Grants:APG/Proposals/2016-2017 round 1/Wikimedia Serbia/Progress report form

Purpose of the report


This form is for organizations receiving Annual Plan Grants to report on their progress after completing the first 6 months of their grants. The time period covered in this form will be the first 6 months of each grant (e.g. 1 January - 30 June of the current year). This form includes four sections, addressing global metrics, program stories, financial information, and compliance. Please contact APG/FDC staff if you have questions about this form, or concerns submitting it by the deadline. After submitting the form, organizations will also meet with APG staff to discuss their progress.

Global metrics overview - all programs


We are trying to understand the overall outcomes of the work being funded across our grantees' programs. Please use the table below to let us know how your programs contributed to the Global Metrics. We understand not all Global Metrics will be relevant for all programs, so feel free to put "0" where necessary. For each program include the following table and

  1. Next to each required metric, list the outcome achieved for all of your programs included in your proposal.
  2. Where necessary, explain the context behind your outcome.
  3. In addition to the Global Metrics as measures of success for your programs, there is another table format in which you may report on any OTHER relevant measures of your programs success

For more information and a sample, see Global Metrics.

Education program


The consolidated metrics for the projects within the Education program:

  • Wikipedia in schools
  • Accredited seminars
  • Edu Wiki camp
  • Wiktionary

Note: Wiktionary is now a part of the Education program bearing in mind that it aims to motivate volunteer community from Faculty of Philology who went through the training of editing Wikipedia in schools.

Metric Achieved outcome Explanation
1. # of participants 543 planned: 1645 (detailed report)
2. # of newly registered 532 planned: 1125 (detailed report)
3. # of content pages 2222 planned: 1160 (detailed report)

802 on Wikipedia, 109 within the accredited seminars and 1311 on the Wiktionary.

When it comes to Wikipedia, metrics are taken from Dashboard and we assumed that they include both user pages and sandboxes. Out of the total number of pages created on Wikipedia, there are 247 new pages and 555 improved ones. Out of the total number of pages created on Wiktionary, 1287 was created in Chinese, 2 in Ukrainian and 22 in Norwegian.

4. # of uploaded/released multimedia files on Wikimedia Commons (file usage in %) 157 (23,6% ) planned: 500 (25%) (detailed report)
5. # of events 29 planned: 61 (detailed report)

Free content


The consolidated metrics for the projects within the Free content program:

  • Wiki Loves Earth
  • Brzansko Moravište and Zapis - Sacred Tree
  • Kolubara and Podgorina in a picture
  • Gravestones and wayside crosses in the Moravica district
  • Cultural heritage of Western Serbia
  • Contests on Wikipedia
  • Spoken Wikipedia
Metric Achieved outcome Explanation
1. # of participants 119 planned: 241 (detailed report)
2. # of newly registered 31 planned: 110 (detailed report)
3. # of content pages 985 planned: 1320 (detailed report)
4. # of uploaded/released multimedia files on Wikimedia Commons (file usage in %) 8802 (14,9%) planned: 17520 (43,5%) (detailed report)
5. # of events 110 planned: 126 (detailed report)



The consolidated metrics for the projects within the GLAM program:

  • Wiki takes GLAMers
  • Edit-a-thons
  • Wikipedian in residence
  • Wiki-librarian
  • Digitizing techno culture in Serbia from 1990 until today

Metric Achieved outcome Explanation
1. # of participants 278 planned: 190 (detailed report)
2. # of newly registered 100 planned: 145 (detailed report)
3. # of content pages 216 planned: 485 (detailed report)
4. # of uploaded/released multimedia files on Wikimedia Commons (file usage in %) 430 (93,7%) planned: 972 (60,74%) (detailed report)
5. # of events 21 planned: 31 (detailed report)

Community support


The goal of this program is to create and maintain a better and healthier atmosphere in the community, to establish better communication with the community and to increase the motivation of members. In order to achieve these goals, the program is divided into several segments: community motivation, local conferences of the Wikipedians - WikiLive and Wiki South. Through each of these projects, decentralization and increase of community participation in projects are being permeated.

In addition to the standard projects that are being implemented (Community Motivation, WikiLive, Wiki South), within this program, for the first time, we will include microgrants. In 2017, microgrants were assigned to the following projects:

  • Wild Wiki parks
  • Southeast through the lens
  • Edible or not, get to know them all
  • Promotion of protected goods in southern and eastern Serbia
  • Wiki loves Pannonian saltmarshes
  • Images and words of Smederevska Palanka

Integrated metrics for projects within the Community Support Program:

Metric Achieved outcome Explanation
1. # of participants 169 planned: 346 (detailed report)
2. # of newly registered 23 planned: 60 (detailed report)
3. # of content pages 22 planned: 300 (detailed report)
4. # of uploaded/released multimedia files on Wikimedia Commons (file usage in %) 302 (3,6%) planned: 1000 (5%) (detailed report)
5. # of events 14 planned: 35 (detailed report)

Telling your program stories - all programs


Please tell the story of each of your programs included in your proposal. This is your chance to tell your story by using any additional metrics (beyond global metrics) that are relevant to your context, beyond the global metrics above. You should be reporting against the targets you set at the beginning of the year throughout the year. We have provided a template here below for you to report against your targets, but you are welcome to include this information in another way. Also, if you decided not to do a program that was included in your proposal or added a program not in the proposal, please explain this change. More resources for storytelling are at the end of this form. Here are some ways to tell your story.

  • We encourage you to share your successes and failures and what you are learning. Please also share why are these successes, failures, or learnings are important in your context. Reference learning patterns or other documentation.
  • Make clear connections between your offline activities and online results, as applicable. For example, explain how your education program activities is leading to quality content on Wikipedia.
  • We encourage you to tell your story in different ways by using videos, sound files, images (photos and infographics, e.g.), compelling quotes, and by linking directly to work you produce. You may highlight outcomes, learning, or metrics this way.
  • We encourage you to continue using dashboards, progress bars, and scorecards that you have used to illustrate your progress in the past, and to report consistently over time.
  • You are welcome to use the table below to report on any metrics or measures relevant to your program. These may or may not include the global metrics you put in the overview section above. You can also share your progress in another way if you do not find a table like this useful.
Target Last year (if applicable) Progress (at end of Q2) Projected (end of year) Comments
Example Example Example Example Example

Education program


Educational program is one of the high-priority programs of Wikimedia Serbia, due to the fact that it’s being developed since 2007. The goal is development of Wiki projects, especially Serbian Wikipedia, in the academic circles. This program includes cooperation with secondary and high schools, as well as universities, and equally involves professors and students. This mostly implies that students write their assignments on Wikipedia, but also allows professors to learn about wikitext. In order to better promote the Education Program of Wikimedia Serbia, we made an education themed brochure in the first half of 2017, which conveys the experiences of students/pupils and professors/teachers that we have thus far cooperated with. The brochure is available in Serbian and English. There are three projects within the Education program: Wikipedia in schools, Accredited seminars and Edu Wiki camp.

