
Individual Engagement Grants

inactive committee members

« Welcome, committee members! New committee candidates are welcome to apply through March 25. »
« Please share early feedback on new drafts and ideas during open call. » +

Active participation from committee members is what makes Individual Engagement Grants work. Inactive committee members, unless they are recused for a given reason, are welcome to restore their active status in the committee at any time.

round 2 2015 schedule

Proposals accepted: 31 August–29 September

Committee members finalized: 30 September

Community comment requested: 30 September–19 October

Committee review: 20 October – 2 November

Grantees announced: 4 December


Grants disbursed: December 2015 – January 2016

Midpoint reports: April

Final reports: July

2016 +

round 1 2016 schedule

IdeaLab Campaign: 28 February-29 March

Proposals accepted: 14 March through 12 April

Open feedback period[1]: 12 April through 2 May

Committee review: 3 May –16 May

Grantees announced: 17 June

Grants disbursed: June

Midpoint reports: September

Final reports: December

2016 +

  1. Submitted proposals may be improved during this period based on feedback.