Grants:APG/Funds Dissemination Committee/Members/2012-2013 round2/Deliberations

FDC 2012-2013 Round 2 Deliberations Agenda

  • Attendees: 7 FDC members, 1 board representative, FDC support staff (Anasuya Sengupta, Katy Love, Winifred Olliff, Adele Vrana, Jessie Wild, Garfield Byrd), and WMF staff (Asaf Bartov, Sue Gardner, Stephen LaPorte for Monday morning)
  • Venue: Grand Visconti Palace Milan (location of Wikimedia Conference)

This schedule is tentative and may change according to the needs of the FDC

Time Topic
Saturday 20 April
All day Arrival, Wikimedia conference
Sunday 21 April
8am Breakfast meeting with office bearers (Chairperson, Vice Chair, and Secretary) and FDC staff
9am Submission of FDC worksheets / FDC convening
10am - 1pm FDC Round 1 Learning Conversation, part of Wikimedia Conference
7pm Dinner with FDC, Board Representatives, and WMF staff
Monday 22 April
9am Welcome and process check: Roles roles of office bearers, methodology for arriving at funding decisions
10am Movement governance with WMF: Compliance and Finance (Garfield), Legal (Stephen), Grants (Asaf), and Sue
11am Break
11:15am Continue conversation on movement governance
12:30pm Clarification questions to ED of WMF about WMF's proposal to FDC (discussion and decision on Wednesday)
1pm Lunch
2pm Initial review of four proposals
3:30pm Break
3:45pm Continue initial review of four proposals
Tuesday 23 April
9am Second round proposal discussion & decisions
11am Break
11:15am Continue second round proposal discussion & decisions
12:30pm Conversation on giving more feedback to FDC-applying entities, how and when
1:30pm Lunch
2pm FDC draft recommendation text
3:30pm Break
3:45pm Draft recommendation text continued
4-5pm WMF proposal to FDC
6:30-9:30pm Working session for FDC recommendation text
Wednesday 24 April
9am Review Recommendation text
10am Internal FDC ways of working: communication, term periods of office bearers, roles of office bearers, orientation for new members, name of FDC
11am Group photo & break
11:15am Round 1 progress update
12pm Looking forward: preparing for 2013-2014 Round 1, numbers of proposals and expected applicant numbers, Letter of Intent process, and IRC chats with applying entities
1pm Lunch
2pm Continue Looking forward, as needed
2:30pm Learning and evaluation and inputs to the FDC from the FDC staff
3:30 pm Break
3:45pm Planning for Wikimania session(s)
4:30 Closing
5pm Departure