
This page documents a feature the Wikimedia Foundation's Anti-Harassment Tools team has built. Development of this feature is complete.
🗣 We invite you to join the discussion!
🛠 Track in Phabricator at T2674.
The goal of this feature is to allow admins to apply blocks that are adequate and proportional to the abusive activity of the blocked user.
The Wikimedia Foundation's Anti-Harassment Tools team (AHT) has completed the work on partial blocks from pages and namespaces. In early 2024, the AHT's successor, Trust and Safety Product, will deploy action blocks on all wikis.
Note that applying both an action block and a namespace block results with two different blocks. For example, blocking page creation and blocking edits in the main namespace results with both any page creation blocked and any edits in the main namespace blocked. It is not limited to page creations in the main namespace.
Action blocks
After the deployment of partial blocks, various communities requested action-specific blocking (see the related Phabricator task). As a consequence, in 2022, the AHT team introduced action blocks. Four new block options introduced were:
Partial blocks introduce the ability to block a user from:
- 编辑一个或多个特定页面
- 编辑一个或多个名字空间下的全部页面
- 上传文件
- 给其他用户发送电子邮件
- 需要只在特定领域限制用户编辑(如政治、宗教等)
- 来自可辨认的IP段针对同一页面的持续破坏(如运动队学生针对其对手页面的破坏)
- 两个或多个用户遭到互动禁制
- 用户滥用电邮功能,但有建设性贡献
- 用户对模板作出不明智的编辑
- 可以由管理员设定。
- 可以针对用户名、IP地址或IP段
- 包括标准的封禁参数:理由、到期时间、是否包含讨论页和子页,以及是否自动封禁IP地址。
- 会出现在Special:BlockList以及其他全站封禁日志会出现的地方。
- 用户遭封禁时,会看到一条封禁警示语,解释一些封禁的信息(谁阻止他们编辑、封禁何时到期、理由以及如何申请解封)。
Action blocks have been deployed on almost all wikis, excluding a few largest ones (T353495).
Action blocks have been deployed on several pilot wikis.
The AHT team is going to dedicate some time towards adding features (action blocks) to partial blocks. There is an open question about this on the talk page. Your thoughts would be much appreciated.
Older updates
2020年2月20日Partial blocks have been enabled on all Wikimedia wikis. Thank you to everyone who has helped this project along. 2019年12月17日Partial blocks have been asked for more and more wikis recently. In light of that, we are ready to enable partial blocks across all wikis. This deploy will happen in the week of January 6th for most projects (unless your project has already requested more time for discussion). If your project wishes to opt-out of this deployment, please reach out to us – User:NKohli (WMF) or User:SPoore (WMF) on the talk page. We strongly encourage you to try the feature out before deciding whether it serves the needs of your project or not. 2019年9月11日Partial blocks has been enabled on all wikivoyage, wikisource and wiktionary wikis. We think the partial blocks feature is at a good, stable stage now as we have seen fewer and fewer bugs come up in the last few months of the feature being deployed on various projects. The team has spent a lot of time in improving the backend infrastructure of block code and made sure that the code is reliable, in anticipation of any future features that may need to be added. There continues to be requests from more wikis for partial blocks. We also presented about partial blocks at Wikimania and it was very well-received, with several attendees asking for partial blocks to be enabled on their home wikis. In light of the general positive reception to partial blocks on wikis where it is deployed, we are planning to do a wider deployment to more Wikimedia projects in the next few weeks. We will continue to collect feedback about partial blocks as we launch the feature on more wikis, alongside data collection on usage of the feature. We are also around to do maintenance work on the features, as and when needed. 2019年3月13日Partial Blocks are now live on Arabic Wikipedia, which means they fully support non-Latin languages and RTL languages. Partial blocks is ready to enable on any language Wikimedia wiki (except Wikidata.) 🎇 We're looking for users who want to represent their wiki to enable this feature. Please leave a message on the talk page if you would like to help. Thank you! 2019年2月13日Namespace blocks are live! 🚀 There are some minor fixes and changes we'll be working on over the next few weeks, but the next major stage for this project is to release to more wikis so we can observe how effective they are at mitigating user misconduct, and to get feedback about any changes we should make. Specifically, we are seeking to understand:
If you would like to have this functionality on your wiki to combat harassment, vandalism, or other forms of user misconduct, please let us know on the talk page. 2019年1月30日As upload blocks will require additional database changes (which requires months of advance notice and planning) we will first complete page and namespace blocks before deciding to pursue upload blocks. 2019年1月16日Today we reached another significant milestone! Partial Blocks have been enabled on Italian Wikipedia and the local wiki administrators are setting partial blocks to combat vandals! A big congratulation to my team for working through the inner guts of MediaWiki and all its processes to make sure we have a safe and reliable blocking tool. 🎉 If you would like to test the functionality, it will forever be available on http://test.