement in the creation of next articles, perhaps due to temporary unavailability of volunteers or engaged Wikimedians
- We have not managed to geotag most files, and are still processing longer films, due to time constraints and organisational issues at the museum. Processing all the gathered files is still taking place, and further projects (a film / a printed publication) are discussed for the future based on the material.
- What would you do differently if you planned a similar project?
- Spend considerable time preparing / training to use better tools to organise all the new content (particularly articles) and training to use measurement/statistic tools
- Spend more time training team members on above tools in preparations stage
- Increase the time and improve procedure of recruiting Wikimedian volunteers from each country before the wikitrips -- i.e. generally lengthen the preparations stage to around 6 months
- Consider a full time or part time dedicated project coordinator on the Wikimedia side to deal exclusively with a project of this scale, which would allow, among others, to better reuse the materials gathered, not just on Wikipedia but also outside it (website / film / other promotion).
Learning patterns
edit- Filling content gaps was relevant in the context of the Carpathian article challenge
- Let the media know was relevant for reaching an audience for our materials and future follow-up.
Outcomes and impact
edit- Provide the original project goal here.
- The project will result in a substantial improvement of the coverage of European folklore on English-language Wikipedia and local-language Wikipedia versions. The majority of the regional museums are at the moment unable to share their own images, archives or collections online or in Wikimedia projects. Ethnography is a field with relatively poor access to online material in general, and ethnographic museums frequently lack funds or training to share open images. Expertise of Museum staff allows us to identify the really valuable material, which would not be obtained by generic wikiexpeditions or photo competitions. Using the collected bibliography, the team will predefine main article subjects for each country, complementary and general subjects (of articles) – together, these will form a valuable resource on European ethnography.
- A large collection of 110+ well-referenced articles, illustrated with high quality images, films and audio, will be created on Wikipedia (English as a main language plus 5 local-country languages); around 500 unique objects will be photographed, filmed and uploaded to Wikimedia Commons, including: images of local dress, artifacts, musical instruments (additionally, also pictures of local buildings missing on Wikimedia Commons and other landmarks). This will translate into an overall minimum total of of 1330 media on Wikimedia Commons (with English-language file descriptions and geotagging). Volunteers from local communties and staff of regional museums will receive basic training in licensing media for Wikimedia Commons, upload and basics of GLAM participation; wider community of Wikimedians will be involved in the project through CEE Spring 2017 and an illustrating competition; new contacts between Wikipedians in the region will be made.
- Did you achieve your project goal? How do you know your goal was achieved? Please answer in 1 - 2 short paragraphs.
- The project has successfully largely increased the amount of information on key topics for the Carpathian region for all 5 countries covered on Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons and additionally resulted in some new content on Wikidata.
- The team and volunteers wrote over 100 and extended over 70 articles in 30 languages from the Carpathian cultural scope. We organised a Carpathian Challenge within the CEE Spring competition, which allowed many community members to learn about the project and contribute translations.
- The team uploaded 2400 files including 30 videos to Wikimedia Commons which now illustrate over 1100 Wikimedia project pages and are viewed up to 1.5 million times per month.
- We created a wiki project page with extensive article tables allowing more volunteers to continue work in the future.
- We contributed to local awareness of the possibilities of contributing to Wikipedia in visited towns and in over 18 regional museums
- We heard from cultural organisers and museum staff from Estonia, Spain, Poland and New Zealand who are interested in running a similar model of open-content projects in the future.