We have implemented Wiktionary within the Education Program, considering that one of its goals is inspiring volunteers, or students of Faculty of Philology, who learned about Wiki projects while participating in “Wikipedia in schools” project. The students were taught how to contribute in creating free online dictionaries, as well as how to increase language diversity on Wiktionary. The goals are being fulfilled by the contributions from students of different language departments with whom the cooperation was established in previous years: Arabic, Swedish, Norwegian, Chinese, Slovak and Ukrainian. The primary goal was to enrich and develop Wiktionary, but also to educate interested volunteers. This program has its specific time frame, which depends on the academic year (two semesters - winter and summer).

Wikipedia in schools


Goal: Introducing Wiki-projects to academic circles
Introduction: Students write their assignments on Wikipedia or other Wiki projects, and in return receive points within their subject exams in school or university.

Editing Wikipedia workshop at Faculty of Mathematics
Editing Wikipedia workshop at Ninth Gymnasium


  • A new model of cooperation with the Faculty of Political Sciences and the Faculty of Philology has been realized - students receive 1 ECTS point, and the workshops are held independently from any particular subject
  • At the Pharmaceutical physiotherapeutic school, teacher Natalija Davitkov introduced writing articles into the curriculum after the accredited seminar on her own accord
  • The work on other projects in an academic environment - Wikidata at the Faculty of Mining and Geology has been introduced in 2017. We plan to introduce other Wiki projects and include them in the curriculum.
  • At the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Applied Studies, the students who completed the training last year were engaged again in order to motivate them to independently continue working on the project
  • Establishing a joint cooperation with other non-governmental organizations that are involved in working with youth education and share the same goals with Wikimedia Serbia
  • Continued cooperation with Faculty of Philology on Wiktionary projects.


  • To improve the communication with certain professors and teachers, which implies finding new means of communication with teachers who are involved in projects, but who didn’t find current means efficient enough.
  • To work on the implementation of the Dashboard - during the second semester of 2016/17, Dashboard had been introduced together with Education extension, with the goal to start using only Dashboard in the school year 2017/18. That would involve education of teachers and Wiki ambassadors how to use Dashboard in the next period.
  • To work on better article quality - a constant challenge that we deal with in order to make students’ contributions better.
  • Technical equipment in schools - we often face the fact that schools are not always equipped with computers and good internet connection, which could cause technical difficulties. In order to prevent such occasions, we have obtained a portable internet router, so the risk of losing connection is significantly reduced.
  • Dissatisfaction of the community with quality of the articles - also imposes constant challenge which is narrowly connected to improving the quality of students’ articles.
  • It is hard to motivate assistants and incorporate Wiktionary in the existing curriculum.
  • Some Wiktionary editors do not learn how to properly edit, so they end up making more damage than contribution to the project.

Lesson learned

  • Shorter deadlines for writing assignments should be determined.
  • Better results are accomplished if the pupils write the articles on their own, rather than working in groups
  • Activities within Wiktionary should be adapted to different departments, in order to make it work efficiently

Accredited seminars


Goal: educating teachers to work independently in order to implement wiki projects in their institution
Introduction: the project involves organization of accredited seminars Application of online wiki tools as didactic means in teaching throughout Serbia. The seminars are accredited by the Institute for Advancement of Education (State Institute for professional development of the teachers) and teachers gain 8 points for professional development by attending it. These seminars are 8 hour workshops on how to edit Wikipedia and implement it in class. The seminars are designed exclusively for teachers.

Accredited seminar in Bečej
Accredited seminar in Barajevo


  • The award that Zorana Matićević received from the Institute for the Promotion of Education based on a contest called “Learned in practise” in 2016. Zorana participated in one of our accredited seminars and after that she implemented Wikipedia in her class.
  • After the accredited seminars in the Gymnasium in Stara Pazova, and the Pharmaceutical physiotherapeutic school, we have started the Wikipedia in schools project in both schools.
  • Planning the cooperation with the Ruđer Bošković gymnasium and the gymnasium in Pančevo.
  • The recommendation we got from the Ruđer Bošković school, which will be a great reference for other planned seminars and applying for the future grants.
  • Exceeding the number of seminars planned by the project that we received the grant for by the Ministry of Education.


  • The technical equipment of schools in the sense of having a good internet connection for the work of a larger number of participants on Wikipedia and owning good computers.
  • Teachers sometimes cancel their attendance right before the start of the seminar and with great communication with school representatives we tend to find replacements in order to fill the empty seats with people who are interested in participating. Preparation of texts by the teachers in order to have quality content for using during the seminar. Before the seminar begins, we propose that participants prepare their articles for Wikipedia in order to make the seminar more efficient and to have more time to devote to each participant and to answer their questions.
  • Opening new user accounts by the teachers who do not sign up - It happens that teachers forget their passwords or usernames before the seminar, after which they open new ones that are not previously registered in the list. For this reason, we have a practice to check the accounts during the practical part of the seminar and make new lists.

Lesson learned

  • Carry the portable internet router in order to ensure an internet connection.
  • Constant communication with the organizers at schools in order to make sure we have the maximum number of participants at seminars.
  • Convey clear standards and rules for writing texts to the participants on time in order for the quality of the prepared texts to be as high as possible.
  • During the practical part of the seminar, we should make a list of usernames with the names of the articles that they are writing.
Edu Wiki camp 2016 on Golija
Edu Wiki campers on Wiki Loves Earth exhibition in Niš

Edu Wiki camp


Goal: recruit new wiki ambassadors and strengthen connections between them
Introduction:This camp is organized as part of the Education program, and its purposes are attracting new wiki ambassadors, additional training of the current ones, as well as strengthening the network of education volunteers. Camp program has many different topics, which involves editing Wikipedia training, manners of cooperation with educational institutions, technical skills regarding realization of education program etc…

Bearing in mind that the camp is being realized in mid-July, success, challenges and lesson learned will be presented after that. During the previous period, we focused on planning and setting the date of the camp. The camp will be held in Vrnjačka Banja from July 17 to 21. Applications for the Edu Wiki camp lasted from June 1 to 15, and more than 60 applications were received. Out of those, 17 participants for this year's Edu Wiki Camp were selected. Candidates are strategically selected on the basis of potential cooperation with the institutions where they study.

