Fundraising 2011/Tech stats and resources/Open issues

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Welcome to the 2011 Fundraiser Engineering and Analytics Hub

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This page serves to track and document open technical issues and the status of their resolution for the 2011 WMF fundraiser. Please add any fundraising related issues here or contact the fundraiser engineering team. We will be pulling pertinent issues from Bugzilla into this for centralized tracking.

If you are interested in getting involved or have any questions, find us in #wikimedia-fundraising on IRC, or drop us a line on the general discussion page. |}

Fundraising 2011
Discussion pages
Chapters portal
Tech, stats and resources
Live chat: #wikimedia-fundraisingconnect

Severity legend

Severity options Numeric value
Urgent 4
High 3
Medium 2
Low 1
Deferred 0


Items Severity Owner Bug # Mingle card
Timezone filtering on Special:FundraiserStatistics broken 0
Year filtering on Special:FundraiserStatistics broken 1 32441
Donor's uselang is not properly captured and logged for ThankYou emails for PayPal contributions 3 Jeremy
public reporting table not updated since 11/3. Impacts fundraiser stats 4 Jeff



View all bugs in Bugzilla

Items Severity Owner Bug # Mingle card
Backend error states need to be handled more gracefully 2 Jeremy
Countries and currencies need to be localized (via CLDR?) 3 Kaldari
Session wonkiness on DI forms/Weirdness happens when a 'returnto' page is hit without a valid session 4 Katie
If a GC form is abandoned after a donor submits a contribution and before they get to the ThankYou page, a transaction gets stranded as 'pending' and the donor does not get into civi or get an automatic thank you 4 Katie #353
CVV link not leading anywhere (blank pop-up window) (int'l PFP form) 3 Kaldari
Double email address validation error messages 1 Kaldari 32321
Separate Serbia and Montenegro into 2 countries in payments 2 Kaldari
GlobalCollect has field length limits for donor data which if exceded, throws an error 2 Kaldari #355
Write a health check script to look at the comm stats logs, and generate an alert (or run scripts?) if we start to detect failure
Automatically turn off the Orphan Slaying script when the servers are found to be unhealthy
PurgeBot: A script that will automatically purge cache status when forms have to be altered quickly.



View all bugs in Bugzilla

Items Severity Owner Bug # Mingle card



View all bugs in Bugzilla

Items Severity Owner Bug # Mingle card
When adding email address to contact/merging contacts in CiviCRM (via interface), errors get thrown! (Seems to run dedupe process which takes forever and automatically gets killed by long running query watchdog script) 1


Items Severity Owner Bug # Mingle card
udp2log filter for landing page impression stats does not include 4 katie


Items Severity Owner Bug # Mingle card

Unsorted, brainstorming, etc

  • Auditing tool expansion to include GC as well as auto-insert missing trxns
  • Documentation
    • Thorough overview of DonationInterface
    • Thorough overview of CentralNotice
    • Thorough overview of one-off scripts (queue handling, random mailing scripts)
    • Thorough overview of CiviCRM and our modules
    • Review and update tutorials on getting things set up to do fundraising development
    • Update architectural and logical diagrams of the pipeline
    • Improved documentation about operations-oriented things
      • Systems in the pipeline
      • privilege levels, access, etc.
  • CiviCRM enhancements/debugging/upgrade
  • Improved error handling in DI
  • Developing a WMF fundraising code library to standardize messaging formats, communication protocols, etc. (Eg a library for communicating with GlobalCollect, standardizing the Stomp library, constructing a standard messaging format for trxns to be used anywhere) This library or libraries should be platform independent - eg usable in CiviCRM, MediaWiki or something else.
  • Come up with emergency response plans
  • Bot to purge landing page templates