Grants:APG/Proposals/2014-2015 round1/Wikimedia Serbia/Proposal form

Wikimedia Serbia received a funds allocation in the amount of €98,760 in 2014-2015 Round 1. This funds allocation was recommended by the Funds Dissemination Committee on 21 November 2014 and approved by the WMF Board of Trustees on 30 December 2014.

Community review has ended. You are still welcome to comment on these proposals, but the FDC and the applicants may not be able to respond to your feedback or consider it during the deliberations.

Please do not edit this proposal form directly. If changes are needed, applicants can request them on the proposal form's discussion page. Thank you!

Proposal by Wikimedia Serbia to support its annual plan with ~US$136,000.

Program focus: Education, Community Support, Competitions, GLAM, Wiktionary, Creative Commons

In the forthcoming year, Wikimedia Serbia plans to expand its capacity with one more employee, who will be responsible for managing the education program, given the fact that it is expanding. Wikimedia Serbia will support 10 community projects (26, if subprojects are counted), of which some are continuations of projects from previous years. The focus of these projects will be on education, regional cooperation, and increasing quality and quantity of free content on Wikimedia projects.

If you need to review the edit instructions you will find them in the editintro.

Eligible organizations may complete this form to request an Annual Plan Grant from the Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC) in the current round. This complete proposal form must be published in English on Meta by the proposal submission date for each round for your organization's application to be considered. No changes should be made to this proposal form and supplementary documents after these proposal submission date without written approval from FDC staff, and any proposal forms created will be considered 'submitted' after the proposal submission deadline unless the applying organization withdraws the application in writing.

The purpose of this document is to provide the FDC with an overview of your organization's annual plan, the alignment of the plan with the Wikimedia movement’s strategic priorities, and the potential impact of the plan. This proposal should complement any annual planning documents your organization may have such as your organization's annual plan and strategic plan: please complete all fields and add links to supporting documents where relevant. If any documents are submitted in draft form (e.g. an annual plan that has not yet been approved by the organization's General Assembly), please link to the final version of the document once it has been approved, even if it is approved after the deadline. If you are a representative of the applicant organization, you may request permission to add information to this proposal form on the proposal form discussion page. All requested changes will be reviewed by FDC staff.

Please review the documents describing the Annual Plan Grants process, including the FDC Framework, Guidancefor the FDC from the Board, and the FDC's past funding recommendations: FDC recommendations. These documents include critical information for applicants.

If you have any questions about the form, please contact If you have general suggestions or comments about the form itself, please leave them on the discussion page for this form.

A few terms used in the form:

FDC proposal form terms Wikimedia terms Learning & Evaluation terms

Basic information

1. In order to support community review, please provide a brief description of your organization's work in the upcoming year that can be used as a summary of your proposal. (This should be about 200 words, and should be easy for anyone to understand.)
  • In the forthcoming year, Wikimedia Serbia plans to expand its capacity with one more employee, who will be responsible for managing the education program, given the fact that it is expanding. Wikimedia Serbia will support 10 community projects (26, if subprojects are counted), of which some are continuations of projects from previous years. The focus of these projects will be on education, regional cooperation, and increasing quality and quantity of free content on Wikimedia projects. For this annual plan, the total amount requested is $135,908.63.

2. Contact information.
  • Legal name of organization: Викимедија Србије (Wikimedia Serbia)
  • Organization's fiscal year (mm/dd–mm/dd): 01/01-12/31
  • 12-month funding period requested (mm/dd/yy–mm/dd/yy): 01/01-12/31
  • Primary contact name and position in organization: Filip Maljković, president of Wikimedia Serbia
  • Primary contact username or Email: User:Dungodung,
  • Secondary contact name and position in organization: Ivana Madžarević, Project and Community Manager
  • Secondary contact username or Email:

3. Amount requested.

Table 1

Currency requested (EUR) US$ (01.31300)
Total annual expenses of organization 103,510.00 135,908.63
Amount requested from the FDC for the upcoming year's annual plan 103,510.00 135,908.63
Amount to be raised from non-FDC sources (total from Table 5) 0.00 0.00
Amount to be drawn from reserves for the upcoming year's annual plan 0.00 0.00
Amount of FDC funds allocated for the current year's annual plan 80,000.00 108,000.00

4. What is your organization's proposed rate of growth in total budget since last year? Please explain your organization's rationale if your proposed budget will increase this year.

The planned rate of growth for next year is 29.39%.

Because of the success of our Education program, we plan on hiring one more employee, Education Program Manager, who will be tasked with matters pertaining to education. He or she will be tasked with coordinating the Education program, maintaining relationships with existing education institutions, as well as creating new ones. We also decided to increase the salary for Program and Community Manager by 100 EUR. As a consequence, these salary additions and increases raised our budget in comparison to the last year.

Additionally, partnerships that we established during this year, within the Microgrants project, improved the visibility of Wikimedia Serbia. People participating in the program saw an opportunity to create larger projects aligned with our mission, so we accepted several of the project proposals, which enriched our overall program and therefore increased the budget.

Community engagement


This section provides the FDC an overview of your organization's work with volunteers and online contributors.

1. Which Wikimedia community or communities does your organization work with most closely, and which online Wikimedia project or projects does your organization's work support?

Work of Wikimedia Serbia is mostly related to Serbian language projects, Wikipedia and Wiktionary in particular, as well as Wikimedia Commons.

2. How does your organization know what community members / contributors to online projects need or want? Does your organization conduct needs assessments? How else does your organization consult the contributors and volunteers most involved with its work?

General Assemblies are a great venue for members of Wikimedia Serbia to express their opinions and suggestions regarding our work. Additionally, whenever creating an annual plan, we invite members of the wider community to submit project proposals. We assess each of the submitted projects and incorporate it in our plan if it is aligned with our mission and values of the movement.

There is also a mailing list for all Wikimedia Serbia members which we use to communicate with them, to inform them about our activities and to encourage them to participate.

Organization planning and reports


Please provide links to your organization’s planning documents and reports. All of these documents are required unless otherwise indicated.

Your organization's strategic planning documents, past reports, and current annual planning documents, are essential to our understanding of your organization's proposal. If you think you will have difficulty submitting any of these documents with your organization's proposal form by the proposal submission deadline, you should contact FDC staff right away. You may also provide notes to this table here, as well as links to any supplementary documents to this proposal form.

Table 2

Completed fiscal year Current year Upcoming year
Annual plan (including budget) Grants:PEG/WM RS/Annual plan 2012-2013 wmrs:Plan/2014 wmrs:Plan/2015
Community discussion around annual plan N/A N/A N/A
Annual report (including financial report) Grants:PEG/WM RS/Annual plan 2012-2013/Report
Grants:PEG/WM RS/Annual plan 2012-2013/Report/Finance
Not required. Not required.
Strategic plan wmrs:Work and development strategy wmrs:Work and development strategy wmrs:Work and development strategy

Table 2 notes:

  • Bearing in mind the transition phase in which Wikimedia Serbia currently is and the lack of time for all the activities needed for recruitment of the new ED and writing a strategy, certain members of WMF and FDC suggested that for the time being we extend the existing strategic plan of development rather than to create а new one.
  • We currently don’t have a process where community input is requested regarding our Annual Plan documents. However, we do ask our community for project proposals and we shape most of our projects in coordination with our volunteers.

Financials: year-to-date progress


The purpose of this section is to give the FDC an idea of how your organization is spending on your current grant, or during your current annual plan. The period defined as year-to-date should be the start date of your fiscal year you defined in Contact information, until 1 September 2014. Your projected amount should be the amount your organization expects to spend by the end of the current fiscal year you defined in Contact information.

Table 3

Current funding period planned / budgeted Year-to-date funding period actuals Projected end of current funding period
In currency requested In $US In currency requested In $US In currency requested In $US
Revenues (from all sources) 80,000.00 108,000.00 80,000.00 108,000.00 80,000.00 108,000.00
Expenses 80,000.00 108,000.00 45,592.81 59,863.36 75,000.00 98,475.00

Table 3 notes:

Programs: upcoming year's annual plan


This section is about your organization's programs. A program is a group of activities that share the same objectives. Please do not include information about your organization's operating activities in this section. You are welcome to provide information about activities like administration, staff and board training, fundraising, governance, and internal IT in another section of this proposal form or in a supplementary document. Please answer all four questions for each program.