Measures of success
editProject metrics
editPlanned measure of success (include numeric target, if applicable) |
Actual result | Explanation |
A minimum of 1300 photographs (with proper descriptions) of folk dress and folk art on Wikimedia Commons. | 2400 images uploaded to Carpathian Ethnography Project. Photos taken by project team (over 2000) are complemented by images donated by collaborating GLAM institutions. | Completed. We reached our assumed target and extended it by approximately 1000 files. Some files still need extended descriptions and the verification of these is in progress. |
A minimum of 20 short video clips on Wikimedia Commons. | 30 video clips were uploaded to Wikimedia Commons. The videos are used in a number of articles; see statistics. | Completed. |
10 professionally edited 5-10min. films on Wikimedia Commons (2 per region) | In progress | In progress. Due to a large amount of material, as well as considerable staffing and organisational changes at the Museum of Ethnography, editing of the longer films is still ongoing. Production and upload should conclude by September this year. |
A minimum of 50 new (or substantially expanded) articles relating to the subject matter on English Wikipedia. | 80% Completed | The team and volunteers wrote or extended a total of 40 articles on English-language Wikipedia. |
A minimum of 40 new (or substantially expanded) articles on Polish Wikipedia | Completed | Completed. The team and volunteers wrote 40, and extended further 40 articles (80 total). |
A minimum of 20 new or expanded articles on other Wikimedia projects | Completed. | Completed. The team and volunteers wrote over 50 new, and extended over 20 articles on other Wikimedia projects including Slovakian, Czech, Ukrainian, Romanian, Armenian, Russian and Belarussian Wikipedia (a total of over 70 articles). Participants of the Carpathians Challenge alone wrote 28 new articles - mainly in Belarussian, Bulgarian, Russian and Armenian. |
A minimum rate of media reuse on Wikimedia projects of 30% by November 2017 as measured by the glamorous statistics tool | As we extended the number of uploaded files from the planned 1300 to 2400, the rate of use for the 2400 media files is now at over 20% usage, that is, over 500 files are used in projects. Out of 1300 files (original plan) the current usage would form 38%. As we uploaded a larger number of files, volunteers will continue to illustrate Wikimedia projects with this material. | Completed and ongoing. |
The project will have also an outreach effect due to establishing live contacts with local ethnography museums and local rural communities. 2 full-length workshops and 3 basic ones will be organized locally. We hope to raise awareness / participation in glam-wiki in all visited regional museums. | Optimistic | The team conducted one workshop in each country. Workshops at the Tatra Museum and Wallachian Open Air Museum resulted in further communication with these museums and help with article sources; further GLAM collaboration is currently discussed. The team also presented the project at 3 conferences which resulted in a number of collaboration ideas and proposals. The Polish Society of Ethnology has endorsed Wikimedia for popularising the field of ethnography, and individual Wikimedians or activists have sent the team letters stating a wish to organise similar projects in the future. |
An English-language project page will be created, linking all content and images and serving as a knowledge base on the topics covered. | Ongoing | The project page is maintained by the team on a voluntary basis and will be developed further into a website-like landing page. Due to organisational changes at the Museum of Ethnography, processing the large number of articles and images to use them further in a creative way is slowed by team availability. The team focused on placing articles and media on Wikimedia projects first. We are planning to follow up both with the project page and possibly other learning materials. |
- Provide an overall assessment of how your project is going according to these measures.
- Please see Outcomes section above.
- While doing this project, have you decided to track any other measures of success not listed in your grant submission? If so, please list them here.
- Team members have made over 200 project-related edits on Wikidata.
Remember that you will need to report on Global Metrics in your final report.
Global Metrics
editWe are trying to understand the overall outcomes of the work being funded across our grantees. In addition to the measures of success for your specific program (in above section), please use the table below to let us know how your project contributed to the Global Metrics. We know that not all projects will have results for each type of metric, so feel free to put "0" where necessary.
- Next to each required metric, list the actual outcome achieved through this project.
- Where necessary, explain the context behind your outcome. For example, if you were funded for an edit-a-thon which resulted in 0 new images, your explanation might be "This project focused solely on participation and articles written/improved, the goal was not to collect images."
For more information and a sample, see Global Metrics.
Metric | Achieved outcome | Explanation |
1. # of active editors involved | >60 | At least around 10 active editors per country (with variations ie more Polish and fewer Romanian editors) plus 10 editors participating in the Carpathian Challenge |
2. # of new editors | n/a | The project was centered around already active editors collaborating remotely; thus, we did not measure the number of new editors. |
3. # of individuals involved | 130 (250 including conference attendees) | 30 people participated in the project directly (museum staff; Czech, Polish, Romanian, Slovak and Ukrainian Wikipedians). Around 15 people participated in the Carpathians Challenge and further 15 editors contributed articles to the CEE Carpathian article pool. 20 employees of regional museums attended workshops during wikitrips and helped the documentation work. 16 craftsmen and artists participated in interview work. 25 people attended a workshop and discussion at the Ethnographic Museum during CEE 2017 conference, around 80 people attended Digital Cultures presentation 'Best of Poland' about the Carpathian Ethnography Project, around 40 people attended Klara Sielicka's lecture at the Tartu museum conference. |
4a. # of new images/media added to Wikimedia articles/pages | 1181 media usages. 570 distinct images used. | We uploaded 2400 instead of the planned 1300 files. Reuse rates are explained in detail in the project metrics table. Please see image statistics. |
4b. # of new images/media uploaded to Wikimedia Commons (Optional) | 2400 | 2400 files were uploaded within the project. Across Wikimedia projects they are viewed from 800 000 to over 1.5 million times per month. See statistics from December 2017 and from March 2018. |
5. # of articles added or improved on Wikimedia projects | > 170 | The overall estimated number of improved articles (110) was extended by several dozen. Please see article lists on the project page. |
6. Absolute value of bytes added to or deleted from Wikimedia projects | > 750 000 on Wikipedia. For Commons, see the entire category Category:Carpathian Ethnography Project. | This is an estimate based on 170 articles of average 4500 bytes volume (many new articles are considerably larger). |
- Learning question
- Did your work increase the motivation of contributors, and how do you know?
