Grants:APG/Proposals/2017-2018 round 2/Wikimedia Norge/Progress report form

Purpose of the report


This form is for organizations receiving Annual Plan Grants to report on their progress after completing the first 6 months of their grants. The time period covered in this form will be the first 6 months of each grant (e.g. 1 January - 30 June of the current year). This form includes four sections, addressing grant metrics, program stories, financial information, and compliance. Please contact APG/FDC staff if you have questions about this form, or concerns submitting it by the deadline. After submitting the form, organizations will also meet with APG staff to discuss their progress.

Metrics and results overview - all programs


We are trying to understand the overall outcomes of the work being funded across our grantees' programs. Please use the table below to let us know how your programs contributed to the Grant Metrics. We understand not all Grant or grantee-defined Metrics will be relevant for all programs, so feel free to put "0" where necessary. For each program include the following table and

  1. Next to each required metric, list the outcome/results achieved for all of your programs included in your proposal.
  2. Where necessary, explain the context behind your outcome.
  3. In addition to the Global Metrics as measures of success for your programs, there is another table format in which you may report on any OTHER relevant measures of your programs success

For more information and a sample, see Grant Metrics.

Metric Achieved outcome Explanation
1. number of total participants 720
  • Program Supporting communities: 250
  • Program Content pages: 80
  • Program Building diverse communities: 380
  • Program Raising awareness of free, trusted knowledge: 20
2. number of newly registered users 85 The number reflects an education partnership that ended and our focus on diversity in all programs.
  • Program Supporting communities: 20
  • Program Content pages: 35
  • Program Building diverse communities: 25
  • Program Raising awareness of free, trusted knowledge: 5
3. number of content pages created or improved, across all Wikimedia projects 12,900
  • Program Supporting communities: 10,300
  • Program Content pages: 2,600
  • Program Building diverse communities:
  • Program Raising awareness of free, trusted knowledge:
4. Diversity 5,530
  • Program Supporting communities: 1,000
  • Program Content pages: 3,700
  • Program Building diverse communities: 800
  • Program Raising awareness of free, trusted knowledge: 30
5. Community hours 615
  • Program Supporting communities: 300
  • Program Content pages: 245
  • Program Building diverse communities: 50
  • Program Raising awareness of free, trusted knowledge: 20

Projected outcome from proposal 2017–2018:

  1. Number of total participants: 1,350
  2. Number of newly registered users: 310
  3. Number of content pages created or improved, across all Wikimedia projects: 21,250
  4. Diversity: 10,930
  5. Community hours:projected outcome: 1,000

Telling your program stories - all programs


Please tell the story of each of your programs included in your proposal. This is your chance to tell your story by using any additional metrics (beyond global metrics) that are relevant to your context, beyond the global metrics above. You should be reporting against the targets you set at the beginning of the year throughout the year. We have provided a template here below for you to report against your targets, but you are welcome to include this information in another way. Also, if you decided not to do a program that was included in your proposal or added a program not in the proposal, please explain this change. More resources for storytelling are at the end of this form. Here are some ways to tell your story.

  • We encourage you to share your successes and failures and what you are learning. Please also share why are these successes, failures, or learnings are important in your context. Reference learning patterns or other documentation.
  • Make clear connections between your offline activities and online results, as applicable. For example, explain how your education program activities is leading to quality content on Wikipedia.
  • We encourage you to tell your story in different ways by using videos, sound files, images (photos and infographics, e.g.), compelling quotes, and by linking directly to work you produce. You may highlight outcomes, learning, or metrics this way.
  • We encourage you to continue using dashboards, progress bars, and scorecards that you have used to illustrate your progress in the past, and to report consistently over time.
  • You are welcome to use the table below to report on any metrics or measures relevant to your program. These may or may not include the global metrics you put in the overview section above. You can also share your progress in another way if you do not find a table like this useful.
Target Last year (if applicable) Progress (at end of Q2) Projected (end of year) Comments
Example Example Example Example Example

Overall progress

Wikimedia Norge is on track with our 4 programs:

  • Program Supporting communities
  • Program Program Closing content gaps
  • Program Program Building diverse communities
  • Program Program Raising awareness of free, trusted knowledge

In our work with volunteers we have a set of traditional ways of giving support that are appreciated by the volunteer communities. During the next 6 months, we will do a social media campaign as an effort increse the number of members.

