
Strategic Plan for (Next 3 Years)


A world where every individual has free access to the sum of all knowledge inspires the creation of We recognize collaborative inclusivity as a tool and freedom of knowledge as a requirement to achieve this vision.


Empower individuals to contribute collaboratively to the creation of free knowledge, fostering an inclusive and transparent environment.

  • Collaborative Spirit: Prioritize unity over division, sharing over possession.
  • Freedom of Creation: Embrace the freedom to create before the desire to control.
  • Inclusive Innovation: Encourage challenges to understand, fostering opportunities for criticism.
  • Inclusive Membership:
Make adherence to the Principles Charter a requirement for volunteer participation.
  • Shared Values:
Promote shared values among volunteers, emphasizing unity, sharing, freedom, listening, and understanding.
  • Principles Adherence:
Ensure strict adherence to the principles of freedom, accessibility, openness, independence, and transparency.
  • Organizational Responsibilities:
Define and uphold responsibilities to organize open spaces, articulate proposals, and empower volunteers.

Strategic Plan


Membership and Values (Year 1-2)

  • Implement a streamlined process for joining, making adherence to the Principles Charter explicit.
  • Conduct regular training sessions to reinforce shared values and principles among volunteers.

Principles Adherence (Year 1-3)

  • Establish mechanisms to monitor and ensure strict adherence to freedom, accessibility, openness, independence, and transparency principles.

Capacity Building (Year 1-2)

  • Develop and implement training programs to enhance members' understanding of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  • Introduce initiatives to prevent discrimination, ensuring key stakeholders align with Agenda para a diversidade, equidade, e inclusão objectives.

Inclusive Collaboration (Year 2-3)

  • Strengthen external collaborations with groups working on minority issues.
  • Expand the scope of activities to reach a broader audience, keeping in mind the diverse nature of the group's activities.

Community Engagement (Year 2-3)

  • Directly engage with minority communities for the documentation of cultural assets in Brazil.
  • Develop actions to combat media disparities and provide accessible information and training.

Continuous Improvement (Ongoing)

  • Foster a culture of continuous improvement with short-term action plans and immediate implementation.
  • Regularly assess internal and external actions, collecting data to gauge impact across all layers of the organization.

Monitoring and Evaluation (Ongoing)

  • Establish a robust system for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of internal and external actions.
  • Collect data to assess the impact of actions, making data-driven decisions for continuous improvement.

Communication Strategy (Ongoing)

  • Transparently communicate the organization's commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  • Highlight success stories of inclusive collaboration and impact on diverse communities.

Training and Development (Ongoing)

  • Develop ongoing training programs that specifically address diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  • Ensure continuous education to keep collaborators informed about evolving inclusivity standards.

Adaptability (Ongoing)

  • Continuously review and adapt actions to ensure relevance and effectiveness.
  • Encourage a culture of openness to feedback and constant improvement.



This strategic plan aims to align with its vision of a diverse, inclusive world. By focusing on membership, values, principles adherence, capacity building, inclusive collaboration, community engagement, continuous improvement, monitoring, evaluation, communication, training, and adaptability, the organization can progress toward its goals over the next three years. The commitment to transparency, inclusivity, and collaboration will guide in becoming a beacon of diverse and free knowledge.

SWOT Analysis



  1. Autonomy and Independence:
    • Provides flexibility in decision-making and strategy execution.
  2. Multicultural and Diverse Workforce:
    • Fosters a rich tapestry of perspectives, enhancing creativity and problem-solving.
  3. Strong Commitment to Conservation:
    • Positions the organization as a dedicated advocate for environmental preservation.
  4. Collaborative Approach with Local Communities:
    • Strengthens community ties, ensuring a more inclusive and sustainable impact.
  5. Clear Vision and Mission:
    • Guides the organization with a focused direction and purpose.


  1. Limited Financial Resources:
    • Restricts the organization's capacity for extensive initiatives and projects.
  2. Potential Gaps in Technological Infrastructure:
    • May hinder efficiency in fieldwork and data analysis, requiring strategic improvements.
  3. Dependency on External Partnerships:
    • Risks reliance on external entities for project execution.


  1. Growing Global Interest in Environmental Conservation:
    • Expands the potential audience and support base for conservation efforts.
  2. Potential for Increased Funding through Strategic Partnerships:
    • Allows tapping into external resources for financial sustainability.
  3. Technological Advancements for Efficient Fieldwork and Data Analysis:
    • Presents opportunities for improved efficiency and data-driven decision-making.
  4. Community Impact:
    • Direct engagement with diverse communities enhances the organization's impact.


  1. Economic Uncertainties Affecting Funding:
    • Poses a risk to financial stability and resource availability.
  2. Regulatory Changes Impacting Conservation Initiatives:
    • May introduce challenges and require adaptation to new guidelines.
  3. Competition for Resources and Attention in the Conservation Sector:
    • Increases the need for differentiation and effective communication.



By leveraging strengths such as autonomy, a diverse workforce, and commitment to conservation, and addressing weaknesses like financial limitations and potential technological gaps, the organization can optimize opportunities in the growing interest in environmental conservation and technological advancements. Vigilance against economic uncertainties, regulatory changes, and competition will be crucial to ensuring sustained impact and success in the conservation sector. The SWOT analysis provides a comprehensive view of strategic planning and decision-making.