Participation in the “New technologies in education” conference

Education Program Manager at conference "New Technologies in Education"

During the fourth conference “New technologies in education”, Nebojša Ratković, Education program manager of Wikimedia Serbia presented the concept of introducing Wikipedia into standard class through one lecture and two workshops. The workshop, being a new segment in the conference, attracted many interested teachers and professors. In an hour, attendees were informed about the possibilities of Education program of Wikimedia Serbia and the implementation of Wikipedia in standard class. During the practical part of the workshop, teachers were split into groups, and tried to give various examples of using Wikipedia in class. It is interesting to point out that the teachers, who were interested in including Wikipedia as a regular part of their curriculum, also brought up many creative ideas for using the greatest online encyclopedia as a learning tool.

“New technologies in education” conference

New model of cooperation with faculties

During 2017, cooperation was established with Faculty of political sciences, which resulted in a new model of cooperation with educational institutions. The new model implies that editing Wikipedia workshops can be arranged unrelated to any particular subject. This new model of cooperation was also applied with one group of students from Faculty of Philology. All students who attended the workshop and wrote articles on Wikipedia were given confirmation papers that guarantee them ECTS points, and this activity will be counted as an extracurricular activity and mentioned in their diploma.

Inspiring idea of sharing free knowledge
Nikola Jevtić

“I was drawn in by the opportunity to be a part of such a massive international program which has quite an inspiring idea of sharing free knowledge. I think it is important to share the knowledge now that we have such an easy way of sharing content – the internet. By learning, things stop being strange, thus becoming interesting, allowing people to more easily understand the world around them, different cultures, people etc… Enabling such knowledge to anyone who is eager to learn is very noble. I think that School of Electrical and Computer Engineering has a good cooperation with Wikimedia Serbia and I consider the subject Social networks to be well integrated with Wikipedia through the articles that are written by students, and that are worth one quarter of the mark. Students have a chance to edit Wikipedia, while having support of people who can help them in the best way either by internet or in school. The workshops are great. A lot is achieved and learned in a short time.” —Nikola Jevtić, student of the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Applied Studies

Positive results of the student polls

The “Wiki student” project evaluation papers that were filled out by students who participated between February and June 2017 showed satisfying results. Out of 108 students, more than 59% voted “excellent” for method and clarity of the lecture, and they rated significance of the covered topics with the same mark. In the Chart 1, it can be clearly seen that the expertise of the lecturers in workshops was exceptionally positive. More than 62% of participants voted “excellent” for the lecturers’ work, and for the usefulness of learned information 56% voted “excellent”, which can be seen in the Chart 2. When asked whether similar workshops should be organized again, 56% answered “yes, frequently” (Chart 3).

Together with answering questions, students had a blank space to write their comments and suggestions. From those comments, we can see that they are least satisfied with technical conditions in the schools, and most satisfied with workshop organization and subject presentation. Apart from that, we can conclude that they have recognized the influence of sharing free knowledge and using Wikipedia as a learning tool.

Free content


The Free Content program has a purpose to gather free material in any form (photo, audio, text). The benefits of this endeavor are numerous:

  • they generate a large amount of multimedia content
  • they motivate the community with a goal to increase the contributions to wiki projects
  • they are suitable for the newcomers who are still not familiar with wiki projects
  • the projects are thematic, so the content is useful for illustrating articles on Wikipedia and other wiki projects

Wiki loves Earth

Goal: Increasing the photo content on Wiki Commons through upload of photographs of protected natural heritage; The enrichment of Wikipedia articles with mentioned photos; education of the public and community engagement through organizing edit-a-thons and photo tours; Promotion of Wikimedia Serbia and its projects through photo exhibitions around Serbia; Establishing cooperation with GLAM institutions

Introduction: The idea of ​​mass collecting photographs of protected natural heritage in Serbia in the form of photo contest.

First prize on Wiki Loves Earth 017 in Serbia
Second prize on Wiki Loves Earth 017 in Serbia
Third prize on Wiki Loves Earth 017 in Serbia


  • The long-running organization of the photo contest enabled the already trained organization of the competition to run smoothly.
  • We have a stable cooperation with our partners, so we could count on their assistance during the competition (Environment Protection Institute of Serbia, Tourist Organization of Serbia, media partners)
  • The number of photos received increases year after year, as well as the number of participants.
  • The media coverage of the competition itself, as well as the exhibitions that followed it, is great due to the uniqueness of the project.
  • A great media campaign held on the occasion of the global WLE winner photo being from Serbia attracted new participants.


  • One of the main challenges is the misunderstanding of the way photos are uploaded, the correct categorization and marking by the contestants.
  • Many competitors sent photos of nature that did not necessarily depict a protected natural heritage and were therefore disqualified.
  • There were competitors whose motivation was reduced after seeing which photos were chosen as winning.
  • The jury tool was not easy to use, but it was eventually used, making the jury duty much easier.

Lesson learned

  • Taking into consideration all the lessons learned last year, clear rules of competition were created to reduce the number of disqualified photos.
  • This competition is important both for increasing the visibility of the organization and for attracting new editors who have not edited wiki projects so far.
  • The competition generates high-quality free content and we worked on its promotion on the events that preceded it.

Photo and other projects which aim to gather free content


Kolubara and Podgorina in an image: This is a continuation of the Valjevo Mountains Through the Lens project, although current focus is collecting free multimedia material of mountain and flatlands village settlements, all of their characteristics and sights.

Cultural heritage of Western Serbia: The project was conceived as a continuation of the project "Cultural heritage of Mačva and Pocerina", and its goal is collecting free multimedia material that represents cultural monuments, sights and personalities from Western Serbia. In addition to multimedia material, articles about cultural heritage in Western Serbia are written based on literature gathered from the visited area.

Gravestones and wayside crosses in the Moravica district: This project has a goal to increase free content of photographs and articles about the gravestones and wayside crosses in the Moravica district. The collected material will be used in illustrating Wikipedia articles.

Brzansko moravište and Zapis - sacred tree: the project includes collecting of free multimedia material of the Brzan Moravište and the sacred trees. It is specific due to the unique formats of photographs that are not represented on Wiki Commons (timelapse, 360). Photos are also used to illustrate articles on Wikipedia.

Wikipedia Competitions: This project involves organizing several competitions on Wikipedia each year about a specific subject that is sufficiently interesting and comprehensive for the community, and on the other hand, concrete. Wikipedian community is motivated to take part because of the competitive spirit, as well as the rewards.