For the last 6 months, we have worked on scoping the Sami project, and changed the focus from articles and editors to making Sami content available online. We realized we needed a to start with making content available and that we need to take our time to build alliances and partnerships with Sami communities. A great asset and approach is to include our already established Glam partners in this work and concentrate on making Sami cultural heritage available online. 2019 being the Year of Indigenous languages gives us great momentum to push the Sami project forward both on a national and international level. We are very excited to be one of two institutions in Norway recognized as a civil society partner in the work on the Year of Indigenous languages by UNESCO. The other institution is The Sami parliament in Norway.

An International Year is an important cooperation mechanism dedicated to raising awareness of a particular topic or theme of global interest or concern, and mobilizing different players for coordinated action around the world. In 2016, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution proclaiming 2019 as the International Year of Indigenous Languages, based on a recommendation by the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. At the time, the Forum said that 40 per cent of the estimated 6,700 languages spoken around the world were in danger of disappearing.  The fact that most of these are indigenous languages puts the cultures and knowledge systems to which they belong at risk.

Over the last 6 months we have been establishing a Women in Red project with both the Oslo Metropolitan University and The National Library as partners. This is a result of WMNO’s strategy of diversity approach in all projects we do.

Our education manager Jorid Martinsen is leaving WMNO April 1. We are very sorry to see her leave, but at the same time excited that Åsa Paaske Gulbrandsen will take over the position starting April 1, but with the title diversity manager. Gulbrandsen has worked for Wikimedia Norge before in 2015–2016 and has a lot of experience working with gender gap projects in the cultural sector as well with marginalized groups both in Norway and Latin America.

We are on track with our spendings (percentage spend to date is 58 %) and have managed to diversify and increase our funding over the last 6 months.

For more detailed infomation about our work these links are useful:

Program Supporting communities

This program will strength and support the work done by and the collaborations between a diversity of communities, partner organizations and Wikimedia Norge


We have found a set of ways to give community support twice a year (wiki grants, The Wikipedia Library / access) or on an ongoing basis (press accreditations, drone project and Wikidata workshops). There are a few changes we have been discussing with volunteers. These include WMNO staff being more involved in the wiki meetups at The House of literature in Oslo. WMNO will take on all the organizing, but a group of volunteers will be involved in deciding who to invite as a speaker to the meet up. This is usually an academic speaking about Wikipedia in light of hers or his academic field for 30–40 minutes.

The weekly editing contest have less participants than before, and the community have decided to shift to monthly editing contests. WMNO have requested that Women in Red resources can be a part of the contest in March about biographies and have also suggested that culture heritage (Wiki Loves Monuments) will be the theme for September 2019 and Sami history for October 2019. WMNO will provide prizes for the monthly contests.

Inspired by Wikimedia Sverige, we will have a social media membership recruitment campaign during 2019, The faces of Wikimedia, where we show the various people who are engaged in Wikimedia Norge, and their motivation for doing so. We have asked for photos and statements from various volunteers and partners, and we are excited to see if how the campaign will be received.

Highlight: Wikidata workshops

We held another Wikidata workshop in November 2018 at Samisk Hus in Oslo, attended by 10 experienced Wikipedians with varying levels of Wikidata experience. The workshop followed the same formula as our two previous Wikidata workshops in 2017 and 2018, because we have received positive feedback on those, with some new material. One of the attendees was Alicia Fagerving from Wikimedia Sverige, who used it as inspiration for a similar event in Stockholm a month later. In addition to this, we have held one closed workshop for a few National Library employees, with another one being planned for the next few weeks.

The first challenge in a collaboration between a cultural institutions and Wikimedia affiliates and volunteer communities are often the encounter with staff at the cultural institution itself. Many professionals are skeptical about volunteers being involved in this kind of work. They fear poor quality and may think it is difficult to let go of control. A change of attitude is often required within the institutions. Trust have to be built within the institution to the volunteer community. Events where both staff and volunteers can meet, get to know each other and share ideas and thoughts are important. Starting with small projects may be advisable.

— Paper presented by Astrid Carlsen, Wikimedia Norge, and Anette Alsvik, The National Archives of Norway, at 15th Image and Research International Conference

We are on track with this program and don’t expect any changes or modifications to the program over the next 6 months. The different kind of community support we give have been the same over the past 2 years. This is support we will continue to offer over the next years as well. One thing that we will make some changes to is the wiki meetups at The House of Literature in Oslo which takes place 3–4 times a year. This is described above.