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Block (write us if you need admin privileges.) We're already talking to two other languages of Wikipedias about being testers — if your wiki would like to test please write on our talk page! 2018年12月20日As 2018 draws to a close, our team is putting the final touches on Namespace blocks. This functionality should be ready in January on Test Wikipedia and on the non-English Wikipedias that are eager to adopt this new functionality. Our plan for early 2019 is to release to several wikis and make changes based on what problems and opportunities arise. We'll also build the ability to block a user from uploading files, creating new pages, and renaming pages. Meanwhile, our team's analyst is analyzing data on the effectiveness of blocks. These measurements should help us better understand how many blocks are effective at stopping continued abuse to the wiki or its community members. We expect this data to show us if partial blocks are as effective as sitewide blocks and hope this data can inform the governance policies for when to levy blocks and block lengths. 2018年12月5日Our team is still working on addressing the final defects before we enable Partial Blocks on Italian Wikipedia. We're optimistic that we can hit this milestone next week! In the meantime testing is still available on Test Wikipedia and Test Wikidata for users interested in taking a look at what's ready so far. We're also confident that we can get Namespace blocks to a near-ready state by the end of December, before we break for the winter holidays. That functionality should be ready on Test Wiki in January. 2018年11月26日We have a handful of bugfixes and feature enhancements to release this week! This list explains everything that's changed. In short, these changes will make Partial Blocks only affect exactly what is listed in the block set by the admin, as we originally intended. All changes will be available on http://test.wikipedia.org by Wednesday of this week. With this set of changed we feel confident in the stability and functionality of the feature. We are working with Italian Wikipedia to look-over the functionality on Test Wiki before they adopt the feature and integrate it into their user mediation workflows. If any other wikis are excited to use this functionality, please let us know and we'll begin working with you! Meanwhile, our devs are also working on implementing Namespace blocks. We hope to have them completed in the coming weeks. 2018年11月8日Partial blocks are live on Test Wikipedia and Test Wikidata! If you're an admin on another wiki and would like to test the functionality please write a message on our talk page. This first feature set is limited: admins can block an user or IP from editing up to 10 specified pages. There are some known defects that we're currently working on (for example, if an admin is partially blocked from a page they can't delete any page.) and we'll get back to building namespace and upload blocks in later November. If you're testing partial blocks we'd love to hear from you! Drop us a note about your experience with the tool. We're looking specifically for feedback about:
謝謝您! 2018年10月19日We're making significant progress on Partial Blocks and are nearly live on production wikis. We hope to have a functional version on test.wikipedia.org and test.wikidata.org in the coming weeks. We're very excited to share it with you! While the devs put the final touches on the first version, others on our team are currently thinking about how we want to measure the effectiveness of blocks. We're asking ourselves (and anyone who will listen) questions like "Are blocks effective at stopping harm? Do users who are blocked return to make constructive edits? How do we measure this?" — if you are interested in discussing this topic, we have a 7 proposed measurements and commentary on why we selected them at the other project page. As part of this, we've generated some data on how frequently blocks are set (did you know there are currently 3.4 million active blocks?) and pages are protected (~20,000 pages are currently protected) to better understand the scale of administrative actions. 2018年9月21日Our team is nearly ready to release the first feature set of partial blocks — the ability to block a user from ≤10 pages — on the beta environment then test.wikipedia by mid-October. We are talking with some early opt-in wikis to test the functionality, please let us know if your wiki would be interested in utilizing this functionality, which also gives you a great opportunity to dictate the future of this project! In other news, due to technical complexity, we have decided to de-prioritize multiple blocks and remove it from this project. I've moved the documentation here. This small amount of functionality would take a very large amount of time to build and we first want to make sure page, namespace, and upload blocking work as expected and actually produce meaningful impact. We'll have another round of designs soon and we look forward to delivering a great partial blocks feature in the coming months! 2018年9月24日: We have a fourth round of designs, based on feedback from our second round in June. Here are the two new designs, detailed UI element views can be seen in the gallery below.
