Grants:Let's Connect Profile/Tila Cappelletto
Tila Cappelletto
Best way to connect: Via email
Wikimedia Foundation
Participating as: Indivudal
Brazil • Latin America and The Caribbean (LAC) region
Preferred times: Tuesday, Wednesday (12 - 16 UTC)
Can dedicate: In one or two sessions a year.
Languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese
Main Wikimedia projects: Wikipedia → encyclopedia, Wikimedia Commons → media repository, Wikidata → knowledge database
Areas of interests: Advocacy, Human Rights, Diversity
Let's Connect Barnstars
Skills this profile would like to learn
Preferred way of learning: Participate learning clinic sharing my case
Organization skills: Knowledge management: documenting learning, organizing archives, documenting procedures • Capacity to manage effective fundraising campaigns • Skills to better connect with networks within the Free Knowledge Ecosystem
Learning, evaluation and communications skills: Defining learning and evaluation plans • Methods and tools for qualitative evaluation • Designing learning /retrospective sessions
Interpersonal skills: Use various tools related to community health • Enforcing and evaluating community policies • Diversity and accountability in Governance Roles • Skills that are important for managing teams and volunteers
Programatic and tactic skills: Implementing common tactics in the area of culture, heritage and GLAM • International campaigns and contests • Research skills
Click below if you want to connect with this profile to share skills they want to learn.
Skills this profile would like to share
Preferred way of sharing: Accompanying a person or a group for a certain period of time (mentoring)
Organization skills: Proposal writing for funding • Leadership growth and sustainability • Program/project implementation • Identifying & approaching prospective partners
Learning, evaluation and communications skills: Documenting knowledge in ways that are easy to communicate with others • Engaging in social media, press, and broadcast media • Building a communications strategy to reach key stakeholders
Interpersonal skills: Skills that are important for managing teams and volunteers • Cultivate more inclusive and safe environments online and offline • Community development, capacity building and skills development
Programatic and tactic skills: Volunteer management and development • Effective training for newcomers/ newcomer experience • Small editing events, campaign and contests
Click below if you want to learn any of the skills this profile wants to share.
More to learn
editFurther details about what I would like to learn.
Stories about sharing
editInteresting stories about applying the skills I want to share.
The work we do at Wiki Editoras Lx group (I'm a cofounder)