- The Carpathian project and Wikimedia collaboration with the National Museum of Ethnography generated considerable interest. The Polish Ethnological Society endorsed Wikipedia as a medium for sharing ethnographic knowledge and has begun running editing events. The Carpathian Project team was invited to present the results of its work at the Digital Cultures conference in Warsaw, the Digital Humanities conference in Tartu and other conferences. Two university-based groups from Wrocław and Poznań continue to contribute to both the Carpathian project and have created the active Ethno Wikiproject on Polish Wikipedia, where editors from universities and the Museum all contribute and expand content.
- People who participated in the project on location were motivated to keep in email and on-wiki touch with the team coordinators and contribute to Wikipedia and Commons, especially the volunteers in Czech Republic, Ukraine and Slovakia. Live participation generated a feeling of a common project and community.
editWhat impact did this project have on WMF's mission and the strategic priorities?
Option B: How did you improve quality on one or more Wikimedia projects?
- The team carried out a massive project of gathering missing bibliography, visual material and writing new content which was missing from Wikipedia in many languages, as well as hardly available elsewhere on the Web. A total of close to 200 referenced articles were either written, translated or expanded. The illustrations created by the team are used across 30 different language versions of Wikipedia. This contributes to a better representation of ethnography and regional culture across Wikipedia.
- We also believe we have encouraged the ethnographic community in all 5 visited countries to contribute to Wikimedia projects. Especially in Slovakia and Poland we have received a lot of materials, edits, visual content from contributing Wikimedians and local ethnographers. Project participants have discussed the project (and the underlying system of collaboration) in a number of conferences aimed at the ethnographic community. Some of the results may have further results in the future, but we are confident we have raised the awareness of the possibilities working with Wikimedia offers to museums and researchers in the field of ethnography.
Reporting and documentation of expenditures
editThis section describes the grant's use of funds
edit- Did you send documentation of all expenses paid with grant funds to grants at wikimedia dot org, according to the guidelines here? Answer "Yes" or "No".
edit- Please list all project expenses in a table here, with descriptions and dates. Review the instructions here.
SEE INSTRUCTIONS AT Grants:Index/Create financial report.
Note 1: The team travelled by car (provided by the museum), this was the cheapest option and best for project needs. Entire team travelled in a large single vehicle (except 1, or in the case of one trip, 2 volunteers, joining the team and arriving in their own car).
Note 2: Exchange rate USD/PLN according to the real rate as used by the bank where Wikimedia Polska has an account: 4,0468 PLN for 1 USD (as of 31.05.2016 16:00 CEST - "Tabela bezgotówkowa - sell" = cashless operation table - sell USD) [1]
Note 3: Exchange rate EUR-PLN: 1 EUR = 4,2567000 PLN
Number | Category | Item description | Unit | Number of units | Cost per unit (as stated in grant) | Total cost (spent) | Currency | Total cost in EUR | Notes |
1 | Travel costs | Fuel cost - Poland Trip 1 | km | 1190 | 0.79 | 961.68 | PLN | 225.92 | |
2 | Travel costs | Fuel cost - Romania, Maramures | km | 2200 | 0.79 | 912.29 | PLN | 214.31 | |
3 | Travel costs | Fuel cost - Czech Republic | km | 1160 | 0.79 | 659.01 | PLN | 154.81 | |
4 | Travel costs | Fuel cost - Slovakia | km | 1160 | 0.79 | 896.79 | PLN | 210.67 | |
5 | Travel costs | Fuel cost - Ukraine | km | 1400 | 0.79 | 572.87 | PLN | 134.58 | |
6 | Travel: accommodation costs | Accommodation - Poland #1 | person | 25 | 150 | 2497.81 | PLN | 586.79 | |
7 | Travel: accommodation costs | Accommodation - Romania | person | 40 | 150 | 4384.38 | PLN | 1030 | |
8 | Travel: accommodation costs | Accommodation - Czech Republic | person | 25 | 150 | 4025.17 | PLN | 945.60 | |
9 | Travel: accommodation costs | Accommodation - Slovakia | person | 25 | 150 | 4609.82 | PLN | 1082.95 | |
10 | Travel: accommodation costs | Accommodation - Ukraine | person | 30 | 150 | 3522.36 | PLN | 827.48 | |