2018年9月4日We have our third round of designs almost ready and we want to share them now before we go too far without validating our direction. These designs include functionality to view details about multi-blocks. Because of this change we need to introduce a new piece of information during the blocking process. This led us to the idea of a block modal window, which can theoretically appear on any page — a diff page, recent changes, a profile, etc. This would allow an admin to block a user without having to navigate to another page. Here is how it would work: // designs redacted, moved on Multi-blocks subpage. // 2018年8月22日Based on conversations on the talk page, in person at Wikimania last month, and on the TechComm RFC for this project our team has decided to merge the project of multi-blocks into Partial Blocks. The goal of multi-blocks is to allow admins to set multiple concurrent blocks against an account with independent expiration dates, decreasing the manual workload on administrators. Example use cases for multi-blocks include:
This will require changes to Special:Block, Special:Unblock, Special:BlockList, and Special:Contributions. We are working on another round of designs (with minimal changes from the last round) which we will post on this page next week. Work for multi-blocks will be tracked in Phabricator at phab:T194697. Our TechComm RFC can be found at phab:T199917 which includes all our proposed database changes and other technical implementation details. 2018年8月8日Most feedback we’re receiving at this stage in the project is about one hypothetical — yet entirely likely — workaround a malicious user could exploit to their advantage: a user using a temporary sitewide block to erase (and therefore evade) an indefinite partial block. This could be resolved with manual solutions (e.g. calendars and reminders to reinstate the partial block) but this is inconvenient and interruptive to your workflows and prone to human error. It’s clear that we need to determine a solution to prevent this abuse before Partial Blocks releases to most wikis. There are a few ways to do this and this can get pretty complicated, please help me determine which system we should build:
Description: If an admin escalates a partial block to a sitewide block and the expiration date for the sitewide block is shorter than the previous partial block, the admin should have an option for the block to revert to the previous partial block parameters when the sitewide block expires. Example: An admin blocks User:Apples from editing the page Argentina for 9 months. The same day, an admin modifies the block to Argentina and Bahamas for 8 months. The same day an admin blocks the user from the entire site for 7 months. After 7 months, User:Apples would be blocked from Argentina and Bahamas for 1 more month, after which the partial block would be entirely expired. This change would only require adding one additional option into the Special:Block UI when a block is being modified.
Description: Admins should be able to set different expirations for different elements of a block. Example: An admin could block User:Bananas from editing Argon for 9 months, Boron for 8 months, and sitewide for 7 months. After 7 months, the user would be blocked from Argon and Boron and after 1 more month the user would be blocked only from Argon. After 1 more month the partial block would be entirely expired. This change would require a more significant change to how blocks are currently logged and managed on Special:Block, Special:BlockList, Special:Contributions, and Special:Unblock. Users can be partially blocked from an unlimited number of pages, meaning every page could hypothetically have a different expiration, which could lead to some complicated situations.