Education program

Please note that all grantees will be asked to report on the global metrics, so please review them and keep them in mind as you design your programs, and then track and measure the impact of your programs.

1. A program is a group of of activities that share the same objectives. Please share the goal of the program, and then describe the objectives that the activities in this program share.

Education program is of great priority to Wikimedia Serbia and its main goal is education of both students/pupils and professors/teachers how to edit Wikipedia and share the idea of editing Wikipedia in schools and universities. It consists of several different projects, for which we will give key objectives.

  • Wikipedia in Schools: Wikimedia Serbia has a long tradition of conducting lectures and workshops within projects for all types of education institutions: elementary, high schools and universities. The goal is to use Wikimedia projects in education purposes as a free platform that could be used in many ways. One of those ways is writing articles (seminal papers) on Wikipedia, which help increase quality and quantity of this project. Thanks to the planned lectures and workshops, students will be informed about the ways Wikimedia projects work, but they will also contribute to Wikipedia or other Wikimedia projects by writing articles.
  • Seminars and Trainings: This is a project that includes training teachers and professors to work on Wikipedia, so that they would be able to edit on their own and later train their pupils or students and use Wikipedia in their curriculum.
  • Professional Development: This is a project that deals with including seminars and training in the system of professional development of teaching staff through attending obligatory courses and seminars. In contrast to the “Seminars and Trainings” project, which isn't compulsory and is conducted as an extension to the cooperation with an educational institution on a specific Wikipedia article writing project, “Professional Development” is a project where teachers and professors from all over Serbia attend a seminar because they are required to attend several of such seminars throughout a year, with the goal of professional development. Having recently obtained the accreditation for holding the seminars, we will use next year to hold several of them, for up to 30 professors and teachers at a time. They are expected to learn how to edit Wikipedia, what Wikimedia is and why using online resources is beneficial for education in general.
  • Wiki Adventure: The main idea of this project is the implementation of Wiki Adventure in high schools in order to start a new way of education regarding editing Wikipedia. The main objectives are translation and implementation of Wiki Adventure, bringing Wikipedia closer to younger users and comparing Wiki Adventure to regular education approach. This is going to be accomplished primarily through translation and technical implementation and then through the promotion and workshops which will be conducted in major cities of Serbia and through comparative analysis of two approaches to education.
  • Wiki School - Our School: This is a project that has resulted from Microgrants 2014 and the subject is the digitalization of education and cultural heritage of the Pomoravlje, Resava and Levač districts of Serbia through involvement of school teams representing schools and school surroundings on Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons. The main goal of this project is improving digital competence of teachers and students through training of how to use and create resources within the Wikimedia projects. The specific objectives are: contribution to developing free knowledge by increasing the knowledge base within the Wikimedia projects; raising awareness of primary school teachers about the need for personal and professional development and implementation of education projects of Wikimedia Serbia in schools.
2. How do your program objectives focus on the Wikimedia strategic priorities?

Education projects have always had a role in popularization of Wikipedia and increasing participation in terms of editing. Cooperation with education institutions through various projects increases Wikipedia’s visibility and enables even higher participation, and writing articles through education projects increases the quantity and quality of Wikipedia articles.

3. Please list the specific, measurable, timebound targets you plan to achieve through this program. Please include both qualitative targets and quantitative targets.

Criteria for success:

  • Wikipedia in Schools: The expected output of this project depends on the number of institutions we will be working with, as well as their size. All in all, we plan on conducting the project in at least 15 educational institutions, as well as having at least 500 new or improved articles by the end of the project.
  • Seminars and Trainings: Seminars are tied to the number of education institutions which we will cooperate with in the project “Wikipedia in Schools”. We expect cooperation with teachers/professors from at least 10 education institutions.
  • Professional Development: Organizing at least 3 seminars for teachers from all over Serbia, two in the first and one in the second half of the year, with at least 25 participants per seminar, will be considered successful.
  • Wiki Adventure: The expected number of trained pupils is 80-100 during the course of 3 months (October - December). In addition, we will have the results of comparative analysis of two approaches to education: Wiki Adventure and regular education approaches which will demonstrate how Wiki Adventure can be used in the future.
  • Wiki School - Our School: We expect 90 teachers to be familiar with the concept of Wikimedia and trained to work on Wikimedia projects, including at least 75% female participants; at least 15 teachers and 30 students actively involved in the work of Wikimedia projects, of which at least 50% female; at least 15 schools of the Pomoravlje, Resava and Levač districts presented on Wikimedia projects; at least 50% of the Teachers’ Association of Jagodina familiar with the results of the project presented at the final meeting.
4. Please describe how your program activities will lead to the results you are planning, or describe or link to a logic model for your program.

Activities regarding Education program of Wikimedia Serbia will include organizing workshops and lectures during the whole year.

  • Wikipedia in Schools: Organization and holding lectures and workshops in high schools and faculties; this is a continuation of the last year’s projects Wiki Gymnasium, and Wiki Student. Communication with the education institutions with whom cooperation already exists will continue and education program will be carried out as in previous years with the younger generations on faculties and high schools. Activities will be increased from January to June and from October to December 2015, bearing in mind the start and end of the school year. During these months, the Academy Board along with staff members will seek new partners with whom they could implement education projects. Given the fact that one employee will focus his/her work mostly on education projects, Wikimedia Serbia plans to increase the activities of these projects outside Belgrade and hold workshops in major cities of Serbia. The number of planned workshops is 25.
  • Seminars and Trainings: Holding seminars and trainings for teachers and professors, at the similar time as the lectures and workshops in their respective institutions. We will assess every cooperation we have with education institutions and conduct staff training wherever we deem necessary, all in coordination with the said institutions.
  • Professional Development: We plan to organize at least 3 seminars for teachers, two in the first and one in the second half of the year. The activities will involve organizing seminars, informing teachers about the seminars, promoting it in “Prosvetni pregled”, our partner organization’s monthly bulletin. Promotional material will also be prepared, which includes localization, publishing and distribution of promotional material for education projects (several brochures have been localized so far).
  • Wiki Adventure: Project will last from July to December 2015. During the first three months (July, August and September), the idea is to translate the whole Wiki Adventure and do the technical implementation on Wikipedia. After that, by the end of the year, series of workshops with high school students will be conducted in three cities in Serbia (Belgrade, Novi Sad, Niš), half of which will be done using Wiki Adventure approach, and half in the standard way. Some students will go through these workshops in order to get an impression how students react and what approach they prefer. After each workshop, participants will fill out a survey in which they will be asked to give their impressions of the workshop. In the last month of the project, the survey will be analyzed and the results will be presented to the community.
  • Wiki School - Our School: Project will last from January to June 2015. During this period, key activities will be:
    • preparation of the project - the work of the project team to promote the project and to encourage potential participants to take part in scheduled training and other activities that the project includes
    • implementation of the training sessions prepared for teachers
    • publication of the call for teachers
    • forming school teams made ​​up of one teacher and 2-4 students
    • selection of the supervisors who will directly monitor the work of 4-6 school teams
    • work of school teams in the implementation of planned activities: taking photos of school structures including separate classes, cultural and historical monuments and facilities in the school surroundings, the study of the historical development of schools with special emphasis on study and review of the structure and the name of the school
    • consultation and assistance by trained personnel of Archives of the Middle Pomoravlje in Jagodina
    • monitoring of school teams from the designated supervisors through visits to schools and providing additional support and assistance needed
    • setting up of the results and products of the work of school teams to Wikipedia and Commons
    • presentation of the implemented activities under the project at the final meeting.

Please provide any additional information about this program that is important to our understanding of this program. You may include timelines, tables, or charts associated with your program's progress, or share how this program will contribute more broadly to movement learning.

Free Photo content

Please note that all grantees will be asked to report on the global metrics, so please review them and keep them in mind as you design your programs, and then track and measure the impact of your programs.

1. A program is a group of of activities that share the same objectives. Please share the goal of the program, and then describe the objectives that the activities in this program share.