Target Last year (if applicable) Progress (at end of Q2) Projected (end of year) Comments
Award 12 wiki scholarships and travel grants 15 6 15 Project page for wikigrants
Award access (done twice a year) to online resources through the Wikipedia Library 12 5 10 Projcet page for Wikipedia Library
Apply for 10 press accreditations for volunteers 14 12 20 Accreditation applied for by WMNO for Commons photogtaphers taking pictures at concerts and music festivals
Share 10 stories on our blog about community initiatives, 5 of them in English 13 (6 in English) 7 (one in Northern Sami and one in English) 14 Wikimedia Norge blog
Do a social media campaign to get a 20 % increase in WMNO memberships New Takes part January–July 2019. Social media campaign runs January 2019–December 2019. The campaign uses the same design as the Wikimedia Sverige campaign, showing different faces of people involved in the Wikimedia projects or Wikimedia Norge work + quotes. Example from Instagram.
Help community members organize 3 wiki meetups for volunteers and 2 editing trainings for newbies 8 3 5 Project page for wiki meetups
Organise 2 technical wiki meetups 3 1 2 Project page for wiki meetups
Provide streaming of 2 events 2 1 2 We streamed the Researchers' Days in September 2018
Send out newsletters 4 times a year 4 2 4 Newsletters
On a daily basis give support per email and phone, be the connector between volunteers and partners Done Done Emails, phone calls to WMNO staff continue to increase
Organize or co-organize 6 online editing contests 5 3 6 Project page for weekly online editing contests
Award 5 prizes in contests sponsored by WMNO or partners 7 2 4 Project page for weekly online editing contests
Share swag and info material at events and with volunteers New Done Done Postcards and stickers made for Sami project and Women in Red project
Get 3 partners as coorganizers for online editing contests 3 1 2 Project page for weekly online editing contests
Get 5 venues to use for events as in-kind donations 11 3 6 Venues were provided for free for the Researchers' Days at Kulturhuset in Oslo, #wikinobel at The Nobel Peace Center and Wikidata workshop at The Sami House of Oslo.

Program Closing content gaps

This program will add high quality content to close content gaps on the Wikimedia projects by partnerships between Wikimedia Norge, volunteers and major Norwegian institutions


The project is a collaboration between Wikimedia Norge, the National Archives of Norway and Wikimedia Armenia, and financed by The Arts Council Norway. The first project period was January–September 2018. A second project period is from February 2019–November 2019 and will be a continued collaboration with The National Archives of Norway and Wikimedia Armenia funded by The Arts Council. In December, new funding was secured for the project. The second phase of the project will be about transcribing letters Biørn wrote from her stay in the Ottoman empire that will be uploaded to Wikimedia Commons and Wikisource.

The project was presented at the GLAM-WIKI Conference (conference submission) together with Wikimedia Armenia in Tel Aviv, Israel, November 2018 and at the 15th Image and Research International Conference (paper accepted and presented at the conference) together with The National Archives in Girona, Spain, 21–23 November. WMNO is very excited about the photo book in Armenian, Norwegian and English Wikimedia Armenia have worked hard to get published. For WMNO it will be great to give an example of the book to both The National Archives and The Arts Council so they can have an example of how collections shared under a free license on Wikimedia projects also can be used outside the Wikimedia projects. The project page can be seen here.

"In the footsteps of Bodil Biørn from Norway to Armenia" photo book, with almost all photos taken by Biørn, will be a way to speak out about our successful cross-chapter collaboration with Wikimedia Norway and GLAM projects in general. We believe that with this book we will be able to materialize the result and best practices of the collaboration and express gratitude to all parties involved.

— Davit Saroyan, Community Program Manager, Wikimedia Armenia

We are trying out a narrower focus in our education project because of trainings and talks with Oslo Metropolitan University. In December 2018, Oslo Metropolitan University hired three students from Library and Information Science to be Wikipedia-assistants - meaning that they will help the institution to in sharing knowledge from their fields of expertise at Wikipedia. This is a new way of addressing Wikipedia editing in a Norwegian context. This was one of the methods Oslo Metropolitan University came up with for improving on knowledge sharing after we had an introduction course for the communication staff there in June 2018. We have had editing training with the student assistants, and we have made sure to inform the active editing community well about the intention of the project. We are excited to see how Oslo Metropolitan University is proving to be a strong partner with willingness to test new approaches to Wikimedia+Academia collaborations.

