Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Wikidata/Allow adding sitelink to redirect in Wikipedia section

  • Problem: In the Wikipedia part you can add Wikipedia projects. There are two options called "sitelink to redirect" and "intentional sitelink to redirect", but you can not select them. en:.375 Hölderlin for example redirects to en:8×68mm S. I have to remove the redirect on en:.375 Hölderlin, add the page to the Wikidata item and then insert the redirect again. Two avoidable edits that do not change the final result
  • Proposed solution: Allow adding a redirect or get rid of the option all together
  • Who would benefit: Users who want to link items to pages on Wikipedia that are redirects in a Wikipedia.
  • More comments:
  • Phabricator tickets:
  • Proposer: --D-Kuru (talk) 14:00, 18 January 2022 (UTC)[reply]

