Grants:PEG/Request an extension

This page documents a process of the WMF Project and Event Grants program. Return to the Grants:PEG page at any time for more information!

Please do not edit this page. If you have a suggestion, please leave it on the discussion page.

Purpose and background


Why you may request an extension: We know that plans sometimes change after your grant submission has been approved. If your project is delayed or if you need to change the start date or completion date of your project, there is a simple process for doing that.

When you may request an extension: In all cases, in every case, and in 100% of cases, extensions should be requested before or well before your currently approved completion date. You should request an extension as soon as you know you may need one, and you may request an extension until 21 days before your currently approved completion date. In some cases, extensions up to the day of the completion date will be considered, but you will need to provide a good explanation for the late extension request.

What you may extend: You may request an extension of your grant's completion date (the date you plan to finish your project) or a change to your grant's start date (the date you plan to start your project). If your request is approved, WMF staff will work with you to set a new reporting deadline if needed.

How to request an extension


There are two easy ways to request an extension of your grant's completion date:

  • Use the "Request extension" button found at the bottom of your approved grant submission. Email grants at wikimedia dot org to notify us of your request.
  • Leave a comment on your grant submission's discussion page including the information listed here. Email grants at wikimedia dot org to notify us of your request.
    1. The new proposed start date or new proposed completion date for your grant. Your dates must include a day, a month and a year.
    2. A clear description of the special circumstances that require this change.
    3. A clear description of how this change will affect other aspects of your project, including your project budget and your project's goals and activities.

Next steps


After you request your extension using one of the options above and Email grants at wikimedia dot org, here is what will happen next:

  1. WMF will read your request and may ask you for additional information. If you respond promptly to any questions or requests for WMF, WMF will be able to make a decision more quickly.
  2. WMF will make a decision to approve or not to approve the new completion date and write a note on the your submission's discussion page showing the decision. WMF will work with you to set a new reporting deadline for your grant, in cases when your reporting schedule needs to be changed. Changes to your reporting schedule must be approved by WMF in writing on the discussion page of your grant submission, and WMF may require additional reports because of an extension.
  3. WMF will update your grant submission using strikethrough to show that the change to your approved dates has been approved. Please do not do this yourself since this is WMF's way to show that we have seen and approved of the change, and since we ask that you do not alter the approved grant submission after approval without written permission.

Example: Request for extension


Request for a change to the completion date and start date for our grant


We are requesting an extension of the project completion date for Wikimedia Chapter's "WikiEvent 2016".

  1. The new proposed completion date will be 14 March 2016, and the corrected start date will be 12 February 2016.
  2. We require an extension because we could not secure the free venue for our main event on the days planned and so had to change the dates of the event to adjust to those changing circumstances. We request that WMF also adjust the reporting schedule for our grant so that we have enough time to finish our final report.
  3. We still expect to achieve our stated project goals, and possibly even increase participation. Since this time of year is less busy, we are expecting reduced travel costs and would therefore like to reallocate funds within the approved budget to provide additional scholarships. Please also see our formal request for a change to the project budget below.

Sincerely, -Wikimedia Volunteer

Decision about this request for a change


Thank you for this request and for explaining your rationale for this change clearly.

  1. We approve the new start date of your project of 12 February 2016 and approve the new completion date of 14 March 2016. WMF will update your grant submission to reflect the new dates.
  2. Accordingly we will adjust Wikimedia Chapter's reporting schedule for this grant: the final report will be due within 60 days of the newly approved completion date of 14 March 2016, or by 13 June 2016.

Best wishes for a successful project! -Grants Administrator