We are also continuing our intern program welcoming student interns from Library and Information Science Oslo Metropolitan University 2 times a year. The current intern will be focusing on motivation for Gender Gap collaborations, and will conduct interviews with persons who have worked with improving female representation amongst editors or adding more content from women on the Wikimedia projects. The student intern program has been a great way for us to introduce future librarians and information knowledge workers to collaborative writing and the ideas of the Wikimedia movement, and several of them have later become great assets to us as volunteers and Wikipedia trainers.

Highlight: Collaboration with The National Library / Women in Red

The ongoing work on how to include more content from The National Library’s digital collection on female authors on Wikimedia projects is currently half way into the project period. We have decided to focus on female authors whose work has become public domain the last decade. Both because this gives us the possibility to share content on several Wikimedia projects at the same time, and addition it is a method of highlighting authorships that there is little public knowledge of today. The main activities so far have been adding content about and from these authors to Wikidata, Wikimedia Commons and Wikisource, in addition to Wikipedia.

An important part of the work at The National Library is also encouraging the sharing of digital resources under free licenses, and inspiring the institution to do more work related to this. The project period will end i March 2018, and by then we also hope to have come up with methods for structuring this type of work in the future. More information on the project can be found here.

We have also signed an agreement with Språkbanken – a department of the National Library that is building a corpus of texts in the languages of Norway for linguistic, research and language technology purposes – to provide them with plain-text copies of the Wikipedias in Norwegian Bokmål, Norwegian Nynorsk and Northern Sami. The latest official plain-text dumps of these Wikipedias are more than 10 years old, so we have to make a script to scrape the content in order to provide up-to-date dumps. Besides this, we are restarting a bot that was used to upload thousands of images in the past, and are hoping to use it to upload not only images, but also a collection of folk music, to Commons in the summer (as long as we can clear copyright questions).

Another good outcome of the National Library collaboration has been learning more about work they are doing that isn't well-publicized. For instance, we have learned that they're working on a work register – currently their bibliographical data is based on editions, but works and editions should ideally be separated on Wikidata, and when their work register is up and running officially, it will be a great foundation on which to base future Wikidata imports of bibliographical data. The National Library of Norway is also a pioneer when it comes to IIIF adoption – practically all digitized works have IIIF manifests, which can be added to Wikidata, and hopefully be leveraged in even more ways in the future.

We have also explored the possibility of adding old musical records that the National Library has digitized onto Wikimedia Commons, but unfortunately the rights situation for this turned out to be too complicated for us to be able to do anything impactful. The metadata for the records is lacking in many areas, and industry-wide deals ("treaties") further complicate the matter, so we decided to turn our attention elsewhere.

The collaboration between Wikimedia Norge and The National Library of Norway make our resources available at multiple platforms and opens people’s eyes to The National Library as a source of knowledge.

— Vidar Iversen, Head of department for Reference and Information Services, The National Library of Norway

We are on track with this program. The work done together with volunteers on content creation will continue over the next years. The highlights here are online editing contests, Wiki Loves Monuments, both the photo and editing contest, and applying for press accreditation for Commons photographers. We have some new targets on the Sami project that is on track. Comments on the target: Establish a joint multi-year program for university interns together with a higher education institution and a Glam partner, are under the program Building diverse communities. We may not achieve the target of training two volunteer leaders to have the skills to do Wikipedia editing sessions at higher education institutions because of a change in staff. It that happens, we will continue the work on this the next APG year as well.