Free photo content projects include the following:

  • Photo Safari: This is a direct continuation of the same project from last year. In essence, the main objective is to collect photos of not very well covered parts of Serbia, e.g. natural heritage, everyday life, places of greater importance in Serbian villages and smaller towns. If possible, we would like to engage with the local community. The goal is to organize at least 4 photo Safaris, with about 500 quality photos per Safari on average uploaded to Wikimedia Commons by the end of the project.
  • Wiki Loves Earth: This project includes mass collecting of photos of natural heritage of Serbia through a well-known contest; also, one of the objectives this year will be to hold an article writing and improving competition regarding Serbian natural heritage. Additionally, we expect to promote the project through holding several exhibitions of the winning photos. The volunteer participation highly depends on the promotion of such an event, attractiveness of the awards, but also the availability and remoteness of the sites that need to be photographed. The goal is to have at least 2000 uploaded photos, at least two photo-tours, at least one edit-a-thon about natural heritage and at least three exhibitions in Serbia.
  • Wikicopter: This is a direct continuation of the last year’s project with the same name. Some parts for making the Wikicopter were ordered too late this year, and because of that it wasn’t possible to assemble it and use it to create intended photos, so we’re expanding this project to the next year. By next year, we will have all the necessary parts and the Wikicopter will be assembled, so the project next year will focus on creating aerial photos. There will be 4 photo-tours organized, in 4 different places.
  • Petnica Science Center: This project will be a three-day photo school which will be organized in the Petnica Science Center for all participants who are interested in training about taking photos and shooting experiments. Target groups are students and teachers of chemistry, but the school will be open for everyone interested in participating. The objectives that will be achieved are introducing participants with licensing and working on Wikimedia Commons as well as using posted content in other Wikimedia projects. Each participant should successfully choose a license and upload at least one piece of high-quality content on Wikimedia Commons, and use that piece of content in another Wikimedia project. The piece of content implies a photograph or a series of photos/video stream of an experiment.
  • Zapis - Sacred Tree: The goal of the project is to form the database of zapis trees, including data about and photographs of each tree. The database will then be used to suggest addition of zapis trees to the list of intangible cultural heritage of Serbia and later of UNESCO. This would be the first database of its kind in Serbia, if not in the world, and if we manage to make the addition to the list of intangible heritage it would deepen our cooperation with state institutions. We also expect a large number of photos of the trees and their surroundings that are often remote and would otherwise remain unphotographed.
  • Discovering Pešter: The goal of the project is research and documentation of specific geographic and natural characteristics of Pešter in southwestern Serbia, including ethnographic and social characteristics and activities of multi-ethnic population. For this area, a significant number of relevant images (estimate: 5000-6000), text and audio and GPS trajectories indicating the significant points will be provided. The collected material will be fully available for use in Wikimedia projects (Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons, and others).
  • Thailand Underwater: The goal of this project is documenting, collecting and processing the biodiversity and underwater landscapes of Thailand, summing it up on Wikimedia Commons and Wikipedia articles, and thereby making it available to a broader public. Also one of the goals is, apart from dissemination of knowledge, introducing the public to the problems and possible solutions to many of the ongoing environmental issues. This is going to be done through a diving safari and five diving expeditions.
2. How do your program objectives focus on the Wikimedia strategic priorities?

The main goal of these projects is to increase the visibility of Wikimedia Serbia, Wikimedia projects, especially Wikimedia Commons, and the Wikimedia movement as a whole. By getting thousands of new photos, articles about Serbian (and in one subproject Thailand) topics will be greatly improved. A very important aspect of the projects is that through them we can obtain free photographs that could not be or would be very unlikely to be made otherwise (photographs from the air, underwater, of remote locations). Another goal of the project is to give incentive to community members to work on the projects by way of giving awards and media attention. One of the projects within this program focuses on Thailand, which is an innovation in and of itself.

3. Please list the specific, measurable, timebound targets you plan to achieve through this program. Please include both qualitative targets and quantitative targets.
  • Photo Safari: The goal is to organize at least 4 photo Safaris in various parts of Serbia, with about 500 quality photos on average uploaded to Wikimedia Commons by the end of the project. By doing Photo Safaris, we want to involve new volunteers and attract them to work both on Wikimedia Commons and possibly on other projects within Wikimedia Serbia.
  • Wiki Loves Earth: Through existing tools, we will follow the number of uploaded photos in total (estimated: 2000), number of new and returning participants (estimated: 50). We will also measure the number of exhibits and institutions which will host them (estimated: 3), the number of photos exhibited (estimated: 15) and the number of visitors (30 per exhibition). Additionally, we will track the number of media appearances (including announcements about the competition and the results), as well as our activities on social media. The success of photo-tours will be measured by the volunteer attendance.
  • Wikicopter: There will be 4 photo-tours organized, in 4 different places in Serbia. This will be a good opportunity to attract new volunteers who are interested in aerial photography, operating a quadcopter or working on Wikimedia Commons. We’re expecting at least 3 new volunteers involved and 400 new photos uploaded to Commons.
  • Petnica Science Center: This project will last from February to June 2015. During this period organizational tasks will be done as well as the school itself, which will be considered successful if it meets the following measures of success: 1. quantitative - at least 15 images (video material) uploaded to Wikimedia Commons, and at least two participants who will continue contributing to Commons with free content; and 2. qualitative - quality of materials and evaluation by participants.
  • Zapis - Sacred Tree: The number of zapis trees that have a specific location is 500, and the number of photos for Wikimedia Commons is 300. We will also measure the number of interviewed persons, the number of referent material (news articles, publications, media coverage), number of documents collected in the field (scanned images, etc).
  • Discovering Pešter: From January until August, for the duration of this project, it is planned to collect 5000-6000 new, thematically classified photographs that illustrate the researched area, as well as significantly improve at least 5 Serbian Wikipedia articles pertaining to the Pešter area. In addition, we will have a systematic presentation of the authenticity of the Pešter area.
  • Thailand Underwater: The success of the project will be met if the number of photos uploaded to Wikimedia Commons exceeds 450, video files exceeds 230, and the number of written articles exceeds 12. Also, one of the measures of success will be the number of photographs and videos used in articles and the number of these will be set as 60 within year 2015.
4. Please describe how your program activities will lead to the results you are planning, or describe or link to a logic model for your program.
  • Photo Safari: For every Photo Safari, it is necessary to:
    • choose a location or a smaller region in Serbia and create the journey plan
    • select volunteers who want to take part in the trip
    • go on a one or two day journey with at least two persons who would take photos, with the possibility of cooperating with the local community or cultural institutions
    • upload photos with metadata to Wikimedia Commons
  • Wiki Loves Earth: Activities that need to be done starting two months before, during and after the competition are: obtaining and updating the lists of natural heritage and their geographic locations; finding exhibition space, choosing and purchasing awards, writing press releases and promoting the event; selecting expert jury; supporting the community in their participation; organizing photo-tours; organizing edit-a-thons with the topic of natural heritage; organizing several exhibitions in Serbia; announcing the winners and making an award giving ceremony; maintaining and updating These activities largely depend on volunteers and the institutions with whom cooperation is planned. In addition, promotional material will be printed and prepared for the exhibitions.
  • Wikicopter: Key activities of this project include:
    • selecting cities that will be visited and photographed by the Wikicopter
    • call for volunteers to participate in the tours
    • organization and realization of the photo-tour itself
    • upload workshops
  • Petnica Science Center: Timeline of this project looks like this:
    • signing the contract between Wikimedia Serbia and Petnica Science Center (January - February)
    • open call for participation for the photo-school (March)
    • registration and selection of participants (March - April)
    • sending an invitation to participants by e-mail (beginning of April)
    • photo-school (April or May) which will involve photography lectures, lectures about Wikimedia projects, Creative Commons, Wikimedia Serbia projects (GLAM, WLE, WLM) and workshop
    • report on the photo-school (June 10).
  • Zapis - Sacred Tree: This project involves a number of activities:
    • collection of data on past and current zapis trees (locations, photos and video materials from the past or created during the project, the general condition of zapis trees, narratives and testimonies from various people, museums, libraries and media etc)
    • collecting data on physical and legal entities related to zapis trees and rituals
    • defining the database model based on the systematization of collected data
    • the initial filling of the database
  • Discovering Pešter: Logic model for Discovering Pešter involves preparation for implementation, the realization and the usage and promotion of project results. The first step implies research for planned activities, gathering facts and providing topographic maps and GPS maps of the field. The second step is research in the field, which includes taking photos, audio recordings and interviews with residents who have knowledge of the area, recording the GPS route and recording characteristic coordinates; writing articles and post-processing of recorded material (photos, audio recordings, GPS directions and characteristic points); creation of metadata for each photo; archiving of the original footage. At the end selected materials will be uploaded to Wikimedia Commons and existing Wikimedia projects will be enriched with new, relevant material. In addition there will be a presentation of the project results in order to promote the Wikimedia projects.
  • Thailand Underwater: The key activity of the project is autonomous diving accompanied by underwater filming and photographing. The first part is one diving safari around Similan and Surinam Islands, where our volunteers will spend a while on a liveaboard ship and take several dives a day in order to film and take photos underwater. The second part will include 5 diving expeditions around distinctive geographic locations that are not as remote, so they don’t require a safari. Those locations are Phi Phi, Lanta, Tao, Samui and Phuket islands. In this part, the volunteers will use a boat to travel offshore and to dive and create content. Two volunteers will lead the project and participate in its organization. Both of them will provide photo and video materials and upload them to Wikimedia Commons.