Spoken Wikipedia: The project aims to create an audio version of the best and most interesting articles from Serbian Wikipedia. Audio versions would be free and they would find their place on Wiki Commons and in the articles on Wikipedia

Village Paune, Valjevo, Kolubara and Podgorina in an image
Church of Saint Georgie, Cultural heritage of Western Serbia
Gravestone in Lunjevici
Brzansko Moravište


  • Most of the projects that aim to collect free content go according to plan and have so far fulfilled the goals they have planned, while some have been exceeded. All projects had great success in terms of the number of sites visited and the collected material.
  • Within some projects, the multimedia material that presents novelty on Wiki Commons has been collected, for example time-lapse photographs and footage.
  • Bearing in mind that most of the volunteers who are involved in photo-projects are professionals in photography, the obtained material is of high quality.
  • Institutions which collaborated in collecting literature for the articles were willing to cooperate and provide adequate assistance.
  • Regarding the competitions, regional cooperation with Wikimedians from Republic of Srpska was achieved. Members of the jury are active members of Serbian Wikipedia who joined in the discussion about changing the grading system.
  • Great response of participants to the competition, as well as a record result in terms of the number of written and edited articles (592 new and 68 edited).


  • Weather conditions can be a great challenge during field trips when photographs are collected. Together with the lack of light on the photos, the extreme cold and the winter period caused lack of wildlife in photographs.
  • Photo upload is time-consuming, so there are discrepancies between the photos that are taken and the photos currently uploaded.
  • The abandoned and impassable terrains can often be physically exhausting for volunteers, and the vegetation sometimes does not allow proper reach of monuments and other sights.
  • Sometimes it is necessary to perform multiple field trips in order to collect the necessary material.
  • In some cases, volunteers do not possess adequate equipment, which can complicate the documentation of monuments, sights, and natural assets.
  • Motivating additional volunteers who would be active within the project is a challenge.
  • Regarding international competitions, the question about the branches/communities participating in the competition was raised again, where Wikimedia Serbia could not accept a separate list of articles for Kosovo as a separate state. New editors often decided not to participate in the competition because of the difficulty of editing on Wikipedia. Members of the community had objections regarding the grading system, which should be considered when organizing the next competition.

Lessons learned

  • Due to the type of multimedia files that are being collected, it is necessary to better plan equipment, terrain and finances before the start of the project.
  • The lessons learned are also related to light conditions which during the winter and early spring months do not allow the production of quality material due to difficult lighting conditions. This problem was solved by re-recording in the following months.
  • Recording of the sites proved to be more efficient if the areas were connected to one another. The volunteer was guided by the same principle during the next period.
  • The recorded material must be immediately sorted, processed and uploaded on Wiki Commons to ensure continuity in operation.
  • Some institutions were not ready for cooperation, so they were not contacted this year to avoid wasting resources.
  • Reading texts from certain monuments is almost impossible to do on the spot, which requires the use of analogies and the use of specialized literature.
  • It is necessary to motivate the community as much as possible to participate in competitions. An adequate selection of prizes is a good motivation factor.
  • If we contact newcomers and help them with their participation, the greater the chance that the retention of participation will increase.
  • Regional cooperation enables the establishment of good relations with the editors from the Republic of Srpska.

The secret of success is in personal motivation

The Free Content program provides good results and often projects exceed the set goals. This happens because each volunteer finds a personal satisfaction in the realization of the activity and therefore wants to contribute more. It often happens that these volunteers continue to take part in Wiki activities and that their projects become sustainable. Volunteers often submit projects within their profession, which is why the materials and articles are better. Below is a table with planned and so far realised metrics from which it can be seen that the use of photographs in articles on Wikipedia can get better.

Projects/Metrics Planned Achieved
Wiki loves Earth 2000 photographs
1000 used
1712 photographs
101 used
Brzansko Moravište & Zapisi 5000 photographs
275 used
1187 photographs
0 used
Kolubara and Podgorina in an image 1000 photographs
400 used
484 photographs
195 used
Gravestones and wayside crosses in the Moravica district 1500 photographs
150 used
715 photographs
1 used
Cultural heritage of Western Serbia 8000 photographs
4400 used
4704 photographs
1024 used

CEE Spring 2017 in Serbia achieved a record success

Nineteen participants wrote 592 new articles and edited 68 articles on various topics within the CEE Spring 2017 in Serbia: sports, history, literature, acting, etc. In this way, they enriched Serbian Wikipedia with as many as 8,063,640 bytes. This is also the biggest success of the CEE Spring, which has been organized for the third consecutive year. Bearing in mind the results that are increasing both quantitatively and qualitatively from year to year, Wikimedia Serbia will continue organizing this competition. In addition to the good results, regional cooperation has also been exceptional with Wikimedians from the Republic of Srpska.

There was no happier person than me when the winner of Wiki loves Earth was announced
Maja Stošić

"I learned about Wikimedia two years ago, when a friend on Facebook shared an article about the Wiki loves Earth contest. Since I have many photographs of nature in Serbia, I also decided to participate. Last year I participated for the first time, and on that occasion I received a praise for the photo "Prskalo Waterfall". That same year, I released my photos of old crafts from the series "Saved from oblivion". Cooperation with the Wikimedia team is excellent, everyone is kind and always ready to explain all the ambiguities that I initially had about uploading photos to Wikimedia Commons. This year I won the first prize for the photo "Grza Hot Spring" and there was no happier person than me at the time of the winner announcement. Although I have been engaged in photography for 15 years, I participated in many international photography contests in the world, won a number of awards, more than 60 at this time, this award is important to me because the theme of nature is my favorite, the award-winning photo is from my area, which makes me even happier, because I see it as a certain promotion of my area and the beauty that surrounds it. I also see the Wiki loves Earth contest as a promotion of Serbia and the areas that are promoted by our photographs to the world. The competition in this sense also acts as a form of education about getting to know our country. There are many who through it see and hear about certain rivers, mountains, waterfalls for the first time. Now I have the opportunity to invite other photographers to take part and send their photos, because in this way we help and promote tourism and free knowledge in our country." —Maja Stošić (User:Maja1407) the winner of Wiki loves Earth 2017 in Serbia.

Wikimedia Serbia provides an opportunity for individuals to contribute to the development of free content through projects
Darko Gajić

"The first contact with Wikipedia as an editor brought me to the knowledge that many cultural monuments have not been mentioned on Serbian Wikipedia. Especially the national heritage of previous wars, military memorials and gravestones. Also, there were no free photos that could be used to illustrate existing or new articles. So, at first with the photo-grant Cultural heritage of Mačva and Pocerina in 2016, and then with the project Cultural Heritage of Western Serbia in 2017, as a follow-up, a lot was achieved. An exceptional number of photos was collected by field trips, new articles were created and existing ones were expanded. These articles were mostly about cultural and natural monuments, national heritage, churches and monasteries, manifestations, customs and cultural institutions. Through all this, it is clear that in every sense I support the overall work of Wikimedia Serbia, primarily the one in which the possibility is given to individuals who would like contribute to the development of free content, promotion of the Wikimedia Foundation, but also to contribute to their own education through the projects." —Darko Gajić (User:Ванилица), project leader of the Cultural Heritage of Western Serbia

For the first time I participated in the competition and managed to win

"I joined Wikipedia last year, just before the start of the CEE Spring competition, so I did not know the rules of editing well enough and I did not participate. This is my first participation, I've been reviewing articles from the previous years’ competitions and I got the idea about what kind of articles I needed in order to compete. It was not easy with my job and other obligations to devote a lot of time to the competition, but I persisted and I'm glad that I won the first place. I would recommend to other users to participate in the competitions, there is always an opportunity to win valuable prizes. See you at the next competition" —Vule Madžgalj (User:Vux33), the winner of the CEE Spring 2017 competition.