11 | Travel: alimentation | Alimentation: Poland #1 | person/day | 30 | 80 | 1770.09 | PLN | 415.84 | |
12 | Travel: alimentation | Alimentation: Romania | person/day | 40 | 80 | 3059.38 | PLN | 718.72 | |
13 | Travel: alimentation | Alimentation: Czech Republic | person/day | 30 | 80 | 2400 | PLN | 563.81 | |
14 | Travel: alimentation | Alimentation: Slovakia | person/day | 28 | 80 | 2240 | PLN | 526.22 | |
15 | Travel: alimentation | Alimentation: Ukraine | person/day | 29 | 80 | 2320 | PLN | 545.02 | |
16 | Travel insurance | Travel insurance for team and equipment | 1 insured trip | n/a | 259 | 259 | PLN | 60.85 | |
17 | Local volunteers' costs | Accommodation for 2 volunteers accompanying the team locally (1 night per location, 2 people) | person | 0 | 0 | 0 | PLN | 0 | Any volunteer travel costs are included in point 18 below (see relevant submitted invoices). |
18 | Local volunteers' costs | Travel costs for 2 volunteers accompanying the team locally | fuel cost by km (see individual documents) | n/a | n/a | 2940.07 | PLN | 690.69 | Romania: 578.90; Czech Republic: 1181.92; Slovakia: 196.66; Ukraine: 982.59 |
19 | Local volunteers' costs | Alimentation for 2 local volunteers - 2 days: training and local trip (Poland excluded - 4 locations) | person | 16 | 80 | 1153.72 | PLN | 271.03 | 255.63 for 2016; Czech Republic: 400; Slovakia: 180; Ukraine: 318.09 |
20 | Equipment | Photo table/Photo tent | item cost | 1 | 1200 | 1198.08 | PLN | 281.46 | |
Other | Currency conversion costs | Currency conversion costs between PLN and RON | n/a | n/a | 135,98 | PLN | 9.19 | 39.13 for 2016 trip; 96.85 for 2017 trips | |
Other | Monument entry ticket | Monument entry ticket for group | n/a | n/a | 26.80 | PLN | 6.30 | ||
21 | Museum space | Museum space for meetings during the project | day | 1000 | 2 | 2000 | PLN | 492.22 | Cost covered by National Ethnographic Museum This is the Museum's contribution. We conducted 2 workshops (1 in the spring of 2017 and another during the Wikimedia CEE conference. See relevant links. |
22 | Museum staff time | Museum staff monthly salaries (working days) spent on the project | working day/person | 60 pln | 465 | 27900 | PLN | 6894.34 | Cost covered by National Ethnographic Museum This is the Museum's contribution of their employee time (within the monthly salary) during which they work exclusively on this project: trips (95 days); researching subjects, research/identifying shortcomings on Wikipedia, preparing bibliography, article evaluation, image descriptions (60 days). |
23 | Rental and insurance of audiovisual equipment | Rental and insurance of audiovisual set: 2 professional film cameras (Panasonic AVC HD AG HMC151E), audio recording equipment (Sencheiser microphones); 2 sets of lights; one photo camera. | Day of audiovisual set utilisation | 400pln | 14 | 5600 | PLN | 1315.78 | Cost covered by the National Ethnographic Museum |
24 | Editing/postproduction suite and film editing equipment use | Editing/postproduction suite and film editing equipment use | Hour of edit suite use - 200 hours | 50 PLN | 200 | 10000 | PLN | 2471.09 | Cost covered by the National Ethnographic Museum |
TOTAL SPENT FROM GRANT | 40857.82 | PLN | 15943.17 in 2016 + 24914.65 in 2017 | ||||||
TOTAL SPENT | 53900 | PLN |
- Total project budget (from your approved grant submission)
- 24,653.80 USD
- Total amount requested from WMF (from your approved grant submission, this total will be the same as the total project budget if PEG is your only funding source)
- 11,334.59 USD = 10,679.58 EUR = 45,868.80 PLN
- Total amount spent on this project
- 94 757.82 PLN
- 40857.82 PLN (grant)
- 53900 PLN (National Museum of Ethnography contribution)
- Total amount of Project and Event grant funds spent on this project
- 40857.82 PLN
- 15 943.17 in 2016 (see interim report)
- 24 914.65 in 2017
- Are there additional sources that funded any part of this project? List them here.
Remaining funds
edit- Are there any grant funds remaining?
- Please list the total amount (specify currency) remaining here. (This is the amount you did not use, or the amount you still have after completing your grant.) 5010,98 PLN
- If funds are remaining they must be returned to WMF, reallocated to mission-aligned activities, or applied to another approved grant.
- Please state here if you intend to return unused funds to WMF, submit a request for reallocation, or submit a new grant request, and then follow the instructions on your approved grant submission.