Please provide any additional information about this program that is important to our understanding of this program. You may include timelines, tables, or charts associated with your program's progress, or share how this program will contribute more broadly to movement learning.

  • Thailand Underwater project is being done by the duo “Liquid Art”. They have so far uploaded content (funded by Microgrants 2014) here.

GLAM and Digital Belgrade

Please note that all grantees will be asked to report on the global metrics, so please review them and keep them in mind as you design your programs, and then track and measure the impact of your programs.

1. A program is a group of of activities that share the same objectives. Please share the goal of the program, and then describe the objectives that the activities in this program share.
  • GLAM: This project continues our work with GLAM institutions with the objectives being two-way cooperation, facilitating the release of photos, texts and data under free licenses, and attempts to establish cooperation with institutions we haven’t previously worked with. At the end of this project we expect to:
    • have a Wikipedian in Residence in at least one GLAM institution - Wikipedian in Residence will be working for mutual benefit while upholding the policies of both the institution and Wikimedia and enabling of community interaction in both directions. The goal is increasing the quality of many articles and quantity of photos available on Wikimedia projects. In addition, one of the goals is holding lectures and workshops in the institution with the aim of introducing staff members with the work of Wikimedia Serbia.
    • cooperate with GLAM institutions in obtaining photos and other free material
  • Digital Belgrade: The objective of this project is a continuation in placing QRpedia’s QR codes to Belgrade monuments. We will hold workshops for writing and improving articles and photos about objects and place QR codes on them. We expect to have some partners regarding further work on this project after this year’s Project presenting event.
  • Wiki Librarian: The topic of the project is informing and training librarians: a thorough introduction with all programs and preparation of librarians to participate in the activities organized by Wikimedia Serbia and Wikipedia; creating new pages on Wikipedia regarding libraries and their cultural activity; creating picture galleries regarding libraries or institutions to which they belong; creating complete and high quality bibliographic data regarding libraries and their activity on protecting copyright (links to the complete texts, bibliographic data on printed and electronic information sources and the like). The goals of this project are attracting librarians to become successful Wikipedians, enlarging the network of libraries and other cultural institutions and introducing them with the Wikimedia Serbia activities, creating richer, more informative materials of higher quality on Wikipedia. The goal will be accomplished through organization of 5–8 three-hour lectures about Wikimedia Serbia and Wikipedia and about editing pages on Wikipedia at the University Library “Svetozar Marković” and other cultural and education institutions in Serbia.
2. How do your program objectives focus on the Wikimedia strategic priorities?

The main strategic priorities of GLAM activities are increasing reach and participation and strengthening cooperation with local partners. By having a Wikipedian in Residence, we hope to increase the quality of many articles and quantity of photos available on Wikimedia projects. Wiki Librarian is a new project that will increase the number of librarians who edit Wikipedia and enlarge the network of libraries and other cultural institutions and introducing them with the Wikimedia Serbia activities, creating richer, more informative materials of higher quality on Wikipedia.

3. Please list the specific, measurable, timebound targets you plan to achieve through this program. Please include both qualitative targets and quantitative targets.
  • GLAM: Success of this program will be measured by the number of partnerships we establish with GLAM institutions, by number of photos and/or texts, and whether we will get a Wikipedian in Residence. Wikipedian in Residence: We will measure the number of uploaded photos on Commons, number of workshops and lectures held in the institution, number of educated staff of the institution as well as the will of the institution for long term cooperation.
  • Digital Belgrade: We will track the number of articles in Serbian language about monuments included in the project, the number of articles about monuments translated to other languages, the number of QR codes we place, the number of sponsors for this program outside Wikimedia, the number of uses/scans, statistics of articles (new articles, improved/expanded articles, popularity of articles etc.)
  • Wiki Librarian: This project will be evaluated as successful if at least five lectures, five workshops, two edit-a-thons are held and if we establish cooperation with at least ten institutions from five cities in Serbia. Moreover, we plan to keep track of the number of participants and the number of articles written.
4. Please describe how your program activities will lead to the results you are planning, or describe or link to a logic model for your program.
  • GLAM: We plan to continue with contacting GLAM institutions and presenting our projects and the possibility of cooperation with them, as well as to improve cooperation with institutions that we have already collaborated with. The goal of potential partnerships is to obtain free documents and photos by way of activities and workshops, but also to use QRpedia’s QR codes and get new content on Wikimedia projects (Wikisources, Wikipedia, Commons...). Wikipedian in residence will help with organizing edit-a-thons and lectures in one of the institutions.
  • Digital Belgrade: In 2015 we plan on continuing the project, which includes continuing with the cooperation with institutions, contacting the users of certain memorial houses, writing articles, obtaining photos and placing physical QR codes. Workshops will be organized in the Wikimedia Serbia office if necessary.
  • Wiki Librarian: The idea of this project is informing and training librarians through which we will strengthen the existing cooperation. By organizing 5–8 three-hour lectures about Wikimedia Serbia and Wikipedia and about editing pages on Wikipedia at the University Library “Svetozar Marković” and other cultural and education institutions in Serbia, 5–8 six-hour workshops in IT classrooms (up to 12 attendees per workshop) at the University Library “Svetozar Marković” and other institutions outside Belgrade which have necessary technical equipment and Internet access, 2–4 edit-a-thons as assistance to all interested colleagues in creating materials on Wikipedia, presentation of the most successful libraries on Wikipedia and awarding honorary certificates to noteworthy Wikipedians we will promote our projects, increase visibility of Wikimedia Serbia among librarians and other institutions. Staff members and volunteers will hold workshops during the year of 2015.

Please provide any additional information about this program that is important to our understanding of this program. You may include timelines, tables, or charts associated with your program's progress, or share how this program will contribute more broadly to movement learning.

  • Considering the fact that the percentage of women librarians in Serbia is about 80%, this project also gives us benefit in a way that it will increase the number of women who are editing Wikipedia.


Please note that all grantees will be asked to report on the global metrics, so please review them and keep them in mind as you design your programs, and then track and measure the impact of your programs.

1. A program is a group of of activities that share the same objectives. Please share the goal of the program, and then describe the objectives that the activities in this program share.

The primary goal of this program is to increase free knowledge by creating new or improving existing Wikipedia articles that would unlikely be created or improved otherwise, except through on-wiki competitions. Additionally, competitions are a good opportunity to motivate community members to edit articles. Through several competitions, we expect that

  • at least 300 new Wikipedia articles will be created
  • at least 150 old Wikipedia articles will be improved
  • at least 15 community members per competition will participate.
2. How do your program objectives focus on the Wikimedia strategic priorities?

This project would bring attention to Wikimedia projects since the awards offered are somewhat unorthodox for an Internet project. It would increase participation in Wikimedia projects since people who would not otherwise participate will be drawn to the participation by the awards, and we have empirically observed that competitions produce positive effects on Wikimedia projects. As quality of articles is included in their assessment the competition will improve the quality of articles. Wikipedia's reach will be increased both by the new articles and via reports of the competition.

3. Please list the specific, measurable, timebound targets you plan to achieve through this program. Please include both qualitative targets and quantitative targets.

There will be 3 competition in 2015, each of which will include the following:

  • identifying the topic and choosing whether the contest will be in creating or improving articles
  • announcing and promoting the competition on Wikimedia projects
  • selecting the jury
  • finding and purchasing awards
  • holding the competition for between 2 weeks and a month
  • facilitating the selection of the winners by the jury
  • announcing the winners and sending the awards
4. Please describe how your program activities will lead to the results you are planning, or describe or link to a logic model for your program.