GLAM is a standard program whose goal is to realize cooperation with cultural institutions, with focus on freeing multimedia content under Creative Commons licenses, digitization of various content, as well as enriching Wiki projects with those materials. Within this program, the following projects are being developed: Wiki loves GLAMers, Edit-a-thons, Wikipedian in residence, Wiki Librarian and Digitization of Techno culture in Serbia from 1990 until today.

Wiki loves GLAMers


Goal: Achieving cooperation with cultural institutions in the field of digitization and increasing free content on the Internet.
Introduction: GLAM institutions include galleries, libraries, archives, museums, but also other cultural institutions which possess various forms of cultural and historical heritage. These treasuries of valuable material can be digitized in cooperation between cultural institutions and Wikimedia Serbia through the project of “Wiki loves GLAMers”

Church of St. Panteleimon from the edition of Shadows of Old Niš
Bali-bey's mosque from the edition of Shadows of Old Niš
Railway station from the edition of Shadows of Old Niš


  • Issuing of the first GLAM booklet, which will significantly ease presentation of the program to interested partners
  • Donation of artists’ work
  • Motivating the community and reaching further
  • Making the existing connection with partners stronger


  • Expand cooperation beyond the primary agreement
  • Find stable and long-term partners
  • Attract more volunteers who could independently attribute to the project

Lesson learned

  • Necessity of continuous cooperation with partners, in order not to suppress the focus of contribution to Wikipedia and Wikimedia movement. Bearing that in mind, it is necessary to determine the cooperation dynamics more precisely.
  • Partners, collectors and authors who want to cooperate with Wikimedia Serbia are not familiar enough with CC licenses, so it is highly important to explain to them the licenses before the project realization.



Goal: increasing free content on wiki projects, as well as enhancing volunteering capacity and educating GLAM representatives
Introduction: edit-a-thons are thematic gatherings of volunteers who during one day write articles on Wikipedia on one particular subject. Most often, they happen because of GLAM program and are a good starting point for establishing cooperation.

World Mime Day edit-a-thon in Niš
World Mime Day edit-a-thon in Belgrade


  • Cooperation with World Mime Organization and Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia is stronger, which shows potential to expand to other models of GLAM cooperation
  • Both edit-a-thons were successfully organized at the same time in two cities
  • Media coverage


  • Make international Mime edit-a-thon
  • Motivate other participants from theatre, acting and pantomime branch to join in
  • Motivate more volunteer-editors to join the edit-a-thons

Lesson learned

  • Send the invitation for international edit-a-thons to chapters and user groups during the Annual plan making period, so it can be properly planned
  • Previous coordination of volunteers is highly important, as well as careful preparation and organization of the whole event.

Wikipedian in residence


Goals:Improving cooperation between a certain GLAM institution and Wikimedia Serbia, enhancing motivation of the volunteer in residence, as well as enabling systematic approach to releasing content under CC.
Introduction:Wikipedian-in-residence’s role is to act like a mediator between Wikimedia Serbia and the selected GLAM institution, to promote the idea of Wikimedia movement amongst the institution’s staff, work with them in order to help them understand wiki projects, to organize Wikipedia editing workshops, presentations and panels, to maintain connections between the organization and institution, and also propose new models of cooperation or enhance the current ones, perform digitization, upload digitized content on Wikimedia Commons, Wikisource etc...

Bearing in mind that the internship program has not happened yet, it is still early to mention success, challenges and lessons learned. We did, however, made efforts into choosing a GLAM partner to host a resident, and the residence is planned for late summer.



Goal: educating and connecting librarians who would create free content and use Wikipedia in practice.
Introduction: Wiki-librarians from the University library Svetozar Marković are training other librarians from various cities in Serbia. In addition to editing workshops on Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons, librarians are actively working on digitizing works and releasing photos relevant to the topics they are writing about. The project has a great response and their results are presented at international conferences.

Wiki-librarians at WikiLive 2017


  • A demanding workshop was held with 19 participants in Leskovac.
  • Two papers are written for a conference of international significance, great success was achieved because one work was approved as a study.
  • Successful student practice of editing articles on Wikipedia (students could earn 10 points, articles were excellent and the professor approved an additional 1 to 4 points for more than half of the students.


  • The National Library Radoje Domanović in Leskovac does not have an electronic classroom, so it was necessary to find an appropriate place where the workshop would be held and who would participate.

Lessons learned

  • Since this is a continuation of the project which has now entered the third year of implementation, the experience gained from the past workshops is used to enhance them.

Digitization of Techno Culture in Serbia


Goal: Enabling free access to organized and documented history of Serbia's techno and club culture free and accessible for the whole world, and connecting it with the world history of music, art, culture, media, and scientific and educational institutions that use free knowledge through the release of this material under Creative Commons License.
Introduction: This project represents digitization of the analogue archive of Serbian techno culture from the fund of the international art organization TECHNOKRATIA, other organizations, festivals, clubs, artists, collectors and fans in the period from 1990 until today.


  • The materials of the 1990s, especially video materials, are very valuable from the documentary point of view (because they are mostly in raw form).


  • Only a small part of the material can be used for digitization. Of the portion that has been digitized, most will have to be additionally processed, centered, and only then mounted and post produced.

Lesson learned

  • More materials should be digitized, since the obtained product does not have desired quality.
  • Public interest shows that the end result will be interesting and is now a research point in the field of digital (video) archaeology and anthropology, and also is work on the history of popular culture, creative industries and media of that time

The first GLAM brochure made by Wikimedia Serbia

GLAM brochure made by Wikimedia Serbia

This year, for the first time, Wikimedia Serbia has prepared a brochure aimed at facilitating the presentation of the GLAM program to interested partners and associates. The brochure includes collected examples of good practice around the world and in our country, from the beginning of this program to the present, as well as the impressions of our partners about the cooperation within this program.

"... Searching for new, active ways of connecting with the audience, other institutions and experts, our Museum has established cooperation with Wikimedia Serbia. We believe that this is one of the best ways to achieve our goals, and therefore I would like to thank everyone from the organization of Wikimedia Serbia with whom we have so far worked on an exceptional, and I believe, successful cooperation." —Tatjana Gačpar, director of the Museum in Smederevo

Artists donate their works for Wikipedia
Davorin Dinić

"I want to live one day in a world where knowledge and information will be equally and easily accessible to everyone, and art will be free and independent. Wikipedia is a project that strives for such goals and it is an honor for me to contribute to such an idea" —Davorin Dinić, (User:Davorin Dinic), an artist.