Target Last year (if applicable) Progress (at end of Q2) Projected (end of year) Comments
Apply for press accreditations 8 x for volunteers 14 12 20
Organise 2 photo contests: Wiki Loves Monuments and Wiki Loves Earth 1 1 1 Wiki Loves Monuements 2018 contest page. Most likely we will not do Wiki Loves Earth beacuse the participation in 2017 was low
Organise an online editing contest on Wiki Loves Monuments 1 1 1 Contest page for 2018. In 2019 the contest will run for 4 weeks
Teach two new volunteers to operate the WMNO drone New 2 Our old drone was lent to Open Foundation West Africa in October 2018. We recieved national funding to buy a new one, so the old one will stay in Ghana.
Continue our collaboration with Wikimedia Armenia on adding content Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Project page for the Bodil Biørn-project. Second phase of the project in Norway will start in February 2019.
Do a month-long international Sami online editing in February 2019 New 1 2 Contest page. We did a week long contest in August 2018. February 2019 contest is part of our The International Year of Indigenous Languages 2019 activities.
Continue 3 established Glam partnerships and establish 1 new with a Sami Glam institution 5 5 6
Encourage and help with mass uploads with a focus on Sami cultural heritage New Started Ongoing As part of The International Year of Indigenous Languages 2019 we have established a working group for this. Invitation for the first group meeting.
Organize 3 online writing contests with topics relevant for Glam institutions 5 1 2
Give Wikipedia lecturers at 4 higher education institutions, including one Sami higher education institution 5 2 3
Welcome two interns from a higher education institutions to our office in January and May 2 1 2 The January intern have done interviews with different national and international stakeholders in the Women in Red-project.
Establish a joint multi year program for university interns together with a higher education institution and a Glam partner New Started September 2018 and ended December 2018 Will continue in September 2019 This is a collaboration between WMNO, The National Library and the univeristy OsloMet.
Organize #faktajakt/#1lib1ref - - - #faktajakt/#1lib1ref is dependig on the intern we get each January and hers or his interests. The January intern preferred to work on the Women in Red project.
Announce all higher education Wikipedia lectures on the village pump so active editors can help out online Done Done
Train two volunteer leaders to have skills to do Wikipedia editing lecturers at higher education institutions New Planned during spring With change in WMNO staff this may be something we have to do autumn 2019.

Program Building diverse communities

This program will rise awareness of whose knowledge is shared on the Wikimedia projects and welcome new voices to contribute.


This program sets the overarching theme for all our work. The change from 1 April 2019 from a 30 % positions as education manager to a 30 % position as diversity manager will strength this. We are currently working on applications for national funding. A lot of the work with the Sami project is to continue building a network and trust in Sami communities. The Sami House in Oslo has been a very important partner in this work. The overspending in our travel budget reflects the travels we have undertaken to the northern part of Norway and Sami institutions there. We are considering options for more closely working with other projects that support indigenous language Wikipedias. Even though the projects are spread around the world, many challenges and opportunities are the same and the projects could give each other support. The new diversity manager speaks Spanish fluently, so that gives us some new opportunities in working more closely with indigenous groups in Latin America.

Together with The National Library of Norway and Oslo Metropolitan University, we have several ongoing collaborations connected to Women in Red (Women in Red project page). The National Library has large collections of sources and systematic organized data about female authors, photographers and artist, and we contribute to the use of these sources on various Wikimedia projects. We have had a close collaboration with Oslo Metropolitan University over several years, and in 2018 we have expanded this partnership to include Women in Red. Together with The National Library we offer Women in Red projects to students as a part of an elective subject on project planning. Here the students can learn more about how to use The National Library’s sources on Wikipedia and its sister projects. The students have been given support from Wikimedia Norge staff and by a paid librarian from University of Oslo who is a very active contributor to the wiki projects. To involve this person was a suggestion from Wikimedia Norge to make sure the workload of supervising the students was not on Wikimedia Norge alone.

As librarian students, being part of a Wikipedia project has been an educational process. From the selection process of creating lists and choosing candidates ("red women"), and then the technical issue of how to navigate the Wikipedia world. Sources are important, and as librarians we need to be well-prepared to do a good job as Wikipedia contributors. For us, the red link project has been a good starting point.

— Linda Careen Hansen, Henrik Mathisen and Else M. Andersen, students from Oslo Metropolitan University, qoute from their article in the journal for Librarians in Norway. To be published in March 2019

Since 2015 we have had a successful collaboration with The Nobel Peace Centre in Oslo with #wikinobel and global writing collaborations on content about Nobel Peace Prize Laureates. In 2018, we wanted to test a new approach to this collaboration, with a targeted theme: women in peace work. It is important for us to bring the diversity angle into existing partnerships. We chose to have an event at The Nobel Peace Centre about female peace and human rights activist, followed by an edit-a-thon on this topic. We also had The Swedish Embassy to Norway as an organizational partner, because of the successful WikiGap event in March 2018 with the same topic.