We’d love to hear more alternate proposals. Please discuss on the talk page. For all options it should be possible for an admin to clear all blocks from an account, leaving it entirely unblocked. This will most likely be a change to Special:Unblock. Join us on the talk page to let us know what you think! 2018年7月13日This project was slightly delayed due to other interruptive work and unfortunately will not be demonstrable by Wikimania. The entire Anti-Harassment Tools team will be at Wikimania in Cape Town next week, so if you are attending please find us and discuss this project! We are optimistic to have a functional version of this in early August. We're still planning to build it according to the designs in the June 28 update. During the last week on July, we will post a banner on Special:Block inviting people to visit this page to learn about our changes. We anticipate a lot of people will join the discussion. Welcome! We will also be holding a technical RFC in the coming weeks to make sure our architecture decisions are agreeable. 2018年7月19日: From today until Monday, July 23 we will be running a banner on Special:Block to invite administrators to visit this wiki page to read about this project and to provide feedback on our designs. If that banner brought you here, welcome! 2018年7月20日: The banner has been disabled because of the delayed code release to major Wikipedias. We aim to re-enable it on all wikis from July 30 to August 3. 2018年6月28日這個項目目前正在開發中,我們希望在7月中旬前有一個能夠運作的版本以展示這如何使用來收集進一步的反饋。我們預計在8月中旬發布到測試wiki,並將很快尋找一個wiki來作為測試點。 我們有一系列的新設計要分享。我們相信這些應該能解決過去一個月收到的大部分反饋。
- 在Special:Block中添加一个单选框,选择此次封禁的作用范围是全站还是部分的。
- 如果选中了
,则此次封禁效果和目前的封禁完全相同。 - 如果选中了
,则管理员应当能提供一个页面和/或名字空间的列表:- 如果管理员想指定特定页面:
- 特定页面的封禁只能针对已建立的页面,输入框应该检查输入的合法性。
- 应该有自动建议功能帮助管理员找到正确的页面。
- 可以是任何名字空间的页面
- 封禁针对页面ID而不是页面名。即使页面被移动或删除,用户仍然不能编辑那个页面。
- 如果管理员想指定特定名字空间:
- 输入框应该检查输入的合法性,只接受合法的名字空间。
- 应该有自动建议功能帮助管理员找到正确的名字空间。
- 如果管理员想指定特定页面:
- 新的栏目应该有帮助工具提示
- 如果封禁只针对部分页面,Special:Contributions、Special:Block和Special:Log中的封禁日志应该显示:
- 全站封禁的显示与现在相同。
- 针对特定页面的封禁应显示
时间戳 管理员(讨论 | 贡献 | 封禁)阻止了 被封禁者(讨论 | 贡献)编辑页面Foobar,到期时间为N(理由)(解封 | 更改封禁)
- 针对特定名字空间的封禁应显示
时间戳 管理员(讨论 | 贡献 | 封禁)阻止了 被封禁者(讨论 | 贡献)编辑名字空间Foobar,到期时间为N(理由)(解封 | 更改封禁)
- 针对两者的封禁应显示
时间戳 管理员(讨论 | 贡献 | 封禁)阻止了 被封禁者(讨论 | 贡献)编辑页面Foobar和名字空间Foobar2,到期时间为N(理由)(解封 | 更改封禁)
- Special:BlockList中的记录应该满足以下计划:
- 部分封禁的受影响者编辑对应页面时,应该看到新的封禁警示语,其中包括此次封禁的信息(理由、到期时间等)
- 如果是部分封禁,
的复选框应无法选中 - 封禁的API需要更新,支持部分封禁
- 全站封禁的API不变
- API文档需要更新
- 如果通过API实施部分封禁,应该无视掉非法的页面和名字空间
- 如果處理在位於條目頁所對應討論頁的分類?
- 分類封禁應該應用至幾層深的子分類?
- 如何解決用戶使用傀儡來移除分類以致於更改自己的封禁?
- 這會拖累用戶的速度效能體驗嗎?
- 2015年社群願望調查/審核和管理工具#Enhanced per-user / per-article protection / blocking
- 2017年社群願望調查/反騷擾/基於頁面的封禁
- 自2005年的Phabricator任務T2674。
- 2017年末至2018年初,我們更廣泛地在社區健康先導計畫/阻止工具和改進維基諮詢中對此進行了討論。
In addition to simple per user blocking, the Foundation's Anti-Harassment Tools team would like to support the work done by volunteers who set, monitor, and enforce editing restrictions on Wikimedia wikis, as well as building systems that make it easier for users under a restriction to avoid the temptation of violating a sanction and remain constructive contributors.
The Editing restriction page will be used to collate and share ideas about implementing tools to make this work more accurate and more efficient. Join us on Talk:/Editing restrictions to discuss the problems encountered today that could be addressed with tech solutions.