Edit-a-thons strengthen relationships with partners
Marko Stojanović

"I am very excited that the initiative which Ofer Blum, the pantomime from Israel and I have launched was welcomed in over 40 countries on 4 continents and for the second year in a row we cooperate with Wikimedia Serbia, and through this organization we are connected with Wikipedians from other countries. Together, we will make sure that the pantomime restores its significance on the entire planet because it is the first language in which people have communicated and who we all equally understand" —Marko Stojanović, (User:Marko Stojanović), president of the World Organization of Pantomimists

Community support


The goal of this program is to create and maintain a better and healthier atmosphere in the community, to establish better communication with the community and to increase the motivation of members. In order to achieve these goals, the program is divided into several segments: community motivation, local Wikipedian conference - WikiLive, and Wiki South. Through each of these projects, decentralization and increase of community participation in projects are being permeated.

In addition to standard projects that are being implemented (Community motivation, WikiLive, Wiki South), within this program, for the first time, we will include microgrants. In 2017, microgrants were assigned to the following projects:

  • Wild Wiki parks
  • Southeast through the lens
  • Edible or not, get to know them all
  • Promotion of protected goods in southern and eastern Serbia
  • Wiki loves Pannonian saltmarshes
  • Images and words of Smederevska Palanka

Projects aimed at bringing together and supporting the community


Community motivation: the project aims to establish better communication with the community and reduce the gap between Wikipedians and Wikimedians. Activities such as community gathering, organizing Wiki stand at public events, informing the community of various events through various network channels are realized within the project.
WikiLive 2017: the goal is to interconnect members of the community, by networking and strengthening the links between them. Wiki Live is a local Wikipedian conference that is conceived with the idea of ​​strengthening the spirit of community, interconnecting participants and involving them in the WMRS programs. The conference consists of a two-day program covering various topics about Wikipedia.
Wiki South: strengthening the community in the southern part of Serbia and creating a group that will work on the realization and promotion of Wiki projects is one of the main ideas and goals of the project. A group of volunteers from the Youth Club of Ančiki is implementing projects that have many Wiki activities such as camps, monthly workshops, photo competitions, exhibitions, etc.

Participants said...


  • At the beginning of the year, the new website of Wikimedia Serbia was launched, which is more oriented towards new users and is easier to use.
  • The planned events were organized, which attracted the community and increased the visibility of the WMRS. Among these events, the most significant ones are the meeting of WMRS Assembly, birthdays of Serbian and English Wikipedia, and community gatherings.
  • Decentralization of volunteer activities through the launch of actions and projects outside of Belgrade has been established.
  • Within the organization of birthdays and conferences we have been supported by our long term partners: Startit Center and Univerity Library Svetozar Marković.
  • Within Wiki South, a camp was held successfully, and new Wikipedians were interested in further cooperation and dissemination of the acquired knowledge.


  • The available human capacity of the organization is a variable that can affect the absence of a quorum at the Assembly or a poor attendance of volunteers at meetings.
  • Volunteers are not interested in creating documents and/or contracts that the organization brings, which is why feedback is often missing.
  • Warm weather is inconvenient for organizing outdoor gatherings (Wiki corner).
  • Poor response of the volunteers for tasks such as conference organizing, as well as the lecturers’ cancelling their attendance to the conference in the last minute.
  • It is often a problem to make a balance between the time spent investing in training volunteers and timely completion of the necessary tasks.
  • Working with young people and their training is a challenge itself, because more effort is needed to get them involved, bearing in mind how little today's youth is interested in any kind of educational activities.

Lesson learned

  • It is necessary to strengthen regular members capacity in order to ensure the quorum in the Assembly.
  • Proper choice should be made when dates of the gatherings are in question. Holidays are not suitable for events.
  • It is necessary to maintain frequent communication with lecturers regarding the conference, so that the presentations are ready in time, clear and transparent.
  • It is necessary to provide additional an internet connection on events such as conference and edit-a-thons, because in the case of massive gatherings the lack of good internet always creates a problem.
  • It is necessary to devise a way to attract volunteers who would work on the conference organisation.
  • Direct promotion of project activities (Wiki South) with a more detailed presentation of everything that Wikipedia represents and what the project offers, gives better results than promotions through flyers and social networks.
  • It turned out to be very positive that in the camp (Wiki South), alongside new ones, the experienced Wikipedians were present, who shared their experiences and spoke from another angle about their vision of work on Wikipedia and their participation in its projects, and also helped "newcomers" in writing articles.
Working on Wikipedia encourages young people in smaller cities to activism
Sandra Stamenković

"Working on Wikipedia was very inspiring from the beginning, bearing in mind the importance and impact that the Wikipedian and Wikimedian community has on spreading of free knowledge in the world. Being part of such an idea and having the opportunity to contribute to it is a great honor for all members of our team. Since the project “Wiki South 2” is our third wiki project in a row, we have already become proficient, so we are able to run the project without any direct help from Wikimedia Serbia. In addition, we have excellent communication and at any time of the day we can get the answer to any question, so that we can easily implement the project. The youth reacted very positively to the project because they do not have the opportunity to participate in similar activities, and especially attractive aspects of socializing in different campsites and excursions in the countryside. We hope that we will continue to work on even more profitable tasks, and that we will find a group of young people that will be able to succeed us in the future." —Sandra Stamenković, project leader of Wiki South

Wiki Live inspires volunteers to get more involved in projects

I started to think seriously about the role of the editor
Jelena Stanković

"As this is the first conference I attended, all my expectations have been overcome. Thanks to the pleasant and interactive atmosphere, I was given the opportunity to talk to other students who are far more experienced and to whom this conference is just another one in a row. As a "freshman" editor, I was familiar with some things, but not to that extent. From every aspect I have enriched my knowledge (about the programs of Wikimedia, CC licenses, article editing tools, vandalism, etc). In addition, much more important is that I had the opportunity to hear experienced and successful editors, their beginnings, experiences, successes and advices. The fact is that after the conference, I started to think a bit more seriously about the role of the Wikipedia editor. I got new ideas about potential articles and the will to use my free time for writing and editing articles in the areas that are close to me" —Jelena Stanković, participant of Wiki Live 2017

It's nice to see faces that were hidden behind usernames
Miloš Todorović

"The conference was really useful, because apart from being able to learn a lot, we have the opportunity to meet people who edit Wikipedia. It is true that we are a small community and we know of one another, but it's nice to see faces hidden behind usernames. I learned something new about free licenses and I heard about new projects of Wikimedia Serbia. Still, what I liked the most is spending time with Wikipedians from Serbia and the region" —Miloš Todorović, participant of Wiki Live 2017