Highlight: The Sami project

The Sami project is moving along nicely. We are gaining more momentum and more institutional partners. 2019 is the UNESCO International Year of Indigenous Languages, and we have been approved as a Civil Society Partner for the year. As part of this, we are organizing the intornational Uralic language contest 2019 in partnership with Wikimedians of Erzya language User Group, Wikimedia RU and the Uralic Centre for Indigenous Peoples. The goal of the contest is increasing coverage of indigenous Uralic languages and peoples across all Wikipedias (but mainly focused on Wikipedias in those languages themselves and the majority languages of the countries they're spoken in).

I commend the efforts by Wikimedia Norge to raise awareness of Sámi and many other Uralic languages - including such endangered languages like Livonian, Khanty, Nganasan and Selkup, via the Uralic language contest 2019. It is also substantive contribution to the International Year of Indigenous Language 2019 that will have a long-lasting effect.

— Oliver Loode, URALIC Centre for Indigenous Peoples

We held a workshop for freeing digital Sami content in January, establishing a working group with representatives from the National Library of Norway, the National Archive of Norway, the Sami Archive, the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate, the Norwegian Directorate for Cultural Heritage and the Norwegian Museum of Cultural History. These institutions/organizations have a lot of Sami related digital material, and the working group aims to make it more accessible by adding what we can to the Wikimedia projects. This is a good example of leveraging existing partnerships and connections for new areas – most of these institutions are ones we've already established a relationship with in other areas – and the working group is bringing several different partners together under one umbrella, establishing new connections not just for us, but for all its participants. The working group will have another meeting later in February.

We participated in the Sami Language Conference in Tromsø. Project page on wiki and on phabricator.

The IY2019 aims to draw attention to the critical loss of indigenous languages and the urgent need to preserve, revitalize and promote, and take further urgent steps at the national and international levels. Thus, Media Organizations are a major stakeholder in echoing and engaging worldwide for languages matter for social, economic and political development, peace building and reconciliation.

— Partnerships Agreement for the International Year of Indigenous Languages between UNESCO and Wikimedia Norge

We are mostly on track with this program. The targets marked as yellow are depending on us getting national funding as its targets that requires a lot of resources. If we don't succeed in getting the national funding this APG year we will continue to work on these targets the next APG year (starting July 2019).

Target Last year (if applicable) Progress (at end of Q2) Projected (end of year) Comments
Host or co-host two events with partner institutions about the lack of diversity and underrepresented groups on the Wikimedia projects 3 2 3 Researcher Days in September and wikigap + wikinobel in November.
Organise an online editing contests 8 March online editing contests 8 March 2018 March 2019 The monthly online editing contest will be on biographies and Women in Red- redlists will be part of the resources available
Do a 2019 #wikigap event with The Swedish embassy in Oslo March 2018 1 in October 2018 2 2019 #wikigap event will happen in the city of Tromsø in March 2019 organized by WMNO and The Swedish Embassy with Cat Collective and Hålogaland Theater as partners with a focus on women in performing arts.
Host an Art+Feminism workshop together with partner institution In March 2118 at Norwegian Society of Composers Scheduled in March 2019 in the city of Bergen WMNO will provide a training session and training materials
Visit two Sami festivals in July New Márkomeannu festival and Riddu Riđđu festival 2018 WMNO will take part at Márkomeannu and Riddu Riđđu in July 2019 provided national funding
Do a full day Wikipedia workshop at The Sami University in September 2018 in the city of Karasjok New This activity depends on national funding
Continue our collaboration and with The Sami House in Oslo Started in 2018 Ongoing Ongoing
4 meetings with state institutions handling Sami politics and the upcoming state Truth commission on the Norwegianization policy New 1 2 Becuase of our UNESCO Civil Society Partnership we changed the angle from Sami politics and the upcoming state Truth commission on the Norwegianization policy to the Year of Indigenous Languages 2019.
Organize a month long international Sami online editing contest New Takes place in February 2019
Do an editathon at The Sami University in the city of Karasjok New This activity depends on national funding
Upload Sami place names to Wikidata New This activity depends on national funding

Program Raising awareness of free, trusted knowledge

This program will raise the awareness of free, trusted knowledge on the Wikimedia projects and beyond by partnering with others in the knowledge ecosystem


Wikimedia Norge has over the past years engaged in different international partnerships like with NetBlocks, Whose Knowledge?, URALIC Centre for Indigenous Peoples, UNESCO and the International Year of Indigenous Languages. As a small organization these international partnerships, togehter with our national partnerships, are essential in our work and the reach we can have in working for knowledge equity.