By organizing and promoting several competitions, we will facilitate the creation of articles on Wikipedia. Interesting awards and article topics should give incentive to regular Wikipedians to participate, but also to people who haven’t edited much to start participating more actively.

Please provide any additional information about this program that is important to our understanding of this program. You may include timelines, tables, or charts associated with your program's progress, or share how this program will contribute more broadly to movement learning.


Please note that all grantees will be asked to report on the global metrics, so please review them and keep them in mind as you design your programs, and then track and measure the impact of your programs.

1. A program is a group of of activities that share the same objectives. Please share the goal of the program, and then describe the objectives that the activities in this program share.

This is a continuation of the project of developing this Wikipedia’s sister project. Work on the project 1001 Arabic Words, that was started in 2013, includes writing Arabic-Serbian dictionary, articles about Arabic language and grammar, holding workshops and promoting the project. Beside the project in Arabic language, which will continue to exist, our plan is to start some more similar projects related to Wiktionary, in partnership with the Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade. Seeing as the volunteers who have participated in the 1001 Arabic Words project in 2013 and 2014 expressed interest in actively taking part in other projects and activities of Wikimedia Serbia beside the Wiktionary project, we expect that other similar groups will show certain interest in internal events in Wikimedia Serbia and its other projects. We expect to start new Wiktionary projects in at least two new languages, so the project should be considered successful if 1000 new words are completed for the Serbian Wiktionary. In total, we will hold at least 80 workshops/meetups in the Wikimedia Serbia office as parts of this project.

2. How do your program objectives focus on the Wikimedia strategic priorities?

By supporting the development of smaller projects, we are encouraging innovation and improving the quality of those projects and quantity of articles therein. By engaging students to actively participate in projects like this, we will increase awareness regarding Wikimedia and hopefully attract new volunteers to become involved in other projects of Wikimedia Serbia.

3. Please list the specific, measurable, timebound targets you plan to achieve through this program. Please include both qualitative targets and quantitative targets.

We will track the number of new and returning participants, the number of new languages, the number of new articles per project, the rate of new articles, the number of meetups/workshops. We will promote and present this project to Wikimedia community through our blog and mailing lists.

4. Please describe how your program activities will lead to the results you are planning, or describe or link to a logic model for your program.

The key activities for realization of this project will be:

  • open call for students
  • cooperation with Faculty of Philology, in terms of their promotion of our project with their students and creation and supervision of student groups
  • planning and realization of the project which will include at least 4 lectures and 80 workshops
  • promotion of the project at the end of its realization
  • possible cooperation with similar organizations who can provide additional materials or new volunteers

Please provide any additional information about this program that is important to our understanding of this program. You may include timelines, tables, or charts associated with your program's progress, or share how this program will contribute more broadly to movement learning.

Supporting Regional Cooperation

Please note that all grantees will be asked to report on the global metrics, so please review them and keep them in mind as you design your programs, and then track and measure the impact of your programs.

1. A program is a group of of activities that share the same objectives. Please share the goal of the program, and then describe the objectives that the activities in this program share.
  • Wikicamp: As one of the oldest chapters in the region, Wikimedia Serbia has started many initiatives for regional cooperation. The very recent one was Wikicamp 2014. It was organized by Wikimedia Serbia and Wikimedia Hungary in order to promote networking and develop stronger relationships between the two chapters. By continuing with the regional cooperation, we hope to support development, strengthening and connectivity of communities in our region. Our goal is to participate and enable participation of representatives of the broader community in events, to help in organizing events either by giving advice or by active participation in the organizational process. From Wikicamps program: we expect one Wikicamp to take place, with a minimum of 20 participants and two topics across two days.
  • Spreading the Wiki Word: Republic of Srpska: The goal of this project is introduction of a number of students and teachers in Republic of Srpska (part of Bosnia and Herzegovina) with free licenses and Wikimedia projects, as well as with the ideas of equal use of information and knowledge. The main goal is to introduce students and pupils in four regional centers in the Republic of Srpska with free content, as well as the motivation for creating and usage of available information. Given that the project leaders are university professors and teaching assistants, and students and pupils are the target group, the expected goal of the project is to create a solid base for expansion of Wiki idea, and in the future a step forward for founding Wikimedia Republic of Srpska or Wikimedia Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2. How do your program objectives focus on the Wikimedia strategic priorities?
  • Wikicamp: Communities in the region have similar history and face similar challenges in their everyday work on Wikimedia projects. Previous regional cooperation has shown that regional communities benefited from the exchange of ideas, and has resulted in improving connectivity and strengthening communities. Strong community contributes more and better content, has more diverse members and can work more on promoting Wikimedia projects in public and attract more partners and programs. By continuing with active participation in regional cooperation, we expect it to gain improvement in quantity and quality of material on projects, increase in outreach and participation and through diversity in more and more innovative programs in local communities.
  • Spreading the Wiki Word: Republic of Srpska: The main objective of this project is outreach in a geography that previously wasn’t exposed to Wikimedia activities. With this project, we also hope to lay the foundation of a future chapter or a user group, fostering innovation.
3. Please list the specific, measurable, timebound targets you plan to achieve through this program. Please include both qualitative targets and quantitative targets.
  • Wikicamp: We expect to have one camp organized, at least 20 participants, two topics across two days and at least 20 articles created. Also, we expect to have at least 2 volunteers who will later be active in other projects of Wikimedia Serbia.
  • Spreading the Wiki Word: Republic of Srpska: The program will last for 5 months and one event is planned in every month. The quantitative measure of success will be the number of teachers, students and pupils present on presentations.
4. Please describe how your program activities will lead to the results you are planning, or describe or link to a logic model for your program.
  • Wikicamp: Most of the activities regarding Wikicamp will include organizing the event, communicating with partners from the region, open call for potential participants, workshops and evaluation of the project. By doing this Wikimedia Serbia will focus its work on strengthening the community, educating new members, strengthening regional support and exchange of experience. This project will imply a lot of volunteer work and financial expenditures for accommodation, food and transport.
  • Spreading the Wiki Word: Republic of Srpska: Program activities will include two phases: The first will include training of project team members about free licenses and the Wikimedia projects, as well as the ideas of equal access of information and knowledge. In this phase, the volunteers from Republic of Srpska will visit Wikimedia Serbia, where they will be trained to give presentations about Wikimedia. The second phase will mostly focus on the organization of events at regional centers, namely: Trebinje, East Sarajevo, Bijeljina, Banja Luka. During the events in East Sarajevo and Banja Luka, there will be a visit by representatives from Wikimedia Serbia. Staff members, Board members, several volunteers from Republic of Srpska and two volunteers from Wikimedia Serbia will be involved in both of these phases. Presentation should enable people to learn about the projects of Wikimedia Serbia, work on their realization if they’re interested and eventually establish their own chapter.

Please provide any additional information about this program that is important to our understanding of this program. You may include timelines, tables, or charts associated with your program's progress, or share how this program will contribute more broadly to movement learning.

Community Support

Please note that all grantees will be asked to report on the global metrics, so please review them and keep them in mind as you design your programs, and then track and measure the impact of your programs.

1. A program is a group of of activities that share the same objectives. Please share the goal of the program, and then describe the objectives that the activities in this program share.
  • Community support: The goals of this project are enabling communication across narrower and broader community of Wikipedia, other Wikimedia projects, as well as broader Wikimedia movement. Another goal is to inform the public about happenings in Wikimedia movement by writing and localizing blog posts and participating on social media. Also, one of the goals is maintaining contact with the broader community in Serbia by visiting and enabling community members to participate in Wikimedia projects (e.g. participation in local and international conferences and meetings). We will create and promote blog posts and our other websites, but also post regularly on social media. We will use certain amount of the budget for transport expenses for community members who are willing to come and participate in local projects and events of Wikimedia Serbia and visit Wikimedia Serbia office.
  • Serbian Wiki Conference: This conference will be organized with the main goal of making Wikipedians meet each other in the offline world which we think is very important in addition to making them more active both on Wikipedia and in some other projects of Wikimedia Serbia. By organizing this conference we will focus our work on strengthening the capacity of Wikimedia Serbia. Conference will take place in Belgrade and will be organized as a two-day event with at least 30 participants, out of which we will fund travel and accommodation fees for 20 participants.
2. How do your program objectives focus on the Wikimedia strategic priorities?