I will be more engaged in the case of Wikimedia and its projects
Milena Milenković

"It was wonderful to hear the experiences of other people and their opinions because they motivated me this way. I hope that I will be more engaged in Wikimedia and its projects. I think that this is why this conference is important - because of connecting people within Wikimedia. I was very interested in project Wiki Ambassador, as well as Creative Commons licenses and copyrights" —Milena Milenković, participant of Wiki Live 2017

I learned how Wiki community works
Marko Nikolić

"Conference really fulfilled all my expectations. I learned how Wiki community works, which I particularly liked. What attracted me most is the story of CC licenses. There were some really interesting sessions, but also lecturers. Certainly, I will now be more engaged and encourage associates from the Biological Society to achieve long-term cooperation with Wikimedia Serbia." —Marko Nikolić, participant of Wiki Live 2017

At the end of the conference, participants filled out the evaluation forms, which confirmed that the conference reached their expectations. Out of 28 participants who filled out the form, 27 would attend the event again. 21 participant (72.4%) rated the program with 5, while 8 (27.6%) gave a score of 4 (graph 1). 24 (82.8%) attendees think that presentations were clear, well organized and understandable. 4 (13.8%) of them gave score of 4 and 1 participant rated this matter with 3 - graph 2. 20 (69%) participants think that speakers encouraged discussion and 24 (82.8%) of them consider that the knowledge on the WikiLive is clear and applicable (graph 3).



Microgrants were previously a separate program, but having in mind that this is also in some way providing support to the community through the allocation of financial resources (up to 500 euros), it has been attached to the Community Support Program. In 2017, funds were allocated for 6 instead of 5 planned projects. The detailed report shows how the whole process of allocating micro-grants was going on, from the opening of the competition to the launch of projects. The response was good, and it is commendable that the emphasis in projects has been placed on increasing the number of articles in Wikipedia instead of photos which was the case so far.

Wiki loves Pannonian saltmarshes - the idea of ​​the project is to visit 15 saltmarsh habitats, to write an article about each of them, as well as a number of articles dedicated to the protected and interesting species that inhabit them. Each article would be illustrated by a large number of free photos. Through the educational and interesting content of the published articles, which are easily accessible, the project would aim to inform and raise people's awareness of the importance of preserving the saltmarsh habitats and plant and animal species that inhabit them.
Wild Wiki Parks - exploring the four largest parks in Niš: Chair, Bubanj, St. Sava Park and Fortress, from March to September, the participants show the fauna of insects, plant representatives that build these parts of nature and enrich the knowledge of park birds. The ultimate goal of the project is to digitize all the knowledge through Wikimedia Commons and articles in Wikipedia, and at the same time educate fellow citizens through edit-a-thons and photo exhibitions.
Edible or not, let's meet them all - this project, through free content, aims to introduce to the general public the mushrooms that live on Serbian territory, their ecology, their edibleness, their use and their conservation status. This is a topic that is not covered enough on Wikipedia, and will result in new educational articles on mushrooms in Serbia, supplementing existing texts updated with contemporary high-quality photographs from the field.
Southeast through the lens - the idea of ​​the project is to motivate a large number of individuals and institutions in Niš through activities within the project: edit-a-thons, photo tours, exhibitions and promotion of free knowledge. The objectives of the project include the massive collection of photographs of natural and cultural sites under free license, which contributes to the increase of content on wiki projects. In addition, it is also about increasing the number of articles on Serbian Wikipedia, as well as the number of GLAM institutions with which cooperation will be achieved.
Promotion of protected goods in southern and eastern Serbia - southeastern and southern Serbia is largely uncovered in terms of photographs, and it covers protected natural and cultural heritage (canyons, gorges, monuments ...). The idea behind this project is to write articles on Serbian Wikipedia about the general and specific features of the mentioned places, enriched with new photographs on Wikimedia Commons.
Images and words of Smederevska Palanka - the project aims to increase free content of cultural and historical heritage of the Smederevska Palanka municipality. The project includes writing articles on Serbian Wikipedia and uploading images on Wikimedia Commons during 2017. In addition, the project will contribute to increasing free content and information on important people, places and buildings from Smederevska Palanka, bearing in mind that the coverage of these topics is somewhat scarce on Serbian Wikipedia.


  • With all project leaders, initial meetings were held successfully, and where needed, lectures and workshops were held, so the team members were trained for further work on Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons.
  • Field trips were successfully conducted, where multimedia material was collected. Visited localities have confirmed that they are rich in biodiversity and habitats and can gather valuable free material.
  • Within some projects, relevant organizations and institutions responded and supported the project through the provision of support and/or provision of literature.


  • One of the challenges was of an infrastructural nature. In some cases, it was difficult to find a lecture and a workshop venue.
  • Coordinating and organizing multi-day field research involving more people is a challenge itself.
  • Volunteers are inexperienced, so they met for the first time with this kind of project, so they did not know exactly what to expect.
  • Weather conditions were affecting field work.
  • During one project, there were financial difficulties in the absence of certain receipts, but this was successfully resolved and the project was continued.

Lesson learned

  • Volunteers are new and this has helped them to become independent in writing projects and possibly realize Wiki activities later on. Such grants do not carry a big risk and are more attractive to new people.
  • Through this project we have trained new volunteers who will further disseminate knowledge to the community in Novi Sad and will encourage others to promote the idea of free knowledge.
  • Any experience gained in coordinating and organizing any events is preparing volunteers to better organize the next similar activities. Overcoming problems and solving them prepares us for future work and research.
  • With good communication and planning, volunteers managed to agree ahead of the events.
  • In order for the project to be successful and achieve the planned goals, continuous work on creating and increasing free content in Wiki projects is needed.



Cooperation with the media in the first half of 2017 continued very successfully, based on the so far well-established relations and the encouraged interest in reporting about the activities of Wikimedia Serbia and the Wikimedia Movement in general.

There has been 231 recorded article about Wikimedia Serbia’s activities, additional 310 publications about Wikipedia in general, while Wikipedia was mentioned 220 times.

The Wiki loves Earth photo contest is the most popular attraction for the media. The successful cooperation with last year's media sponsors continued, and broadcasting of commercial video on one of the television stations with national frequency was again donated (14 days, five times a day). And some other important Serbian media with a big auditorium continued to report on the competition in collecting nature photos, so the competition was covered in almost all the leading (but also smaller) media.

In addition to this competition, other activities of Wikimedia Serbia were in the focus of the media. Thus, the 16th birthday of English Wikipedia, the 14th birthday of Serbian Wikipedia, GLAM and EDU successes, but also the landmark of 350,000 articles on Serbian Wikipedia, the Wiki Live conference, as well as other media activities were closely monitored, in line with WMRS efforts to promote them.