The WMUK conference Celtic Knot has been an important conference for us to attend and learn about the work done on Welsh and Gaelic Wikipedia. We were part of Oslo Freedom Forum with a Wikimedia Norge event in 2018 and are excited we will continue this partnership in 2019. The Oslo Freedom Forum team is in Oslo for a couple of days in February and this gives us a chance to plan for this year’s event and consider options for doing an International Year of Indigenous Languages event at Oslo Freedom Forum in May.

Mii dárbbašit DU ovdánahttit, seailluhit ja doarjut #Eamiálbmotgielaid. Ávžžuhit buot ráđđehusaid, servviid/ovttastusaid, almmolaš & priváhta suorggi ásahusaid - Servet Riikkaidgaskasaš Eamiálbmotgiellajahkái & veahkehehpet min dahkat mearkkašahtti earohusa! #Giella19
We need YOU to promote, preserve and support #IndigenousLanguages. Calling all governments, civil societies, public & private sector institutions - Join us for the International Year of Indigenous Languages & help us make a difference! #Giella19

— Tweets from Wikimedia Norge during the UNESCO Paris launch of The Year of Indigenous Languages 2019 28 January

Highlight: Science Days by The Research Council (Forskningsdagene), September 2019

For the third year in a row we participated in the annual Researchers' Days organized by The Research Council of Norway, and organized a panel talk. The topic for the event in 2017 was writing women back into history, and we decided that this year's event also would have a gender gap theme as basis for the panel talk. We chose the topic “How to make the work of women in Arts and Culture more visible”, and put together a panel of people who all have used different methods to do this – and framed it within the Wikimedia movement’s goal to have more diverse content on its projects. The panelists are women we know from other projects we have done and wanted to involve more in our work by inviting them to take part at this event. The panel consisted of Hilde Blix, researcher at The University of Tromsø, Guro Kleveland from the project The Art of Balance (Balansekunst), and Maria Fosheim Lund from The National Library of Norway/Nordic Women in Film. The talk was led by Jorid Martinsen from WMNO. Stream from the event can be found here.

What can we do to make the contributions of women to art and culture have as much room in the public eye as that of men? We invite organizations and people who have worked on this subject to talk about why it's important to take hold of this work, to share the best methods, and especially to inspire action.


We are on track with this program and don't expect any changes to it during the next 6 months. A Wikimedia Norge event at The Oslo Freedom Forum in May 2019 could possibly take a lot of resouces (staff working hours) but will be an event we will prioritize.

Target Last year (if applicable) Progress (at end of Q2) Projected (end of year) Comments
Regularly update social media channels with stories from community members and our national and international work Started reports in September 2017 Quarterly communication reports that reflects our work The communication reports are based on our communication plan and gives an overview of our communications work from July 2018 till January 2019.
Have photo documentation from events to use in social media Done on a regular basis Done on a regular basis Category on Commons
Get national press coverage x 2 12 4 6
Send out 4 newsletters during the year to all WMNO members and regularly update social media 4 2 4
Participate at 4 national and 4 international conferences New 5 8 WikiNem in Stockholm October, GLAMwiki in Tel Aviv November, 15th Image and Research International Conference in Girona November, IIIF Conference at The National Library Oslo December
Increase memberships in WMNO with 20 % during the next funding year New Social media campaign runs January 2019–December 2019 The campaign is designed as the Wikimedia Sverige campaing, showing different faces of people involved in the Wikimedia projects or Wikimedia Norge work + quotes. Example from Instagram.
Work in partnerships with two annual national events on science, open knowledge and open access 3 1 2
During these events use social media actively to advocate for knowledge equity and questions on open access News article written by WMNO staff Social media used Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
Use the annual event #wikinobel, a collaboration between WMNO and the Nobel Peace Center, to advocate (press coverage, social media) for the importance of free knowledge and freedom of speech Social media used Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
Support the Free Knowledge Advocacy Group EU Supported in June 2018 New support approved by the board in January 2019 and will be transferred June 2019 Free Knowledge Advocacy Group EU

Revenues received during this six-month period


Please use the exchange rate in your APG proposal. Exchange rate: 0.127 USD

Table 2 Please report all spending in the currency of your grant unless US$ is requested.