This project mainly addresses visibility and community outreach through posting on blog and websites, which we expect will result in an influx of new volunteers and partners, but also by bringing the office and Wikimedia Serbia projects closer to volunteers that live outside of Belgrade. Serbian Wiki Conference is supposed to gather Wikipedians and Wikimedians in one place, which would empower participants to create more and better content, but also to be more familiar with other activities of Wikimedia Serbia and to participate in them.

3. Please list the specific, measurable, timebound targets you plan to achieve through this program. Please include both qualitative targets and quantitative targets.
  • Community support: We will get at least 50 blog posts and several dozens of new articles on Wikimedia Serbia websites and a minimum of 200 posts on social media. Community support should improve the capacity of Wikimedia Serbia and make existing members more active and attract at least 10 new volunteers. The qualitative measure will be the satisfaction and motivation of volunteers which will be evaluated by their further work on Wikimedia projects.
  • Serbian Wiki Conference: The conference is planned for spring 2015 and it will last two days. We expect more than 30 participants, including members of Wikimedia Serbia, but also people who are new to offline meetings (mainly Wikipedians). During these two days, we plan to have a rich program which would include at least 10 presentations and workshops. The topics will cover Wikimedia Serbia projects, interesting matters related to Wikipedia in Serbian language (e.g. orthography in articles, effectively fighting vandals, licensing instructions, featured article how-to, referencing how-to etc), and possibly external presenters related to Wikimedia (e.g. someone from abroad or a local partner who could present a successful offline project).
4. Please describe how your program activities will lead to the results you are planning, or describe or link to a logic model for your program.
  • Community support: Improving the capacity of Wikimedia Serbia will mainly be accomplished through promotion of projects of Wikimedia Serbia on workshops and lectures, sending invitations to community members regarding events, sending announcements about current projects and their possible involvement, sending invitations for volunteering to relevant websites. Maintaining our websites and social media presence will hopefully engage new volunteers to get involved with Wikimedia projects or projects of Wikimedia Serbia, or at the very least significantly improve the visibility of Wikimedia as a global movement for liberation of knowledge.
  • Serbian Wiki Conference: Organizing the conference, not unlike organizing most other conferences, will consist of the following actions:
    • selecting dates, venue, technical partners, catering, accommodation...
    • preparing promotional and work material
    • announcing the conference to the local communities and promotion of the conference
    • Call for Participation and Call for Scholarships
    • selection of scholarship recipients
    • finalizing the program and speakers/presenters
    • holding the conference itself (program, social event, press enquiries)
    • evaluation of the conference

Please provide any additional information about this program that is important to our understanding of this program. You may include timelines, tables, or charts associated with your program's progress, or share how this program will contribute more broadly to movement learning.


Please note that all grantees will be asked to report on the global metrics, so please review them and keep them in mind as you design your programs, and then track and measure the impact of your programs.

1. A program is a group of of activities that share the same objectives. Please share the goal of the program, and then describe the objectives that the activities in this program share.
  • Wiki Fem & LGBT: This project is an expanded continuation of the FemWiki project started in 2014. The main goals of these projects are the same: (1) to increase participation of women of any age and LGBT editors on Serbian Wikipedia and (2) to improve the quality and diversity of articles on Serbian Wikipedia by improving it with content about feminist and LGBT history, terminology and topics, and also biographies of women and LGBT persons.
    From the experience we have gathered during the FemWiki project, we have realized that workshops devoted solely to editing are not enough for creating good articles. Women usually need more time to be self-confident enough to start making edits on Wikipedia. That’s why in the next year we will divide those activities into two parts: 5 workshops on editing for feminist and LGBT organizations and 4 workshops for high school girls; and 5 thematic edit-a-thons where all that is learned on workshops could be used for creating articles.
  • Wiki Women Camp Serbia Albania: The subject of this project is to organize a one weekend camp for women from Serbia, Albania and Kosovo, with the main goal to work on overcoming the gender gap on Wikipedia in Serbian and Albanian languages and to make stronger connections within the region. The camp will be held in Priština, Kosovo.
    The gender gap is present in two ways: in the sense of content on Wikipedia, and also in the sense of people who are editing it. This situation is very expressed and mutual to Wikipedias in every language from the Balkans and the region. Considering that, this project is supposed to educate and encourage women to edit Wikipedia so they could later contribute in their own language.
    The specific thing about this project is also the collaboration with women from Albania. The nationalist conflicts are still very much an issue in this area and there is a very bad perception of Albanians in the Serbian society.
    Considering all of the above, we think that it would be in the spirit of Wikimedia community to help people to make grassroots connections. It would be of a special significance to collaborate with women from Albania and Kosovo so Serbian women can write on Serbian Wikipedia about important women from Albanian history and vice versa.
    The main objectives for this Wiki Women Camp are:
    • to have a good cooperation with Albanians about organizing the Wiki Women Camp
    • to organize a three day camp in Priština, Kosovo for women from Albania, Kosovo and Serbia
    • to educate women about the gender gap on Wikipedia and why it’s important to work on that issue
2. How do your program objectives focus on the Wikimedia strategic priorities?
  • Wiki Fem & LGBT: This program corresponds directly to two of the Wikimedia strategic priorities: “Increase participation” and “Improve quality”. The program is focused on encouraging women and members of the LGBT community in Serbia to edit Wikipedia in Serbian language. As a more complex continuation of the FemWiki project from 2014, we will now focus on education of those communities to edit Wikipedia, but we will also organize thematic edit-a-thons for those who are already familiar with editing. In addition to that, we will organize thematic workshops about editing to high school girls. Considering all that, we expect more diverse community of editors on Wikipedia in Serbian language, but also more diverse and more encompassing content.
  • Wiki Women Camp Serbia Albania: The program objectives are focused on overcoming the gender gap, increasing the participation and improving the quality of articles on Wikipedia in two languages: Serbian and Albanian. Also, considering that the Albanians do not have their own structured organization, we think that Wikimedia Serbia has the capacity to encourage them to be more active. In that sense, we could also say that this project will increase reach. The idea is to have half of the women who are already editing Wikipedia and half of them who are novices so they could learn from more experienced Wikipedians during the camp.
3. Please list the specific, measurable, timebound targets you plan to achieve through this program. Please include both qualitative targets and quantitative targets.
  • Wiki Fem & LGBT: We expect that this project will last during the whole next year, and that will bring us:
    • at least 25 good quality articles (5 per edit-a-thon)
    • at least 25 educated women and LGBT activists to edit (5 per workshop)
    • at least 48 educated high school girls (12 per workshop)
The articles that will be created during these workshops and edit-a-thons will be about women and LGBT biographies, LGBT and feminist topics and terminology. We also expect that at least 5 articles created on edit-a-thons will become featured articles up to the end of the year. We will conduct a survey after every workshop and edit-a-thon in which the participants will have the opportunity to express their thoughts and comments on the event. It will collect qualitative and quantitative data about the person who is holding the workshop or organizing an edit-a-thon, about his/her approach, the accessibility and clarity of the lecture etc.
  • Wiki Women Camp Serbia Albania: We expect that this program could provide us enough time to educate novices to edit Wikipedia, but also veteran Wikipedians to help them and to have some good quality articles created during the edit-a-thon.
    • 24 women at the Camp (8 women each from Serbia, Albania and Priština)
    • all of them will be educated about the importance of the gender gap on Wikipedia and in the Wikimedia community
    • all of them will be educated on how to edit Wikipedia in their own language
    • at least 20 new articles (10 on Serbian Wikipedia and 10 on Albanian Wikipedia)
    • at least 150 new photos on Wikimedia Commons
We also expect that at least 3 articles created during the weekend will become featured articles. We have a very good collaboration with Albanians and that is also a target which cannot be strictly measured. They are helping us find the (free) space for the Camp and they will also call the media in Priština, which are supposed to visit us during the weekend so the event, Wikipedia, and Wikimedia Serbia as the organizer could be more visible in the society in Kosovo. We are counting on media coverage and the collaboration with Albanians as a target as well.
4. Please describe how your program activities will lead to the results you are planning, or describe or link to a logic model for your program.
  • Wiki Fem & LGBT: This project actively involves the feminist and LGBT community to edit Wikipedia on their own related topics, so the project is focusing on the diversity of people and quality and diversity of the content. We will achieve this throughout the following activities:
    • 5 thematic (women and LGBT topics) edit-a-thons: The ideas at the moment are the following, but that is subject to change during the year:
      • International Women's Day (March)
      • Women and Art
      • Women in Science and Technology (on the date of birth of Ada Lovelace)
      • LGBT edit-a-thon during the Pride week (September)
      • LGBT edit-a-thon about the LGBT activism (on the day of the Stonewall event)
    • 5 workshops with LGBT and feminist organizations
    • 4 workshops with high school girls (2 in the first semester and 2 in the second)
  • Wiki Women Camp Serbia Albania: Organizing Wiki Camp that will be women-only is a way to gather women in the “safe place” with enough time to learn and gain more confidence to edit Wikipedia. The women-only event is necessary because women feel more comfortable to ask questions and to actively participate in the event in that kind of atmosphere. We will have half of the participants who are already familiar and active in editing content, so it won’t be a problem to share that knowledge and to have time to dedicate to each woman who needs more motivation.
    In that sense, this project is actively working on the gender gap on Serbian and Albanian Wikipedias not only during the Camp, but also with the goal to motivate women to edit after that and to share what they have learned with their own communities in the country they are coming from.
    Activities with which we will strive to reach these goals are:
    • organizing the camp: providing accommodation, venue, food and drinks for participants
    • announcement to the communities and call for participants
    • promoting the event
    • providing promotional and work materials
    • the camp itself:
      • organizing an introductory workshop about editing Wikipedia
      • organizing edit-a-thon
      • taking more photos of Priština for Wikimedia Commons
    • evaluation of the project

