Grants:IEG/What is about - C'est quoi. A series of communication tools about Wikipedia. Cameroon pilot project/Finances



Below is your approved budget. Please use this table to keep track of actual funds spent for each line item and list the difference from the approved budget at the end of the grant period.

Expense Approved amount Actual funds spent Difference
Video production (together with comics series)
  • PB 04/03/2014 Anticipation bill Michael Epaka Avance/règlement facture mike 2.000.000,00 francs cfa 3.048,97 euro
  • PB 06/12/2014 Full payment bill Micheal Epaka solde/règlement facture mike (PB du 03/04/2014) 2.165.000,00 francs cfa 3.300,51 euro
  • 896 6/26/2014 Taxi to collect the videos taxi/récupération films 400,00 francs cfa 0,61 euro
  • 937 6/30/2014 Taxi to collect the authorizations taxi/récupération licence de droit 400,00 francs cfa 0,61 euro
€5000 + €1000 (comics, please see below) + €350 moved from distribution = €6350 €6350,69 (one bill together with the comics)
  • The payment for comics and videos was done to Michael Epaka who managed directly the production costs. The two budget line were therefore reported in one bill (with some expenses anticipated).
Comics series €1000 €1000 €0
  • One bill together with the videos.
Project management
  • 19 01/07/2014 Taxi for the contract wiki c quoi taxi francine/expédition contrat wiki "c quoi" 400,00 francs cfa 0,61 euro
  • 20 01/07/2014 Taxi for the contract wiki c quoi expédition contrat wiki "c quoi" 40.000,00 francs cfa 60,98 euro
  • 05/07/2014 project manager fees (January-April project manager fees (January-April 754.354,00 francs cfa 1.150,00 euro
  • 8/22/2014 project manager fees (May-August) project manager fees (May-August) 754.354,00 francs cfa 1.150,00 euro
  • 10/08/2014 project manager fees (Sept-Nov) project manager fees (Sept-Nov) 565.765,00 francs cfa 862,50 euro
€1500 €3224,09
  • The project management allowed to implement the distribution and in particular to negotiate the unexpected agreement with Orange company.
  • 797 06/06/2014 Focus group meeting avance/montage vidéo focus groupe 5.000,00 francs cfa 7,62 euro
  • 804 06/09/2014 Focus group meeting solde/montage vidéo focus groupe (pc 797) 10.000,00 francs cfa 15,24 euro
  • 856 6/20/14 Taxi for the organization taxi gilles/ IFC 400,00 francs cfa 0,61 euro
  • 860 6/20/14 Consumables consommation/scéance de travail 29.150,00 francs cfa 44,44 euro
  • 897 6/26/14 Focus group meeting avance/video focus groupe 200.000,00 francs cfa 304,90 euro
  • 901 6/26/14 Taxi for the organization taxi gilles/IFC+Orange pour dépôt films 600,00 francs cfa 0,91 euro
  • 924 6/28/14 Focus group meeting avance/défraiement simon/focus groupe 10.000,00 francs cfa 15,24 euro
  • 928 6/28/14 Focus group meeting défraiement taxi/20 invités focus groupe 10.000,00 francs cfa 15,24 euro
  • 938 6/30/14 Taxi for the organization taxi/depôt courrier orange 400,00 francs cfa 0,61 euro
  • 1043 7/18/14 Renting camera for the focus grouo location caméra/focus group 50.000,00 francs cfa 76,22 euro
  • 1048 7/18/14 Taxi for the organization taxi/courrier orange 500,00 francs cfa 0,76 euro
  • 1049 7/19/14 Focus group meeting solde/défraiement simon/focus groupe (pc 924) 40.000,00 francs cfa 60,98 euro
  • 1052 7/19/14 Focus group meeting défraiement participants focus group 10.000,00 francs cfa 15,24 euro
  • 1155 8/13/14 Focus group meeting solde/video focus groupe (pc 897) 250.000,00 francs cfa 381,12 euro
  • 1159 8/13/14 Postal costs défraiement proper/diverses courses pour courrier 26.175,00 francs cfa 39,90 euro
  • 1161 8/14/14 Taxi for the organization taxi gilles/courriers presses 2.000,00 francs cfa 3,05 euro
  • 1169 8/14/14 Taxi for the organization taxi/récupération courrier Sopecam 500,00 francs cfa 0,76 euro
  • 1201 8/29/14 Taxi for the organization expédition documents/presse Ydé 1.000,00 francs cfa 1,52 euro
  • 1202 8/29/14 Taxi for the organization taxi expédition doc 500,00 francs cfa 0,76 euro
  • 1205 8/29/14 Taxi for the organization taxi dépôt courriers 1.250,00 francs cfa 1,91 euro
  • 1263 9/16/14 Taxi for the organization mission yves+mdbs ydé 90.000,00 francs cfa 137,20 euro
  • 1391 10/08/2014 Costs for the distribution on the newspaper frais de diffusion presse écrite planches wiki Le Messager 1.450.000,00 francs cfa 2.210,50 euro
  • 1398 10/08/2014 Taxi for the organization taxi/commande publication messager 500,00 francs cfa 0,76 euro
  • 1409 10/10/2014 Newspaper achat journal le messager 400,00 francs cfa 0,61 euro
  • 1419 10/13/14 Newspaper le messager 400,00 francs cfa 0,61 euro
  • 1421 10/13/14 Taxi for the organization taxi/modification planche wiki du 12/10 500,00 francs cfa 0,76 euro
  • 1426 10/14/14 Newspaper journal le messager 400,00 francs cfa 0,61 euro
  • 1431 10/15/14 Newspaper journal le messager 400,00 francs cfa 0,61 euro
  • 1437 10/16/14 Newspaper journal le messager 400,00 francs cfa 0,61 euro
  • 1455 10/23/14 Newspaper le messager 1.200,00 francs cfa 1,83 euro
  • 1468 10/28/14 Taxi for the organization taxi gilles messapresse du 23/10 1.000,00 francs cfa 1,52 euro
€4000 -€350 moved to production and approved €3342,70 +€307,30
  • Distribution on TV in Cameroon covered by Orange Cameroon.
  • The distribution required more work of management than expected which was compensated by the limited possibility for doual'art to travel during the project.
  • PB 06/07/2014 Wikimania London Michael and Charlotte Epaka enregistrement de voyage M & Mme Epacka 72.923,00 francs cfa 111,17 euro
  • PB 06/07/2014 Wikimania London Michael and Charlotte Epaka frais/enregistrement de voyage M & Mme Epacka 805,00 francs cfa 1,23 euro
  • 1085 7/26/14 Wikimania London Michael and Charlotte Epaka frais de transport M & Mme Epacka/Wikimania Londres 548.600,00 francs cfa 836,33 euro
  • 1086 7/26/14 Wikimania London Michael and Charlotte Epaka taxi/envoi pour billets Epaka 500,00 francs cfa 0,76 euro
  • 1087 7/26/14 Wikimania London Michael and Charlotte Epaka perdiems M & Mme Epacka/Wikimania Londres 459.172,00 francs cfa 700,00 euro
  • Wikimania London Iolanda dépenses Iolanda/Wikimania Londres 263.282,67 francs cfa 401,37 euro
  • Participation of Iolanda Pensa to Wiki Indaba in Johannesburg and the Dakar Biennale covered by her university in the frame of other projects.
€3500 €2'050,86
  • The expected presentations were implemented.
  • Iolanda Pensa, Michael Epaka and Charlotte Epaka attended Wikimania London 2014. Charlotte Epaka is a doctor in Cameroon and she specifically attended sessions related to medical content on Wikipedia.
  • It was not possible for doual'art to travel as expected and their contribution focused on Douala and on guaranteeing the distribution with working hours (project management, in particular negotiations with Orange company).
Total €15000 €14'968,34 +€31,66