  • Please also include any in-kind contributions or resources that you have received in this revenues table. This might include donated office space, services, prizes, food, etc. If you are to provide a monetary equivalent (e.g. $500 for food from Organization X for service Y), please include it in this table. Otherwise, please highlight the contribution, as well as the name of the partner, in the notes section.
Revenue source Currency Anticipated Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Cumulative Anticipated ($US)* Cumulative ($US)* Explanation of variances from plan
Membership fees and privat donations NOK 80,000 954 4,750 5,695 10,160 723
National funding NOK 70,000 0 100,000 100,000 8,890 12,700
National project funding NOK 80,000 25,000 104,745 129,745 10,160 16,478
Glam partner, matching funds for Women in Red-project NOK 70,000 0 70,000 70,000 8,890 8,890 Matching fund from The National Library
Inkind donations NOK 50,000 30,000 5,000 35,000 6,350 4,445 Venues and food at events (WikiGap at Nobel Peace Center, Markomeannu festival, Researcher Days, The Sami House)
APG from Wikimedia Foundation NOK 1,970,000 492,500 492,500 985,000 250,190 125,095
Total revenues NOK 2,320,000 548,453 776,995 1,325,448 294,640 168,331

* Provide estimates in US Dollars

Spending during this six-month period


Please use the exchange rate in your APG proposal. Exchange rate: 0.127 USD

Table 3 Please report all spending in the currency of your grant unless US$ is requested.

(The "budgeted" amount is the total planned for the year as submitted in your proposal form or your revised plan, and the "cumulative" column refers to the total spent to date this year. The "percentage spent to date" is the ratio of the cumulative amount spent over the budgeted amount.)
Expense Currency Budgeted Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Cumulative Budgeted ($US)* Cumulative ($US)* Percentage spent to date Explanation of variances from plan
Payroll expenses NOK 1,451,137 343,304 394,590 737,894 184,294 93,713 51 %
Rental cost NOK 131,000 33,776 15,803 49,579 16,637 6,297 38 %
Leasing machinery etc. NOK 10,000 0 3,160 3,160 1,270 401 32 %
Tools, furniture, movables etc. NOK 15,000 179 0 179 1,905 22 1 %
Repair and maintenance NOK 13,000 3,172 3,175 6,347 1,651 806 49 %
Foreign services NOK 155,000 0 63,407 63,407 19,685 8,053 41 %
Office supplies NOK 10,000 580 48,220 48,800 1,270 6,198 488 % Moved offices in December 2018. Extra spending on moving and fixing up new office space
Telephone and postage NOK 11,000 24 427 451 1,397 57 4 %
Travel expenses NOK 147,000 75,985 47,350 123,335 18,669 15,787 85 % We have fewer travels scheduled for the next 6 months
Sale, advertising and representation NOK 30,000 3,668 4,377 8,045 3,810 1,021 27 %
Project Community NOK 150,000 46,922 56,364 103,286 19,050 13,117 69 %
Project Content NOK 30,000 16,355 0 16,355 3,810 2,077 55 %
Project Diversity NOK 60,000 50,932 13,966 64,898 7,620 8,242 108 % The Sami project has been more resource demanding then expected
Project Free NOK 30,000 15,961 491 16,452 3,810 2,089 55 %
Bodil Biørn project NOK 120,000 67,800 0 67,800 15,240 8,611 57 % Project with funding from The Arts Council of Norway
Other expenses NOK 15,000 2,008 1,909 3,917 1,905 497 26 %
TOTAL NOK 2,258,376 660,666 653,239 1,313,905 286,814 166,988 58 % N/A

* Provide estimates in US Dollars



Is your organization compliant with the terms outlined in the grant agreement?


As required in the grant agreement, please report any deviations from your grant proposal here. Note that, among other things, any changes must be consistent with our WMF mission, must be for charitable purposes as defined in the grant agreement, and must otherwise comply with the grant agreement.

Are you in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations as outlined in the grant agreement? Please answer "Yes" or "No".

  • Yes

Are you in compliance with provisions of the United States Internal Revenue Code (“Code”), and with relevant tax laws and regulations restricting the use of the Grant funds as outlined in the grant agreement? Please answer "Yes" or "No".

  • Yes


Once complete, please sign below with the usual four tildes.



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