Please provide any additional information about this program that is important to our understanding of this program. You may include timelines, tables, or charts associated with your program's progress, or share how this program will contribute more broadly to movement learning.

Creative Commons

Please note that all grantees will be asked to report on the global metrics, so please review them and keep them in mind as you design your programs, and then track and measure the impact of your programs.

1. A program is a group of of activities that share the same objectives. Please share the goal of the program, and then describe the objectives that the activities in this program share.
  • Creative Commons: The main purpose of the Creative Commons project next year will be to translate the Creative Commons 4.0 and Creative Commons Zero licenses to Serbian language. Through the established public process, we plan on getting the translations done by our volunteers and accepted by the Creative Commons during 2015. Also, part of this project is the continued maintenance of our CC website.
  • Wiki Loves Science is a continuation of the same project from 2012-2014, with the goal of promoting Open Standards and Open Access through a conference and website. A conference gathering several experts in open science, is a place where they would showcase their innovations and their use of Open Standards. That will be an opportunity for promotion of Wikimedia projects and Wikimedia Serbia. Also, we will continue with the practice of collecting open content (mainly photos) by and within scientific institutions, thus enlarging our gallery.
2. How do your program objectives focus on the Wikimedia strategic priorities?

By raising awareness about copyright, Open Standards and Open Access, this project will influence quality — as well as quantity — of Serbia related content on Wikimedia projects. Also, by translating Creative Commons 4.0, we are introducing innovation in our legal system, but also for contributors and users of free content.

3. Please list the specific, measurable, timebound targets you plan to achieve through this program. Please include both qualitative targets and quantitative targets.
  • Creative Commons: Maintaining the website is a yearlong process. Translating licenses is a process which includes the translation itself, submitting it to a public discussion, and participating therein, and in the end announcing the newly translated licenses on our website and integrating them into Wikimedia projects.
  • Wiki Loves Science: Creating collaborations with various national scientific organizations takes time and it is a long process. It includes contacting the institutions, setting up meetings, and explaining to the institutions why they should give their photo material for free. After getting the permission, the process includes uploading the photos to Wikimedia Commons and updating the gallery on our website. The one-day conference will be organized with prior preparations. We expect at least 5 presenters with various topics, and at least 30 participants in the audience.
4. Please describe how your program activities will lead to the results you are planning, or describe or link to a logic model for your program.
  • Creative Commons: Continuous efforts of our volunteers in maintaining the brand of Creative Commons in Serbia has ensured that we have a positive image among cultural institutions, as well as in general public. By translating Creative Commons 4.0 and Creative Commons Zero, we will continue with those efforts and instigate more content creators to publish their work under Creative Commons licences, as they will now have the option of choosing the translated versions of the most modern Creative Commons licenses.
  • Wiki Loves Science: Organizing the one-day conference will include the following:
    • obtaining the venue (it is expected that we will get the venue for free)
    • contacting relevant experts and concluding the list of speakers/panelists
    • promoting the event
    • setting up catering for the event
    • holding the conference itself
One of the outputs we want to achieve is outreach regarding the use of Open Access and Open Standards.

Please provide any additional information about this program that is important to our understanding of this program. You may include timelines, tables, or charts associated with your program's progress, or share how this program will contribute more broadly to movement learning.


Please note that all grantees will be asked to report on the global metrics, so please review them and keep them in mind as you design your programs, and then track and measure the impact of your programs.

1. A program is a group of of activities that share the same objectives. Please share the goal of the program, and then describe the objectives that the activities in this program share.

Some of the projects we wanted to realize in the next year weren't large or detailed enough, or depended on some third parties in a way that could not warrant a timeline for their realization. Also, sometimes after an interaction with new people/organizations, there is a small window of opportunity to do a project that is smaller in scale which would only suffer from a starting delay. Additionally, this year’s Microgrants program proved to be quite successful in attracting interesting and innovative projects, so we wanted to replicate that next year, with a slightly larger budget.
The goal of this program, therefore, is to fund several smaller projects (with budgets of up to 500€) that we haven’t funded through this grant. Their scope would be aligned with the movement’s and Wikimedia Serbia’s scope.

2. How do your program objectives focus on the Wikimedia strategic priorities?

We expect this kind of projects to mostly work towards increasing participation, creating content (mostly texts and media) and increasing reach by engaging people previously not active in Wikimedia community and supporting community members to try and run (with the help from more experienced community members) smaller programs that require less overhead to gain experience and better understanding of both broader Wikimedia movement and its goals.

3. Please list the specific, measurable, timebound targets you plan to achieve through this program. Please include both qualitative targets and quantitative targets.

We will announce a Call for Participation during the first two months of next year. Potential grantees will submit their project proposals until the beginning of April. After reviewing all grants, we will select at least 7 projects until the beginning of May. Each project will have 5 months to be completed. We will give a reporting period of 30 days to all grantees; the reports, which will use a standardized form, will highlight the activities, output and impact of all projects.

4. Please describe how your program activities will lead to the results you are planning, or describe or link to a logic model for your program.

Most of the activities of Wikimedia Serbia in this project will revolve around setting the infrastructure for future grantees, such as writing the Call for Participation, communicating with the grantees, signing agreements and other legal documents, creating report form and reviewing submitted reports. Other activities which could lead to better results would be helping out with the projects by means of wisdom, logistics, sharing experience etc. By organizing this project carefully, we expect to have a smooth process, great number of applicants and several innovative projects, which would exercise the mission and vision of the Wikimedia movement and produce content suitable for Wikimedia projects.

Please provide any additional information about this program that is important to our understanding of this program. You may include timelines, tables, or charts associated with your program's progress, or share how this program will contribute more broadly to movement learning.

  • Microgrants program of 2014 has been highly successful, and has attracted contributors in areas that we could not do, or would not even think of doing. We expect that the same will happen in 2015.

Staff and contractors: upcoming year's annual plan

1. Please describe your organization's staffing plan or strategy here, or provide a link to your organization's staffing plan or organogram.

We plan on having 3 employees in total. We already have two:

  • Executive Director
  • Project and Community Manager

We plan on hiring one more person, with the position “Education Program Manager”.

Note: As we parted ways with our previous Executive Director, we have since been in the selection process for a new ED. During August, we published a job opening and we have received over 220 job applications. During September, we conducted dozens of job interviews and by the time this proposal form is being published, we are in the final stages of selecting the new ED, who should start work in the first half of October.


2. List of staff by department or function.
Numbers for current staff should include staff your organization has hired or plans to hire in this current funding period, and proposed staff should include staff your organization will hire in the upcoming funding period. You should include both permanent staff and longterm contractors in this table and list the number of fulltime equivalents, where one fulltime staff person would be 1.0 (for example, if your organization has 2 part-time staff working at 50% each in a department then you would list the number of fulltime equivalents (FTEs) as 1.0, while if your organization has 1 full-time staff person working at 100% then you would also list the number of fulltime equivalents as 1.0).

