ESEAP Conference 2022/Report/Maffeth

Things learned at the conference


As an organizer and contributor, I learned that it's very important to have a community. Through ESEAP Conference, I got a chance to be with friends who shared the same passion in organizing and contributing to Wikipedia. Sharing ideas and presenting best practices in each community made me inspired to continue what I am doing.

Things the participant contributed or participated in the conference

  • I presented the 5-year review of Wiki Loves Earth in the Philippines.
  • Zyra and I conducted Wiki Takes Sydney photo walk.


Plans after the conference

  • Building partnership with local & international organizations and creating Wikiclub are my top priorities.
  • I will continue organizing photo contests and edit-a-thons in our community.
  • I will recruit new members and volunteers in PhilWiki Community.
  • I will also focus on other projects such as Wikisource, Wikidata etc.

Comments/ suggestions about the conference


Thanks a lot Wikimedia Australia for organizing ESEAP Conference 2022!