Qualitatively, in this part of the year, there have been some well written reports and articles on the community of Wikipedia editors, such as Meet the people behind Wikipedia, For 14 years, they are lead by enthusiasm, or a radio interview with Serbian Wikipedia editors for the leading national radio station.

The media were also interested in other developments around Wikipedia, such as the ban on quoting the Daily Mail, the Turkish Wikipedia block, launching of Wiki Tribune, as well as page protection, vandalism etc…


  • The media are more aware about the difference between Wikipedia and Wikimedia
  • The media regularly cover events in WMRS
  • Journalists can rely on WMRS staff in order to get all the necessary information and all the help in reporting


  • To attract greater media attention for the Educational program, as well as smaller projects

Lessons learned

  • With media sponsors in larger media outlets, it is sometimes more difficult to hold agreements, thus the focus should be cooperation with one to two specific people
  • Projects like Wiki loves Earth are the most interesting and excellent way for the media to draw attention to other programs and activities

Strategy of Wikimedia Serbia


During the year, Wikimedia Serbia has been actively designing the focus of the organization for the next three years. In order to make the community more involved in deciding and receiving feedback from it, a poll was designed in which members could express their opinion about the current work of the organization and what should be changed. At the beginning of the second quarter, the results of the survey were made and a draft strategy of Wikimedia Serbia for the period from 2018 to the end of 2020 was created. Stakeholders and main focus were identified, and SWOT analysis was done. The draft was forwarded to chapter members in order to let them say their opinion through the second iteration, but there was no response. In agreement with the representatives of Wikimedia Foundation, the document was improved and some missing items were added. Based on this document, Wikimedia Serbia will create an annual plan for 2018.

Revenues received during this six-month period


Please use the exchange rate in your APG proposal.

Table 2 Please report all spending in the currency of your grant unless US$ is requested.

  • Please also include any in-kind contributions or resources that you have received in this revenues table. This might include donated office space, services, prizes, food, etc. If you are to provide a monetary equivalent (e.g. $500 for food from Organization X for service Y), please include it in this table. Otherwise, please highlight the contribution, as well as the name of the partner, in the notes section.
Revenue source Currency Anticipated Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Cumulative Anticipated ($US)* Cumulative ($US)* Explanation of variances from plan
WMF Grant EUR 130,170.00 71,450.00 22,750.00 94,200.00 145,093.99 105,000.00 Funds Dissemination Committee recommendation
Wikimedia Österreich Grant EUR 168.69 168.69 168.69 188.03 188.03 Prizes for CEE Spring for the Wikimedians of Republic of Srpska
Revenues from other donations EUR 64.59 8.09 56.50 64.59 72.00 72.00
Membership fees EUR 19.40 19.40 0.00 19.40 21.62 21.62
TOTAL EUR 130,422.68 71,477.49 22,975.19 94.452,68 145,375.64 105,281.68

* Provide estimates in US Dollars

In-kind donations

Donator In-kind donation Value (in EUR)
Interglider Hosting and server administration service 1,440.00 (120.00 monthly)
University Library "Svetozar Marković" Space for the celebration of the 16th birthday of Wikipedia 200.00
University Library "Svetozar Marković" Space for the Wiki Loves Earth 2016 exhibition in Belgrade 700.00
Mathematical Grammar School Space for accredited seminars for teachers 300.00
Elementary School "Milan Đ. Milićević" Space and catering for accredited seminars for teachers 300.00
Singidunum University Space for editorial marathon on the occasion of the World Mime Day in Belgrade and Niš 500.00
Educational centre Ruđer Bošković Space and catering for accredited seminars for teachers 500.00
StartIT Center Space for the Wiki Live 2017 conference 800.00
Economic-Trade school in Bečej Space for accredited seminars for teachers 250.00
Radio Television of Vojvodina 14 days of advertising for the WLE photo competition 352.20
Institute for nature conservation of Serbia Space for the Wiki Loves Earth editorial marathon 300.00
University of Nis, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics Space for the Wiki Loves Earth editorial marathon 300.00
Elementary School "Knez Sima Marković", Barajevo Space for accredited seminars for teachers 250.00
Wikimedia Polska Departure of two representatives of the WMRS to the CEE conference in Poland 700.00
National Tourist Organisation of Serbia Space for the Wiki Loves Earth 2017 exhibition in Belgrade 1,000.00
TOTAL 7,892.20

Spending during this six-month period


Please use the exchange rate in your APG proposal.

Table 3 Please report all spending in the currency of your grant unless US$ is requested.

(The "budgeted" amount is the total planned for the year as submitted in your proposal form or your revised plan, and the "cumulative" column refers to the total spent to date this year. The "percentage spent to date" is the ratio of the cumulative amount spent over the budgeted amount.)
Expense Currency Budgeted Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Cumulative Budgeted ($US)* Cumulative ($US)* Percentage spent to date Explanation of variances from plan
Office EUR 10,988.00 2,469.37 2,381.96 4,851.33 12,247.77 5,407.53 44.15%
Staff EUR 45,222.00 12,505.70 10,291.00 22,797.21 50,406.70 25,410.91 50.41%
Services EUR 3,210.00 817.71 622.18 1,439.89 3,578.03 1,604.98 44.86%
Contingency and Board budget EUR 2,500.00 374.13 166.31 540.44 2,786.63 602.40 21.62%
Participation in Events EUR 2,400.00 1,216.26 535.32 1,751.58 2,675.16 1,952.40 72.98%
Educational Program EUR 5,450.00 408.03 2,012.60 2,420.63 6,074.84 2,698.16 44.42%
Photo Content EUR 7,010.00 2,543.28 3,456.82 6,000.10 7,813.70 6.688.01 85.59%
Free Content: GLAM EUR 6,600.00 1,220.08 1,983.12 3,203.20 7,356.69 3,570.45 48.53%
Wiktionary EUR 470.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 523.89 0.00 0.00%
Community Support EUR 7,850.00 3,607.43 1,056.01 4,663.44 8,750.00 5,198.10 59.41%
Microgrants EUR 2,500.00 1,244.53 1,244.53 2,786.63 1,387.22 49.78%
TOTAL EUR 94,200.00 26,406.52 22,505.83 48,912.35 105,000.03 54,520.16 51.92%

* Provide estimates in US Dollars

Translated report


Progress report of Wikimedia Serbia is also available in Serbian.



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As required in the grant agreement, please report any deviations from your grant proposal here. Note that, among other things, any changes must be consistent with our WMF mission, must be for charitable purposes as defined in the grant agreement, and must otherwise comply with the grant agreement.

  • There were no significant deviations from the grant proposal.

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  • Yes

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Resources to plan for measurement


Resources for storytelling