Table 4

Department or function FTEs by end of current year FTEs by end of upcoming year Explanation of changes
Executive Director 1 1 No need to change this, as ED has proven to be a valuable asset to the organization
Project and Community Manager 1 1 No need to change this, as Program and Community Manager has proven to be beneficial to the development of Wikimedia Serbia as an organization, as well as its programs
Education Program Manager 0 1 Expanding of Education program
Total (should equal the sum of the rows): 2 3
Total staff expenses (currency requested) 25,661.47 36,630.00
Total staff expenses ($US) 33,693.51 48,095.19

Table 4 notes:

3. Did your organization made any significant changes to your staffing plan since publishing your organization's most current annual plan at the beginning of the funding period, such as hiring more or fewer staff than planned or hiring staff on a different schedule than planned? Please describe any significant changes here.

No. We planned on hiring one employee in the current annual plan, and we did so at the beginning of the plan. The Project and Community Manager started work on January 9, 2014, whereas the hiring process was conducted in December 2013.

4. What overall percentage of staff time is spent directly on programs?

About 70%. The rest is spent on administrative work, financials, maintenance etc.

Financials: upcoming year's annual plan


Detailed budget: upcoming year's annual plan

Please link to your organization's detailed budget. This may be a document included on this Wiki (Meta) or as a publicly available spreadsheet.

Revenues: upcoming year's annual plan


Please use this table to list your organization's anticipated revenues by revenue source in the upcoming year. Use the status column to indicate if this funding is guaranteed, whether you are in the process of requesting funding, or whether you are planning to request funding later. Please feel free to include in-kind donations and resources, as applicable.

Table 5

Anticipated revenues for the upcoming funding period
Revenue source Currency requested US dollars Status (e.g. guaranteed, application)

WMF/APG 103,510.00 135,908.63 requested
Total revenues (should equal the sum of the rows): 103,510.00 135,908.63 -

Table 5 notes: If your organization has significant funding other than FDC funds, please note how those funds will be used.

  • We do tend to look for other partners or funding bodies that could fund specific projects or events (or parts thereof), but since their nature isn't known or even defined completely yet, we didn't include them in the overview.

Operating reserves: upcoming year's annual plan


Please use this table to report information about your organization's planned operating reserves. Since this information is included here, you should not include it as part of your planned program or operational expenses. There are some restrictions about how much FDC funding your organization can use to build up your reserves.

Table 6

Local currency $US
Total anticipated amount in operating reserves (by the end of the current fiscal year) 1,500.00 1,969.50
Total existing reserves from the current year to be carried over as reserves in the upcoming year 0.00 0.00
Total to be added to reserves in the upcoming year (excluding FDC funding) 0.00 0.00
Total to be added to reserves in the upcoming year from FDC funding only 4,000.00 5,252.00
Total planned reserves in the upcoming year (should equal the sum of the rows except the first): 4,000.00 5,252.00

Table 6 notes:

  • We plan on returning all of the unused funds to WMF, including operating reserves (or keep them, but deduce the received amount of the grant for 2015 by the amount of those unused funds), so that wouldn't leave us with any reserves left.
  • Last year, we originally requested 3,000 EUR for operating reserves, but we halved that amount after receiving a smaller amount than requested.

Expenses: upcoming year's annual plan

1. Expenses by program (excludes staff and operations).
Program expenses are the costs associated specifically with your organization's programs. These costs do not include operating expenses or staff salaries, which will be described in separate tables. For example, program expenses may be the costs of an event, the costs of outreach materials specific to a program, budgets for microgrants and reimbursements, or technical costs associated with specific programs. The programs listed in this table should correspond to the programs you have listed in the programs section of this proposal form.

Table 7

Program / initiative In currency requested In $US
1. Educational Program 4,400.00 5,777.20
2. Free Photo Content 13,420.00 17,620.46
3. Free Content: GLAM and Digital Belgrade 5,130.00 6,735.69
4. Competitions 1,300.00 1,706.90
5. Wiktionary 900.00 1,181.70
6. Supporting Regional Cooperation 3,400.00 4,464.20
7. Community Support 3,700.00 4,858.10
8. Diversity 2,800.00 3,676.40
9. Creative Commons 200.00 262.60
10. Microgrants 3,500.00 4,595.50
Total program expenses (should equal the sum of the rows) 38,750.00 50,878.75

Table 7 notes: If your organization has significant funding other than FDC funds, please note how those funds will be used.

2. Total expenses. Please use this table to summarize your organization's total expenses overall.
These are divided into three expenses categories: (1) staff expenses from Table 4 (including staff expenses for both staff working on programs and operations), (2) expenses for programs from Table 7 (does not include staff expenses or operations expenses), and (3) expenses for operations (does not include staff expenses or program expenses). Be sure to check the totals in this table to make sure they are consistent with the totals in the other tables you have submitted with this form. For example, your total program expenses excluding staff will be equal to the total in Table 7, while your total staff expenses will be equal to the total in Table 4 and your total expenses will be equal to the total in Table 1.

Table 8

Expense type In currency requested In $US
Program expenses (total from Table 7, excludes staff) 38,750.00 50,878.75
Operations (excludes staff and programs) 24,130.00 31,682.69
Upcoming staff total expenses (from Table 4) 36,630.00 48,095.19
Amount to be added to reserves in the upcoming year (from Table 6) 4,000.00 5,252.00
Total expenses (should equal the sum of the rows) 103,510.00 135,908.63

Table 8 notes:

DESCRIPTION SUBJECT TO CHANGE: During 2014-2015 Round 1 we will be launching a multi-year funding pilot program where APG applicants can request a two-year funding commitment from the FDC. Participating organizations will provide the FDC with information about milestones for two-year programs during the next year's proposal cycle (2015-2016 Round 1), as well as with their annual plans and budgets for the second year.

Not all organizations will be participating in this program since it is a pilot, and a list of organizations eligible to apply for multi-year funding will be announced soon. This section is included in the current version of the proposal form, to ensure that it is available to any organizations that might need it if they are participating in the pilot. Please do not complete this section unless you know your organization is eligible to participate in this pilot program.

1. Will your organization be seeking a two-year funding commitment from the FDC during this proposal cycle?
  • No
2. Please use this table to show which programs you will continue over a two-year period and list some milestones that you would like to report on after the first 8 months of your programs (to be achieved by 1 September 2015)


OPTIONAL: Multi-year funding pilot program

DESCRIPTION SUBJECT TO CHANGE: As part of this pilot program, your organization will be asked to report on milestones reached by 1 September 2015 for your two-year programs by 1 October 2015. This information will be reviewed by the FDC during the 2015-2016 Round 1 proposal cycle, along with your annual plan and budget for the second year of funding, after which the second year of funding will be released by the FDC.

Table 9

Program name Start date Completion date Milestones (by 1 September 2015) Notes
1 2 3 4 5

Table 9 notes:

The FDC or FDC staff may reach out to you for more information about your two-year plans as part of this pilot program, or may need to make changes to this section of the proposal form based on early learnings from this pilot. Participating organizations, please bear with us.

Verification that this proposal requests no funds from the Wikimedia Foundation for political or legislative activities


Please enter "yes" or "no" for the verification below.

The term “political or legislative activities” includes any activities relating to political campaigns or candidates (including the contribution of funds and the publication of position statements relating to political campaigns or candidates); voter registration activities; meetings with or submissions and petitions to government executives, ministers, officers or agencies on political or policy issues; and any other activities seeking government intervention or policy implementation (like “lobbying”), whether directed toward the government or the community or public at large. Grants for such activities (when permitted under U.S. law and IRS regulations) should be sought from the Wikimedia Foundation Project and Event Grants Program .
I verify that this proposal requests no funds from the Wikimedia Foundation for political or legislative activities yes

Once this proposal is complete, please sign below with the usual four tildes.

Please do not make any changes to this proposal form after the proposal submission deadline for this round. If a change that is essential to an understanding of your organization's proposal is needed, please request the change on the discussion page of this form so it may be reviewed by FDC staff. Once submitted, complete and valid proposal forms submitted on time by eligible organizations will be considered unless an organization withdraws its application in writing.