Details of the budget.

Request changes


We understand that sometimes plans change. Please use this section to request approval for changes to your grant’s budget while your project is in progress. Any variation of 20% or more to any line item in your budget must be approved by staff here before you make the change (for projects with budgets of $15,000 or more, the accepted variance is 10%).

  • Variation of less than 10% from distribution to production.

Budget change request


We would like to ask the authorization to use the expense line of "Wikimania travel" not only for Wikimania.

  • 2 people (Michael Epaka and Iolanda Pensa) will attend Wikimania in London as planned (August 2014).
  • 1 person (Didier Schaub of doual'art) will attend the Dakar Biennale of contemporary African art to present the video and the project and to discuss about it with African intellectuals and scholars (May 2014). At the end it was not possible for Didier to attend the Dakar Biennale.



This change is due to the opportunity of presenting our project in Africa during a major cultural gathering. We trust it is essential to discuss about Wikipedia (and what is about in Africa) with intellectuals and scholars living in the continent or focusing on Africa. Didier Schaub - artistic director of doual'art who will attend the event - is the most suitable person to present the project at the Dakar Biennale since he has been among the curators of it and he has an extended network. We trust this change will contribute to an efficient communication of the project outside the Wikimedia community and this better use of the funds sill guarantee a presence of our team at Wikimania.

Hi all, I'm approving this request now - seems like a better use of funds to get the project in front of your target audience at the Dakar Biennale, rather than sending more team-members to Wikimania. I'm updating the line-item in your budget to 1 bucket for "travel" to provide the necessary flexibility for this. Cheers, Siko (WMF) (talk) 16:51, 29 April 2014 (UTC)
Also just noting that I'm comfortable with the ultimate underspend in travel and overspend in project management - this is very much in line with the needs that arose as the project progressed. Siko (WMF) (talk) 18:29, 16 December 2014 (UTC)